gars and carp half report

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Chevy Champagne
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gars and carp half report

Post by Chevy Champagne »

we were out all day yesterday in the pontoon boat
when we got into the designated spot i was on a mission to catch either crappie or gar pike
no crappie in the area caught 3 hammer handle pike
and missed 4 or 5 gar pike
i still cant get hooks into them
well roaming the shallows i saw my first carp not a big one around six pounds that looked like it was hit by a prop so it wouldn't hit my bait
after seeing it i'm kinda interested in trying for them
does anyone have any recipies for dough balls?
yup thats my report hope you enjoyed
im gonna try and get out again today in the canoe it might be easyer to sneak up on them with that 8)
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Post by joco »

dont need do balls.

just brinfg a few can off corn to bait asmal area and then use a hair rig and put corn on your rih and drop it in the middle off the bait area and wait.

corn is plenty goo anaugh.

man i use ear plug and it work so.

joco...just a little something you caught those on fly..? in the fly section. :lol:
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