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Lake Muskoka (South end)

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 6:07 pm
by Fishhawk
Lake Description:
North of Toronto, Lake Muskoka is a popular destination for cottagers, boaters and anglers. I know there are smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, walleye (pickerel) and northern pike in this lake. Send me an email to tell me where to look for the fish based on the grid I have placed over the lake. When you tell me the spots where the fish are, I'll add a fish indicator to the map that you see below. I'll also add helpful tips to the area beneath the map.

Sorry about the clarity of the map, but the lake is so huge it is hard to deal with.

Have you fished this body of water? If so, tell us how you did and where you had success.


Scott D said on March 23, 2003

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:45 pm
by Fishhawk
Scott D said on March 23, 2003 "Pike fishing is good on the the south map up in the end of shanty bay lots of 2 to 7 pounders and one last year of 23 lbs"
(That would be about B3 on the map - Fish-Hawk)