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"First Ice" Brook Trout

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:23 am
by Fisherman89
Yesterday I decided to go check how the ice has been forming up on a few of the stocked brook trout lakes in Zone 18. I wasn't expecting there to be much (if any) ice yet, so along with my ice gear I brought a 7' UL spinning rod. There was only about 3/4" to 1" of ice on the lakes I checked, so definitely not close to being safe yet.
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I decided to test my luck from shore, so I threw a big rock through the ice about 6 feet from the shoreline, and used this as my ice fishing hole! I'm not sure about the legality of "ice fishing" with two lines this was, so I only fished with one line haha.
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For the first hour or so I was using a small jigging spoon and didn't see any action. After that I switched up to a #8 Gamakatsu octopus hook, squeezed a small splitshot onto the hook for some weight, and packed a small ball of trout Powerbait around it. Not long after I watched a nice size male brook trout engulf the bait and I set the hook. I quickly landed this beautiful brookie!
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Another hour or so goes by and I get another tug on the line. It was a female brook trout about the same size. Unfortunately this one got off the hook between me and the hole and flopped its way back into the water between the ice and the shoreline.

Both trout looked very healthy and I could tell they had been eating well. There was an abundance of either Blacknose shiners or Blacknose dace right close to shore. So I'll have to try to "match the hatch" next time I'm out!
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With snow and rain in the extended forecast I'm not expecting to find safe ice (in Zone 18) for atleast another few weeks. I might need to make a trip further north before then to scratch this itch!

Stay safe out there this ice season everyone!

Re: "First Ice" Brook Trout

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 3:40 pm
by JimW
Great job and good on you going prepared to my the best of whatever conditions you found. Good looking fish.

Re: "First Ice" Brook Trout

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:43 pm
by heystripes
thanks the ice update! much appreciated

nice fish ! well done

Re: "First Ice" Brook Trout

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:36 am
by Fisherman89
Got out again yesterday in Zone 18 for stocked trout. The lake was froze over with 4" to 5.5" of ice (a mix of clear ice with cloudy ice on top).

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The bite was slow and I only landed one trout (missed a couple others on the hook set). Caught this one on a 1/4oz chrome Kastmaster spoon tipped with a couple Gulp maggots.

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I think I would have had better results with live minnows. The trout's stomach was full of small minnows, stickleback, and tiny perch. Nothing touched my jaw jacker all day that I had rigged with powerbait.

Not much snow in the forecast and with sub-zero temps overnight for the next two weeks should make for great ice conditions.

Shouldn't have to be said, but kind reminder, pack out what you pack in... I had to clean up some some trash that was left behind by others (it wasn't there two weeks ago last time I was there). Also, cigarette butts littering the ice in one spot... come on guys!

Re: "First Ice" Brook Trout

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:25 pm
by Yanwich
Nice looking trout!