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Fall season Bass Fishing

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:13 pm
by Still Chasing
I think it would be helpful for less accomplished fishermen/women to understand more about how bass both largies and smallies
react to cooling water temperatures. We are close to the 60 degree water temps now. From here to December could the guides
and more accomplished fisher people take us through the various types of locations/stages the bass may set up on until the season
ends. In other words walk us through how to be more successful as the water temperatures drop. Thank you

Re: Fall season Bass Fishing

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:51 pm
by Corvus Lacus
I'm no "guide" but can only go from my own experience of chasing Bass in North Frontenac for well over 50 years. My biggest Smallmouth of the year are almost always caught in October and well into November.

I fished on the weekend, and on Friday the SMB were all over the place. Water was 61f and fish were anywhere from 5 to 30 ft...still felt like a late summer bite...we used Spy Baits to find them, and then switched to Ned Rigs to zero-in on some of the more reluctant biters. Cold front came through Saturday and fish had all moved deeper and their mood was definitely more negative.

Once the lake turns over when the temp hits the low 50's, the Smallmouth will concentrate into packs of mixed sizes close to their wintering area. Catch one and you'll usually catch a bunch in the same spot. Even if they're initially just dinks...hang in, there'll be some piggies mixed in with them.

Prime spots are "elevators" breaking transitions between the deep main lake basins and the shallower feeding flats. Sand/rock edges and remaining green weeds (especially Cabbage) adjacent to these fast breaks are even better. Fish can be as deep as 40 ft....personally I don't like to fish them that deep as I'm releasing...but if you're prepared to "fizz" them, then all good.

Good electronics and knowing what you're seeing are invaluable in the autumn.

The finesse presentations are going to be your best bet as their metabolism slows down....DropShots, Ned Rigs, ShakeyHeads. It's usually a minnow bite as the Crawfish dissappear...natural baitfish colours are the way to go.

Works for me anyway.

I also like the deep gold/brown colour they take on as the autumn progresses....they truly are Bronzebacks..

Re: Fall season Bass Fishing

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:31 pm
by Bass Addict
Take note....

Some great info right there !!!

Well said

Re: Fall season Bass Fishing

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:15 pm
by Happy Hooker
Great stuff right on the money.
I use a Husky Jerk, one thing about retriving, retrive then p a u s e, retrive and p a u s e, drives them nuts.
