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Last Round of Lake Ontario Lakers!!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:30 pm
by JimW
Well during the Easter weekend I finished my eastern Lake Ontario lake trout fishing.... moving on to other species now. The winds were not overly cooperative but had some great times on the water.

After some messaging the night before I had 2 fishing partners ready to battle lakers this morning. So I hit the road shortly before 4 am picked up my 1st fishing partner and then headed towards to lake and to pick up partner number 2. On the drive partner #2 messages me at 4:45 am and cancels... so it will just be 2 guys in the boat for today.

Arrive a the boat launch around 6 am a quick chat with a few other anglers I know at the launch...then boat in the water and off we go... it looks nice and calm to start... which quickly changed. lol

It was a little bumpy on Lake O to say the least 3+ foot white caps for awhile and we could only troll with the waves for most of the morning... but we pressed on and get our 4 rod spread set up... running 2 downriggers and 2 leadcore set ups.... a spoon on one of each and Hotfish lures flashers with spin n' glows on the other 2 rods.


Not too long into trolling ... a downrigger goes off!!! FISH ON!!! and after a nice battle we land out first fish of the day!!! Skunk is gone!! Just after releasing the fish... another rod goes off... FISH ON... and our second fish is in the boat in no time. A couple quick photos and then I try to get the rods back out but no luck.... FISH ON.. fish number 3.... then fish number 4!!! We now have caught 4 fish in about 10-15 minutes and have no lures left in the water.


So we turn around and I set up our 4 rod set up again... just as I put the 4th rod in the rod holder.... FISH ON!!! Fish number 5 is in the boat.


After that the bite dies for an hour or more than finally .... we get a hit!!! FISH ON... then another fish, then a 3rd and then a 4th again. Four more fish in the boat in about 10-15 minutes again... and no rods left in the water... I wish we had our 3rd angler.


I reset the rods again and the action slows for awhile then we get another fish.... troll for a bit more and then another fish.... and repeat and repeat..... No more big flurries of activity but consistent fishing action. We decide to call it a day shortly after 1 pm... so head for the dock and then home.


The winds were a little wild but a great day on the water. Kept one smaller fish for the table, wonder what it was eating...


Lake trout are nice..... but it is almost walleye and salmon time!!!