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Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:25 pm
by scarkner
]Vacation Day 1 & 2: Fishing Silver Lake, met up with a few fellow Fish-Hawkers (Including Wrangler, Thanks for the SENKO texas-rigging tips - Wow, never expected them to be so effective). Also took out some newbies and of course my kid! Friday night was slow, but action picked up on Saturday with dozens of bass hitting my Senko rig, but almost all of them getting off

Vacation Day 3: Finally started to get the hang of the Senko setup and saw my hook-up rate climb. At one point in the morning I was getting a hit on every cast. Incredible fun! Probably boated 30-40 fish.

Vacation Day 4: Monday decided to change it up with some fly fishing at the Island Park bridge. First time really working the spot. Caught lots of bass and I am pretty sure I had a big brown take it too. I saw his back clear the water's surface, at least twice the size of the bass I was catching and didn't hammer it the way a bass would. Then he gave one flick of his tail and snapped the line.

I was surprised at one point during the morning to feel something repeatedly bumping my ankle. I have had fish peck at me before, but this was more of an agressive "bump", like I was in someone's territory. Sure enough, there was a decent little 1-1/2 pound bass that was hanging around and didn't seem intimidated even when I put my camera right beside him. Checkout the photo and video I shot of him. Great coloring!

Image ... zybass.MOV

Day 5: Hit a tiny back-lake hoping to tie into some late summer Brook Trout. According to Fishonline this lake has only Brookies and bull-heads. So why did I keep catching small bass... and then SLAM - A bass that exactly tied my previous personal best at 19 inches long and 3.5 lbs. Caught in 50 FOW, about a foot off the bottom.

4x4 is awesome, really enjoying my truck/electric-canoe setup.

An absolutely wonderful little lake (sorry, not saying which one as it was shared with me by another FH member)!

Didn't get any trout, but this was a nice compromise

Day 6: Shirley's Bay
Yeah - I know that doesn't sound very exciting, but I was actually scouting out locations for the ice hut this winter and was also trying to understand the flaws in Navionics maps. In general their maps are good, but there are some glaring mistakes around Shirley's bay, expecially one area that shows a 19 foot hole that rises to a 6 foot hump... not there. The whole area is 15 feet deep and flat as a pancake!

Turns out the spot I had my shack last year was about as good as it gets on Shirleys'. I had no idea that it was so flat and featureless (except the weed beds) in the area where we setup our huts.

Did catch a couple nice bass, but nothing worth reporting!

Day 7: Uncharted Territory
Launched my electric canoe at Bates Island and did some fishing in the still water behind the island and on down to Remic Rapids where i beached the canoe. Wow, those rapids build up steam really quickly. I may fish the area again but will stay around Bates Island next time.

Interesting structure in that area. I was marking 15-20 feet of water and lots of fish. I pulled in many bass, nothing worth photographing, but a very strong population, likely due to the lack of fishing pressure!

Sadly I could only work the spot for about an hour as the wind came up. Something tells me that some larger fish are lurking in that area...

Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:20 pm
by Daboss
He was tired from fighting me upstream earlier! :D

Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:21 pm
by RJ
Sounds like a fun week!

Just shows the opportunities we have on our doorstep.


Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:09 pm
by CBB
sounds like a great vacation and some good action to boot. That Bass was just testing you

Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:08 am
by Olivier Livernoche
Good report, glad you improved your Texas game :)

Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:38 am
by otownyaker
Sounds like a great vacation

Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:21 am
by Oneeleven
Sounds like a great vaca! Very cool about the fly fishing. Did it take you long to get the hang of it? it' must feel just ridiculous to get a blowup on that!

Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:01 pm
by scarkner
Added Day 5...

Re: Week of Vacation - Goal is 7 days of different fishing!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:05 pm
by Trout_83
Congrats! Glad you enjoyed that lake!!