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Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:43 pm
by OutdoorActionOntario
So, I'm going out on Lake St. Francis this weekend, and to say I am "excited" would be a complete understatement. I'm salivating at the chance to finally rock my drop-shot skills on a body of water where I have a chance at pulling a behemoth 6+ lb. bass.

All week long, I've been getting tackle arranged and Rods and Reels ready to go. I like to think I've studied the maps, read as much about the body of water as possible, and done everything I can to ensure I have success when I get there, with a plan a, b and c all ready to go. In fact, I've been studying this body of water for a lot longer than is probably necessary, but I really wanted to be prepared for anything.

My main goal, ultimately, is to catch a bass over 6 pounds, which would be a personal best for me. A lot of my tactics will revolve around going for the big bite, not just getting as many bites as possible. For me, this means upsizing baits to a point where I am hoping that some big belly mama is going to inhale my bait and I am left alone by measly 4 pounders.

So, I am going to employ a sort of "semi" power-shot technique that should work in my view as one particular method. I have other strategies as well that should work.

My question to you is this: IF you are going out on a body of water, and your main goal is to target the biggest, baddest bass possible, what method would you employ? Maybe add in what your biggest bass to date is. Mine was a 5.7 pound largie. Just can't seem to break that 6 pound mark, hence my anticipation for this weekend....

Best wishes and tight lines to all!


Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:06 pm
by BobbyJordan
I fish St. Francis for smallies a fair bit and have battled my fair share of brutes that live in those waters. Some of the biggest fish I have caught there have been on some of the smallest baits I fish with anywhere. Because of the water clarity those fish (especially the big/smart ones) will readily turn their nose to anything that doesn't look natural. Oftentimes a bigger bait, just doesn't look as natural to those fish. Fish there also tend to group up in schools of similar sized fish. If you are catching a bunch of 2 pounders, there likely won't be a six nearby so I would look for new water if you're after that big bite! Lots of big fish are caught on goby style drop shots, tubes, wacky rigs or jerk baits. I've had success on natural colours or black. Fish can be shallow or deep - if you're fishing shallow make long casts. If the fish see you you will have an awful lot of trouble convincing them to bite. If your fishing deep drifts try to keep your line as vertical as possible and keep bottom contact - if you are dragging too far out from the boat you will spend as much time retying your line as you will fishing. Lastly use fluorocarbon line. It is an absolutely must there - the lighter the better - just be sure to back off your drag - those big fish are STRONG and if they make a run near the boat and your drag is too tight you'll be left with nothing but a story about that time you almost caught a 6 pound smallmouth! Good luck and let us know how you make out!

Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:09 pm
by EagleEyesFlash
I'm usually with the bigger the bait, bigger the fish crowd.
However when the fish are full and in August, mule smallies can turn up their nose
at big offerings and may just want dessert. Smaller baits can out produce big baits this
time of year. The Larry is cooler than most bodies of water so may be different.
Just saying, try smaller baits too if not getting bit.
To catch a hawg your doing the right thing going to a place that is known for big ones.
Everyone wants big bass and half the game is finding trophy water.


Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:14 pm
by beachburger
If it was a 6 lb largemouth, I'd go big bait without a doubt but for smallies I agree with what BobbyJordan sez.....

Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:29 pm
by OutdoorActionOntario
Oh yeah, I'm usually all about the finesse when it comes to smallies, I just think I happen to have a really realistic oversized bait that is going to fool one of these Giants. Otherwise I totally agree with everything I'm seeing here.

Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:07 pm
by RJ
What do they eat? Gobies. Unless I'm really missing something that guys are doing different than me it's almost like the Smallie lottery... :lol:

When out this week dropshotting the same 3 inch CrossTail Shad we caught 4 2 lbers in a row then this one.


What I'd say as far as targetting Smallies on the Larry is the fish seem to group on structure around the same size. If you get a few dinks move on is my motto. We did move to another area yet didn't change bait to get that goodun.

Good Luck Ben! The day I get sick of 4 lbers or calling them pesky is far from my future... :lol:


Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:40 pm
by BobbyJordan
RJ - nice of you to let Brett hold your fish! Lol.

Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:42 pm
by BobbyJordan
RJ - nice of you to let Brett hold your fish! Lol.

Re: Targeting the Biggest Bass Possible

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:49 pm
by wolfe
Lots of great tips here. I'm lapping them up. Good luck on your quest!!!
