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The past week on the water....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:21 pm
by RJ
Landed home from NWT last Saturday night. On the ride home Birdee informs me she had me booked for Sunday. I was like Huh? With who? Your Mom, Dad, Ariel and I. Oooh OK!

I told them I was sleeping in and wanted to stop for breakfast on the way. The Roosteraunt in Smiths Falls it is. Great food.


Yes, the new Lund has arrived. 202 Pro-V GL. This thing is unreal! 250 Verado on the back and an Ulterra on the bow. This is the ultimate Multi-Species boat there is in my eyes. It turns heads everywhere it goes and clients sure do like climbing aboard.

Off to Big Rideau for some fun in the sun. While the girls floated out back of the boat RJ Sr and I decided to drop down on some Lakers. Fishing was good considering the little amount of effort we put in.

Everyone took a turn on the rods including my Mom landing her second fish ever in her life... :lol:





That afternoon we decided I'd no longer be booking any guided trips on Sunday afternoons until Sept as it would now be a family boat day (weather permitting.. :lol: )

Monday I had a couple fellas book us for some Smallies on the Larry. Lots of bites but no real dukers. They still loved it and booked another trip with me before we trailered the boat.



Tuesday were repeat clients that wanted some of that Laker action, and they got it. 7 topside and at least that many lost.



Wednesday was a 2 dads and 2 young lads out for some Largie/Smallie fishin. They're repeat clients for 4 years now so seeing the kids growing up is kinda cool.

We picked away at em on a brutally windy day that had me putting us in sheltered areas. Gotta love Mississippi Lake! My Senko stock took a beating... :lol:


Thursday was a trip with two great friends. I met Ian and Christine on FH about 12 years ago now. "Snag" was a 16 or 17 year old girl who just loved to fish and that hasn't left her. I nearly crapped when she told me she was 29 now... :lol: Geez, how old am I then?.. :lol:

Conditions lined up for a treat for them. Gar. They were pumped!

I didn't pick up a rod all day and had a blast watching them. Two new PB's by days end.







Took Friday and Saturday off the water... :lol:

Back out Sunday for family time. Back to Lakers and swimming!

Sr. and I dropped down on em and I was hooked up on my 3rd drop. Decent old Darkie.


He hooked up shortly after, one for the BBQ.


Birdee then asks, "Can I fish a bit?" I hand her my rod and went back to lie down on the back deck (Yes I do chill out on these outings as well). Watching her drop the jig down and work it back as I was chillin'. 2nd drop and I watch her rod get crushed. She lets out a yelp and rams the hook home twice. Game on.

First PB of the year was that big Ol Muskie now this Laker. Lady Luck.


Taking a few days off the water this week...back at er soon.


Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:23 pm
by lape0019
Very nice!

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:25 pm
by Lvace
Very very nice mix bag there!! Lots of smiles on the Lund!

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:15 am
by ShawnD
My god man!
Way to go RJ! The fishin Machine lolll

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:28 am
by Gord laker for Birdee!! :shock: :D

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:25 pm
by i got worms
Wowsers RJ! Whackin' and stackin' 'em! Good stuff!

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:02 pm
by GR8-Scott
A GR8 week for sure!!
Awesome stuff.

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:17 pm
by ipjrobson
Sundays are always a great day for family days. Our family used to do brunch and then maybe afternoon fishing :D

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:04 am
by Markus
Lots of company in the lund last week!

Birdee is on an absolute tear this season. Congrats again Birdster....another jaw dropper!

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:21 am
by Oneeleven
Your boat makes baby Jesus cry... Gosh she's beautiful!

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:16 am
by Fishoholic
Can you adopt me into the family for Sunday fishin? Hahaha. Awesome outings there RJ! That's a great idea, I'm going to propose family fish Sunday's to my fam even though I already know the answer lol.

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:58 pm
by iankrzyzanowski
Its always spending a day in the boat with you and Christine! It was awesome finally getting on the gar chase with you.. Their strike is just mental!

That lund is something else as well! The throttle on that Verado is more sensitive than Tony after missing a hookset :lol: :lol:

Re: The past week on the water....

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:39 pm
by RJ
Thanks folks! Well would ya look at's almost Sunday again... :lol: