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Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:34 pm
by Fishoholic
Haven’t got any ice fishing pictures loaded up yet but thought I would contribute a bit to the site. Ever have those fishing mishaps that have you cursing up and down but then when you look back on them you can’t help but laugh? Well I have had quite a few and thought I would share some and see what events have happened to other F-Hawkers. Maybe someone might learn a thing or two to save them similar headaches/embarrassment haha. Here are 5 quick things that I can think of that have happened in the last couple of years:

Up %hits creek without a toilet:

A couple and buddies and I took the drive from Ottawa to Loughborough lake (a couple hour drive). It was a blizzard that day so driving with my bald butt truck tires made the drive pretty slow. Well after a couple of hours of fishin I get this grumble in my belly, “ah man I’ve gotta you know!” I am not shy to do my business in the woods at anytime of the year as I spend a lot of time in the bush but for anyone who has been to Loughborough you can attest that there aren’t many places to go around the launch without doing it on someone’s property. So I hop in the truck with the dog to look for somewhere to go and leave buddies to fish. Snow is still flying like crazy and I don’t even have a clue on where the nearest corner store is or anything. As I am driving the truck spins out and I spin over 360 and slide into the ditch on the passenger side, facing the opposite direction and stop inches away from wrapping truck around a hydro pole. It was a deep ditch and the truck broke through the ice so my truck is almost sideways and my drivers side door opens up into the creek. Flip it into 4 wheel drive and rock forward and back but can’t get enough traction to pop up out of the ditch. I knock on the door of the house around the corner and two teenage brothers come out in their Ram to give me a tow. He says ya my bro slid out in the exact same spot last week. All they had was a short tow rope (maybe 8ft) so we try going forward, make some ground, try going backwards, make some ground, and keep doing this for a few attempts. On the last two attempts the front of the truck clips the pole and gets a nice dent and then the back clips the pole and smashes out the taillight but it finally popped out!! I thanked them a ton and then said I hate to do this to ya but I still gotta go. Luckily they were good guys and let me destroy their washroom. I get back to the lake 3 hours later and my buddies are like, “where the F have you been, we almost had to call for a ride from Ottawa.” I tell them the story and still take crap for it today lol.

Captain Hook:

Out splake fishing this summer my buddy got a nice splake. He tried to unhook it with his hand when the fish started thrashing all over the place. Next thing you know the hook is embedded in his skin and out the other side with the fish still attached. He is yelling FFF (you get the drift) and then just grabs the fish behind the head and squeezed. Well he must have gave that fish the touch of death because it didn’t move after that. Good times lol.

Leave no stringer behind:

On our annual brookie fishing trip in the spring we have two boat loads with 3 guys in each boat. We go out for morning, come back for lunch, and compare catches. Well this one morning my dad, his buddy and I were just nailing them. Brookies from under a pound up to 4 pounds were being caught like crazy. The action was sooo good that we had to double fish up on the stringer and then start tripling up. We had 3 one each loop and there was at least 6 loops. Well we were so pumped to head back to camp that my dad’s buddy fired up the 9.9 and put in gear before I even had my rod ready so I fell back into my seat. A minute later he stops and says, “where are the fish?!?!” After a quick search we realized that they were never lifted into the boat when we took off and the clip must have came undone. Our mornings efforts gone and now we have to explain this to the rest of the camp. Well we did not live this down for the rest of the trip and I for see this being a hot topic this spring to boot lol.

Iphone fish finder:

While out ice fishing I hook into a nice 10+ plus laker. I am pumped so we go out of the tent for a couple quick pics before she is released. After she swims back to the depths my buddy puts the phone on my chair in my tent. My hands are freezing so I am trying to dry them off and warm them up when a big gust of wind blows my tent over, knocking my chair down and iphone slides right into the hole. FFFFFFFFFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. Iphones must have some kind of underwater fishfinder app right? Moral of this storey, always peg your tent down.

Always have spare keys aka coat hanger

One day packing up from ice fishing I start the truck to warm it up and put the dog in there. Not long after I close it I hear the doors lock. Not sure if the dog stepped on the switch or if the automatic lock feature somehow kicked in while in park with keys in ignition. Well we are out on the middle of the lake so I am pretty sure CAA won’t help. We take the one frozen walleye on hand and start taping it on the window hoping Hunter would unlock the door from the inside to no avail. Luckily Dano (fishin mission) had his trusty spare keys (a strategically bent coat hanger). After a short trip to his truck on shore and some jimmying were are back in the truck and Hunter is free!

Lets hear your funny fishing mishaps. Like I said above maybe someone can learn a thing or two lol!

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:32 pm
by fishin mission
too funny Brad .......i will tell you about mine at the BOQ when i see you wouldnt want anyone to know where i fish !(sarcastic)
i might be fishing someone spot

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:37 pm
by curls
Don't rock the boat.

Background: I injured my left foot last Feb and have surgery scheduled for March 2015. Hurts to walk or stand for long periods, and sometimes, I just lose balance.
Last year at the end of a BAA tournament day, I'm just grabbing the clipboard and about to start checking-in boats at the docks for the weigh-in procedures. My partners' boat is tied up to the dock at the Carleton Place launch. I'm leaning over to pick up my clipboard, my jacked-up foot gives out, and AR$E OVER TEA KETTLE I GO, into the Mississippi River. My brand new S4 phone was in my pocket, as was my wallet. Neither really survived. I also lost my "lucky" 13 Fishing hat - it's probably still floating somewhere.
To make matters worse, I had about two dozen people who saw "the fall".
To make matters 100 times worse, I also happened to fall OVER my rods -- and I ended up with a Kahle hook (weedless senko hook) in my arm. AND, a very near-miss with a LiveTarget frog hook (think: heavy gauge)... it just about gave me a Prince Albert! (drew blood but thankfully didn't go past the barb!). :?

So... I end up getting my mechanic buddy to use his steady and strong hand to force the rest of the senko hook through my skin. (Yes, we were going to try the no-pain method but the weird bend in the kahle-style hook doesn't permit this). I wore the hook and senko for about 45 minutes until weigh-in was done, and then had my buddy pop the hook through. That's a sound - skin POP - I'll never forget. Funny though - it didn't hurt a bit. Then, needed two guys on one pair of side-cutters to snap that hook in half (again - another thick hook!).

Last part of the story... I was supposed to meet my wife and kids at camping at a place I'd never been before. I don't know the Arnprior area well, and had no phone (thus, NO GPS). I went home... 45 minutes in the opposite direction... called my wife from a friends' phone... told her the story. Once she stopped laughing (about 10 minutes later), I made my way out to the campground. Turns out one of her friends is a nurse, and was in shock that I wasn't at Emerg getting my arm looked-at. I ended up drinking a half dozen beers that evening, and going to the Arnprior emerg the next day for my tetanus shot and an "inspection" of the puncture wounds.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:04 am
by Fishoholic
Haha that's a good one curls, I wish I could have seen that lol. Glad you ended up being ok though! No other mishaps out of all of f-h? Or are people to embarrassed to admit to any mishaps on a forum? :lol:

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:16 am
by Oneeleven
Haha Brad, your 'locking Ranger in your Truck' story was what came to mind instantly when seeing the title of this thread. Perhaps if a stick was used next time instead of a Walleye we could have coaxed him to step on the button more easily! :lol:

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:52 am
by RJ
Countless funny stories really.

My most memorable was fighting a "fish" at the BOQ about 20 years ago thru the ice. Heavy fish, taking 10 feet of drag at a time. I'd gain 12 and it would take 10 back. Finally coaxed it topside, well not really. It stopped when it hit the bottom of the ice. It was the door off someones old ice shack.. :lol: :lol:

Man what a fight!


Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:03 am
by Jimmy_1

I once was fishing a lake with a buddy. A certain FH Admin came over to say hi and offer some advice.
We took the advice and moved to another spot. Sadly my buddy hit the throttle full boogie (175hp) but did not take the canonball off the rigger.....SNAP! There went our ability to troll for the day!

You sure you know how?

Took a good buddy and his step son out for Gar one night. We were just SLAYING them! As soon as you tossed out the bait one took it! I ended up landing my PB at 48"

Joey notices his line start peeling out....He is a Newb to fishing. I coach him through it...."Open the bail"...."let her run"...."patient she will run again with it"........"On now you know hot to set a hook right Joey?" (Joey is 24 btw)...."Oh ya man!"
"Ok well close the bail....reel up the slack and set those hooks home".........

Joey proceeds to close the bail....reel up......and then "sets" the hook by pulling back more gentle than a 95 year old woman doing knitting.......

There went the Gar.....


Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:13 am
by Haulin Bass
Some good stories posted that brighten up another day at work........ I was fishing for lakers at Lake Kaminiskeg one spring about 15 yrs ago. Never had my downrigger pop right away but this morning it did and it was heavy. The rod thumped a a few time and I figured it was a monster... fought for about 10 mins with intervals of rod thumping but no runs. Had to tighten my drag a few times to start gaining line. Thought I was in for big Money When it got close to surfacing I screamed at my buddy to get the #$@^&**@ net!!!!! Yup pulled in a nice 9 foot christmas tree complete with tinsel I guess the rod thumps were from the line slipping through its beautiful boughs.Worst part was had to drag the thing to shore and get rid of it :P

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:21 am
by RJ
Jimmy_1 wrote:Oops

I once was fishing a lake with a buddy. A certain FH Admin came over to say hi and offer some advice.
We took the advice and moved to another spot. Sadly my buddy hit the throttle full boogie (175hp) but did not take the canonball off the rigger.....SNAP! There went our ability to troll for the day!
And to think yesterday I was accused of not sharing info. Now that's a crock!

I didn't see that happen that day Jimmy, would have been fun to watch from a distance.. :lol:


Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:48 am
by Jimmy_1

You and Big-O had gotten off the water.

My buddy and I did have a good laugh at it also.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:07 pm
by bradford2

Fell through the ice once. Wouldn't have been so bad had I not been alone, floater suit hanging in my garage and all. Whoops.

Not to much a mishap this one, but found an empty aluminum canoe 13 miles out of port hope once. Barely fit into the boat but we got her back.

Had a buddy launch me and my boat on the wrong side in Magnetawan once. Took them several hours (and beers) to notice how late it was and I wasn't at the cottage before coming back to find me...

Lots more I'm sure haha.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:16 pm
by cprince
I fished McLaurin Bay.

The End.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:18 pm
by Jimmy_1
Here is another....

Took BA, 24/7 and another guy to the BOQ.

BA forgot his gloves and it was cold.
We called it a day.

Really enjoyed their company though.....still waiting for another invite.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:39 pm
by Fishoholic
Haha good ones all around! I bet that door and Christmas tree must have fought pretty darn good. I had a similar experience fishing the canal. Was certain I hooked into a big carp or something only to realize that after 10 mins of fighting it I pulled out a giant construction pilon, my PB to date!

Bradford, glad you got out of that mishap ok. I always wonder too if the day I leave my float suit at home will be the day something happens. I wear it a lot early and late season but don't usually bother mid season but you never know.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:44 pm
by campnfish
The rebirth

At a friends cottage ice-fishing for trout. We were out front with our lines down the holes, doing the usual maintenance, clearing ice, checking minnows, moving the flasher from hole to hole etc. Had the sleds out tearing around, brought the BBQ down to the lake and made it a party.

Well its now dark and everyone has had their share of pops. Getting cold and the wind is picking up so we call it a night and start collecting the gear. We somehow forget to grab one of the rods at the farthest hole. As we're putting the gear away I look at the pile of rods and notice that my 'nice' one isn't there, so I head back to the bay to do another round of the holes to see where it is. As I'm walking out I see the rod's tip jerking around. Thinking its just the wind I just keep trudging out there. I look up again and its GONE.

I run over just in time to see the reel slide off the ice and into the hole. Its in about 15 FOW so I run back to the cottage, grab another rod and some weights and go back to the hole. I jig around for about 5 minutes and managed to hook it. I reel it slowly to the bottom of the ice, but of course its stuck there. I roll up a sleeve and plunge my arm up to the elbow down the hole and grab my rod. As I'm taking it out of the hole I notice a lot of tension on the line and the rod. Then I feel a tug! Fish on! I reel like a madman, one arm literally freezing in the wind. Out of the hole pops a nice sized 3lbish speck!