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Fall fishing porn

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:09 am
by theDL
Been hitting the water pretty hard lately as my fishing time is soon to be nil with our first baby due at the end of the month. Been on Quinte twice and on the larry quite a bit. Catching lots of smallies trying for walleye a few pike and my first sheephead. Enjoy...

My first this 2 weeks ago on the NE side of picton bay jigging a gold champ tipped with worm in a deep hole. Fought like crazy and stayed down a while, thought it was going to be a PB walleye. My fishing partner isn't great with a camera...
Didn't get a chance to weigh it, but it was BIG. Got another smaller one on the next drop...
Then 2 walleyes on the edge of Shermans trolling back to Bayview - only got one pic as it was a hairy double header with crossed lines, but we landed a pair of 3 lbrs dragging fire tiger DT20 and purple reef runner banging bottom.
Hard to beat a morning like this:
Catching lots of these

Dragging worm harnesses in search of these:


Even got one of these on a worm harness in a slack water area of the river in 15 fow in the weeds trying for 'eyes:

Is that a brown or a salmon? :?:

One day some ducks decided they wanted my worm harness when I was rebaiting:

I couldn't get rid of them and each time I dropped my bait over the side they'd dive down for it, I'd speed reel and throw it elsewhere and they'd chase it :lol: Ended up having to abandon the spot. They're lucky I don't hunt 8O

Got one weekend left before I'm on lockdown for baby-watch....hope to see you guys on the ice!

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:43 pm
by rex.stpierre
Nice work...I have yet to hook a elusive sheephead!

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:50 pm
by slop
Nice mixed bag of fall fishin'. That is a wandering male Chinook Salmon.

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:25 pm
by i got worms
Some beauty fish DL! As slop mentioned, looks like a male chinook for sure. I've seen them as far east in the Larry as Morrisburg. All though not abundant, there are actually some small runs that hit some of the fast flowing feeders along the Larry's north shore in early fall.

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:06 pm
by Tip-up
Some nice chunks there DL!

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:50 pm
by troutnmuskiehunter
Nice porn Dave!! ;)

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:48 pm
by nathan.barnard
Good job! Giant drum and impressive small mouth!

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:49 pm
by Moosebunk
Wish we could jig more sheepies up through the Quinte ice in the winter.

Good mixed bag of bellied fish in this one Dave. Good luck on the hard stuff... but get back to trollin' Quinte eyes a couple times before then.

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:07 pm
by theDL
thanks for the replies fellas. Chinook eh? I thought they turned dark and nasty when the staged for spawn, then died? I also heard they're not on the feed at that point? This guy was definitely on the feed (had the top hook of harness choked way in his yap) and was definitely there to mate...he was milting all over the boat :shock:
Moosebunk wrote:Wish we could jig more sheepies up through the Quinte ice in the winter.

Good mixed bag of bellied fish in this one Dave. Good luck on the hard stuff... but get back to trollin' Quinte eyes a couple times before then.
You know...after catching a sheepshead for the 1st time, I don't know why people don't target them? they fight like a freight train. If I'm not there for dinner I'd truthfully rather fight a big sheepie than a lazy 'eye. Likely no more fall trollin' for me. Baby's due Nov 25th so I'm on home-duty till she arrives. Likely be ice up before I wet a line again

Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:37 pm
by wolfe
That's quite the assortment of impressive fish you boated. Nice fishing! A Chinook salmon? How cool! It does look an awful lot like a brown. I would have been stumped, too, or just assumed it was a brown.


Re: Fall fishing porn

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:13 pm
by riverdog
Holy Sheepsh*t DL them things are huge.....Great mixed bag all the best with the new addition!