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Monkey off my back...

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:04 am
by Bassassins
With Basstard still stuck at work I hooked up with John D on the JDB for some St. Lawrence River action. Obviously the stories of this water system had me pumped for the possibility of a new PB! Zero sleep, early morning pick up - sounds like the start of an epic adventure to me.

We were on the water Wednesday around 6am and conditions were incredible; low wind, overcast and mild weather. Leaving the ramp we hit our first spot without even getting on the big motor so we can consider this off the dock I guess. About 10 casts in, John already with 2 small bass in the boat, I was bouncing a tube across bottom in 25fow when I just feel weight at the end of my line. Keeping tension on I inform John that I had snagged up on something but it seemed to be moving a bit. Our short conversation of whether or not I was stuck was interrupted by a minute long line screech which determined I was in fact not snagged. This beauty of a pike came to the boat and I start the day with this beast, a new PB pike for me at a thick 37inches, on a tube - thank you St. Lawrence.


We blasted off from there and fished a cane system we noticed another boat on down river. Fishing 6fow my tube quickly produced my first bass, it wasn't anything big which seemed to be the trend on this stretch. Fish after fish but all clones between 1-2 pounds.... Moving on.


Our next location was again a shallow cane system but this time with some pads. John had success here in the past for both largies and smallies so expectations were high. Unfortunately the clones had followed us all the way down river, crazy! So with those small guys and another pike we knew something was up, the big ones obviously weren't in shallow. At this point we had boated a dozen fish but not the big ones we were hunting. John got on the electronics and found us a deep hump to target next. Great decision for the captain who landed this spawned out female - a huge fish that would be incredible to see again in fall.


The hump produced a couple more fish but the bite seemed to slow off as the sun finally broke through the clouds. We ripped off back towards the first location in hopes of hitting some shallow water again now that the sun was out. Easily the best decision of the day - turning a good morning of over 20 fish into an unforgettable day on the water with over 40 fish in the JDB.

John picked up the biggest of the day with this massive bass early in our approach to the flats...


When released she thought she was ok to "hide" on bottom in 8fow, not in the St. Lawrence, I still can't get over just how clear it was.


John had me beat on size all day but I won't complain about fish like this.



The last couple of hours in this trip was amazing, the type of fishing days we dream of. Fish after fish, some size, lots of action and for me it really got the "monkey off my back". The start of the bass season hasn't been the nicest to me. I have been getting on fish but not what I have been looking for in quality or quantity. Feeling like an athlete in a slump that needed a change I resorted to shaving my beard, wearing my underwear inside out and even carrying around a lucky lure in my pocket. Let's hope we are done with that.

My biggest came as an exclamation point at the end of AN AWESOME DAY...


Thank you John for getting me out in the JDB and putting us on some fish, its always a pleasure but this day was something special. My first experience with the St. Lawrence was amazing and I can't wait for the next time.


Bye for now... Tight Lines!


Re: Monkey off my back...

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:56 pm
by almontefisher
Way to go guys but I think John kept you away from his honey Just kidding. Nice work on making a first trip to the Larry a great one John.

Bassassins away!!


Re: Monkey off my back...

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:51 pm
by Muskie4L
Some very nice fish there for sure, great report :!:

Re: Monkey off my back...

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:24 pm
by Lvace
Some nice fish fish there and that pike is a beast!!!

Re: Monkey off my back...

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:06 am
by riverdog
Sounds like an awesome day on the Lawrence! You gotta like catching a PB fish right at the ramp! That pike looked great! Sometimes it's hard sorting through 20-30 smallies for a big one but lots of fun eh!
Great report B!

Re: Monkey off my back...

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:52 pm
by Bassassins
Thanks guys - it was a blast and glad you liked the report. Almonte even if he didn't hsow me the right places I won't complain of a day like that but next time I will look over his shoulder at the "marked" points he has. You might be on to something ;)
Riverdog - a problem we love to have :)

Good luck this weekend guys...


Re: Monkey off my back...

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:29 am
by Moosebunk
No no no... you certainly complain about poundin' on smallies all day long. Good fishing John and Rob. Nice pike too for sure.