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A flop of an opener

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:53 am
by almontefisher
Well I was all geared up and ready to slay the all mighty bronze backs and bucket mouths this Sunday with an arsenal of my favorite go to lures etc. So we were going to hit up Otty lake but then around 10pm on Friday I realized I payed way to much attention to the gear I was going to use and nothing on the motor for the first rip start of the year. So plans changed and we stayed local fishing my favorite evening spot Appleton. We launched the boat into the water and I turned the key...Whaa..whaa..whaa.whaa...not turning over....ok no panick fisrt time this year got to work the winter out of it...whaa.whaa.whaa..not last try..whaa.whaa.whaa..follow by a louder whaa.whaa whaa that came from me. My motor was injured and dripping fluids...Oh NO!! Open the hood up and take a quick gander inside and what is this blue stuff everywhere that looks and smells like oil?? !@#$ my motor is bleeding oil all over the place. Do some digging around and had my buddy crank over the motor one more time and Ah ha...a leaking gasket. Well there goes our opener I say. My buddy was very dissapointed like myself but then I said screw it...We are on the water and fish are to be had so let's just troll around a bit using the trolling motor. So off we went...putt putt putt moving at the speed of dust wind blowing in our eye brows and little hair we have left. Oh it felt good to be out on the water again for softwater but would have felt even better if it didnt take 30 minutes to hit the end of the bay... :oops:

Well after we arrived at a promising spot I decide to start the year with a black spro frog. First cast and a nice toss right on target. Three inches off a fallen log. One pause and a quick jerk and BLAM...huge boil and an even bigger miss. Well thats a great start to my year...Kept fishing the frog for about 20 minutes with nothing else to show for it. Changed up to a wacky rigged Sweet Potatoe Pie and the action began again first cast. I nailed three largies in three casts and all around 1.5lbs each. Nothing huge but at least it was fish in the boat. We moved ahead a bit and then my buddy slams a few with a orange creamsicle wacky rig...1 largie, 1 smallie and 1 rock bass...nice way to get the day going. Slow after that and then the rain started..and continued....and got even harder but we stuck it out for another hour or so until we both looked liked drowned rats. Anyway to end a very painfull opener I got into this guy on my third last cast and he fought like a tank of at least 5lbs but when landed he was a bit shy of


So over all it was the worst opener ever for me but at least some fish came out to play.

Re: A flop of an opener

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:14 pm
by Brian
Sorry to hear about the motor problems. Better to happen at the launch than on the far side of the lake though.

On the up side, you got out, you got some fish and it just sounds like an oil leak!

Nice pic! A slow day of fishing is always better than any day at work! :D

Re: A flop of an opener

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:30 pm
by RJ
Sucks to hear about the engine issues Peter. Glad ya found some fish to take the pain away.


Re: A flop of an opener

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:37 pm
by fiiish
Doesn't sound like the greatest day but it could have been a lot worse ie. an oil leak, no trolling motor, and a skunk. ;)
Good on you to grind it out and get on some fish. :D