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Some F-H 03-04'ers... Where are they now?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:29 pm
by Moosebunk
Few times this past year I've been reminded or had memory of the first 3 guys I met from this board. John, FLOATFISHIN' and Hoser.

I got wondering today what happened to Hoser?

Then I looked back in the memberslist and saw a few names of members I recall being quite active here back in the days. What happened to some of these cats? Or, if you're just lurking these days... climb aboard and tell us what's been going on.

Whatcha been up to...

Rex Mundi
Niagara Nick
Fishing Freak
Mike The Tender
G unis

I'll admit something... When FLOATFISHIN' first showed up on the scene I wasn't sure what to thing of this dood. He was pretty LOUD, brash, tattooed and questionably dressed. :lol: But, what a pal he turned out to be. First guy to rush up to me and shake my hand when I met him, John and Hoser for a day of carp fishing. Back then... I think John was the only guy who carp fished.

Anyways... even if the name is not on the list, you used to post but haven't been around in ages, drop in and let us know what's up and how the fishing has been.


Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:30 pm
by tman12
remember kgeary? i was just looking at pike fishing vids on youtube, and he came up! i was like, i tihnk i recognize him!??!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:34 pm
by Moosebunk
He catches some Monsters eh bud. He's around on other sites from time to time... did you know he owns and operates a fishing lodge in NW Ontario? He puts many of his guests on pike just as big, really know his home waters well, and has written some good "How-To" type pike articles.

Re: Some F-H 03-04'ers... Where are they now?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:41 pm
by wolfe
Moosebunk wrote:

When FLOATFISHIN' first showed up on the scene I wasn't sure what to thing of this dood. He was pretty LOUD, brash, tattooed and questionably dressed. :lol: But, what a pal he turned out to be. First guy to rush up to me and shake my hand when I met him....
Yearrrrs back, I arranged to meet Slushpuppy and Floatfishin'. They were the 1st Hawk Talkers I met. Floatfishin's friend Trevor (can't recall his Hawk Talker name) also came down from Ottawa to Wolfe Lake with them. We had lunch at the cottage I was renting and didn't Float jump up and do the dishes? I never forgot that. He was great with the kids, too, and we've all got a soft spot for old Float.

There are lots of old timers I would love to see come back on board or post actively. Wonder what became of CCB (Cancatchbass)...?...and lots of others.


Re: Some F-H 03-04'ers... Where are they now?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:46 pm
by Bass Addict
wolfe wrote:There are lots of old timers I would love to see come back on board or post actively.


Couldn't agree more , Margie

Like where in the World is 24/7 ??????

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:00 pm
by cprince
I LOVE that one of the pre 2004'ers asked this question.

I have been wondering the same thing... there is an option to "Hide Your On-Line Status" that moderators do have the ability to see through... and a lot of long time members seem to prefer to surf this site in relative anonymity for whatever reason.

One other thing:

Moosebunk, RJ, joco, Justinhoffman, Trophymuskie, Joisey Joe, toobinator(Ed), Manny, plowjock, gorfman007, Bear, MichaelVandenberg, CN (Champ!), Todd B., Carl, big-o,wolfe, Markus, eye-tracker, Scum Frog, Big Bass 444, franklauzon, Iceman and Slop.

You boys (and girls) ROCK!

You guys often post and participate in discussions regardless of the original poster's join date. There are some that treat anyone who joined after 2005... or 2007... or 2009... like they were invaders.

You guys always make us all feel welcome. You guys also represent an important link to the past, heritage or history of this site. Any and all input you all can provide is valuable and generally comes with that perspective.

I personally want to thank you all for participating and helping build this site into what it is today. A site that is worth hanging your hat on.


Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:27 pm
by bucketmouth
Wolfe, CCB was the one that popped into my mind immediately as well. He was one that knew his stuff and wasn't afraid to defend his beliefs against anyone.

On a side note, what ever happened to BBR? He went fishing with his one time nemesis Markus on Erie and was never heard from again... at least that's the story I heard :lol: :lol: I miss all the Simswiches stories...


Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:28 am
by joco
great tread.

this is life...some new ones and some stick and some dont.

some dont like the consept here or something personal stuff happens and they leave

few years back..a load off people left the site to get more involve in there own private one..wish is ok.

its all personal.

not everyone want to talk here.some to shy.some just takers and no guivers.

we see lot off older ones..wen they have something for sale only. :roll: :lol: .

but one thing is sher..i have meeth great people frome this site made some friends and prob some not as mutch. :lol: .

its a great place to meeth people..and lurne and mabe guive hint and help others.

sher it as been some lows and highs on this site..but its been a great site in the overall.and still are and will be.

joco.i wish more older ones would say some stuff frome time to time.

do miss some. :(

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:55 am
by Big Bass 444
There is no doubt in my mind that Fish-Hawk as become a strong pillar of our heritage. All it's content from the beginning is almost surreal! All the information, joys, pains, excitements that where contributed by all of you over the years is just amazing!

Each and everyone of you should be proud of it....Fish-Hawk stands tall in the fishing world here in Canada and is here to stay!

Some have left but the great thing about it is this thread (thanks to Moosebunk).....because they belong to this family and we remember them even after all those years!
I miss you Lucky 4 my French friend!!....he had such great reports to offer here with his wife!...His passion for fishing was beyond everything I had ever see. He had come here from Europe for one main our waters!...he wanted to do that everywhere around the world! birthday was the same as mine!
I had the privilege to go fishing with you man!.....thank you!

I love all your unique personalities guys...I really do!....It's the magic behind it and the reason I stay!

Yan :)

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:55 am
by Trophymuskie
I think it's a regular thing with internet boards, some come and some go. Actually a lot come and go. LOL Then there are some that stick it out.

You will also see some leave and comeback with a different nickname.

There are some that post more certain times of year and less or nothing the rest. Others only show up to cause trouble.

Also at times we need a FH shrink(sp). :roll:

That is one problem with the internet, it's that there is a big difference with real time friends and internet friends.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:44 am
by plowjock
I see a few of the guys on the board in a semi regular schedule.
At times I just like to check things out and see how everyone is doing.
I don't post reports as I'm puter illiterate,when it comes to photos.
Some of my little stories would make some great reports but without pictures who would believe me.
I know I have met a lot of the gang that goes to Broadways for Joco's gettogethers .
Would sure like to hook up with some of these guys and have a great show and tell on the water, just as in educational experience, answering the the HWWW question.
Who needs tournament scenes, just little on water meetings to bring out the better points.
Hope to see a lot of the FH at the Icerama at the GM dealership next thursday (11/25/10)
I think we should also be looking at a preChristmas shindig down at Broadways soon eh Joco.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:38 am
by Todd B.
Float's step father is a member of the OFS and I talk with him regularly. Seems Floatfishin moved out to BC and is enjoying the exceptional salmon and steelhead runs out there. ;-)

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:41 am
by Big Bass 444
:the shrink part... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: now that`s a good one Collin! :wink: :wink: ...I guess youre right! :lol: :lol: Ì mean the :roll: part :lol: :lol:....shrink 444. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ok...ok....I`ll settle down :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:13 pm
by Joisey Joe
Thanks for the mention CP, Hawkin is an everyday thing for me, I may not post every time but I'm always here. I've seen many come and go, wish some would be back, Spinner, Can Catch Bass, to mention a few, I talk to Alan(Spinner), but not as much as I used to. Where is Canadian Bacon? What a great guy! Wolfe, well, what can you say about her that hasn't already been said, all good, a Hawk stalworth. This site has evolved, for the better I'd say, this is a great thread.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:17 pm
by PerchPredator
Yeah, I'd imagine it just sort of happens with these types of forums every now and then.
I build 1/72 scale models in the offseason to keep me busy and I was posting all my builds and projects on a forum dedicated to the hobby.
Bunch of cool people, much like FH, and some great tips and stories (also like FH), but I just never go on that site anymore.

still love it here though :D :D