Lake of the Woods report (pic intense)

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Lake of the Woods report (pic intense)

Post by muskymatt »

What a drive, what a week, what a blast !!!

2300kms of some of the nicest scenery you'll ever see as you drive up and over Lake Superior....stunning 8)

Friday Oct 1st 3am

Sean arrives at my place, we load the truck with his gear and off we go to p/u Brian at his place.
Being so early we didn"t get light until North Bay, thru Sudbury was uneventful and soon we werealong the shores of lake Superior and holy crap is that area beautiful

A couple pics from the truck as we were not about to stop and delay our arrival to the final destination.

Sean at the wheel.....this is not a trip you want to do alone and in one shot... :lol:


we were fortunate enough to see some bears on the drive , this one was running around like crazy and a couple hundred feet up the road we saw why. It's cub had be hit and killed by a car...poor thing :(


Our plan was to drive 17hrs straight to Nipigon and rest the night starting again early the next morning to complete the final 7hrs of the drive.

A quick supper in Nipigon and it was off to bed.

Sat Oct 2nd

Fresh off a good rest and anxious to get started fishing we had a quick stop in Rainy River for groceries and beer (lots of beer :lol: )


We arrive at Red Wing lodge right at the time we predicted and by 1pm we were looking back at the dock going out for our first fish.


Our view


Our first day Sean was able to hook up a small muskkie (no pic) and a couple pike...but we were looking for big girls :wink:

Back at the lodge we had a grooup pic of all the guys who made the trip

Great group...more laughs than you can imagine :lol:


Sunday Oct3rd

We awoke to boat, still tied to the dock was....submerged.....yes underwater, as in I could barely see my motors!!! In a state of panic I jump into the 54 deg water and start to bail like a madman. Soon others were helping and the lodge owner brought down an electric pump to help and within minutes we had it floating again.
From what I could tell the livewell fill switch had been turned on and filled my boat. Possible an animal in looking for food?? I'll never know.
Plugs out, fluids changed and numerous other tweeks and believe it or not.....both started and ran like nothing had ever happened :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Off we go and beat the water with large muskie baits for a shortened but good day. Day 2 brought us no success with muskie but we did manage a decent pike


And Bald Eagles galore...watching them fight, feed and generally just hanging out doing what Eagles do was so awesome.


Monday Oct 4th

We awoke to a boat still floating, good start in my opinion!! :)

The day was beautiful and muskies were waiting



We started with a pike


But it wasn"t long before we were into muskies 8) 8)

Sean with a nice one!


And me to follow it up.


Sad part was that Sean had his rod snap on his fish, too bad as it was a custom made rod given to him as a birthday present a few years :(.
Brian would have to wait another day for his first Muskie action.

Tuesday Oct 5th

Switching tactics proved to be successful as Brian holds a nice pb muskie for a pic.
On the same structure Sean holds up another one , a bit smaller but still a beaut.


The night before we had made arrangements to meet at an island that has a great shore lunch spot. I can tell you if you get a chance to do it! I have done many in my lif but not like this. Keith cooked us up a feast for kings which we enjoyed while overlooking some of the most amazing scenery imaginable...simply breathtaking 8) 8)
Our docking station for the lunch.
The menu was fresh Pickeral, potatoes, peppers, onions and wild rice....simply amazing 8)

Day 4 was another day and another breakage as Brians casting reel decided it wanted to fail...yet another breakage...and to top that off one of my saltys exploded on a snag so we were also down a rod holder.....but there is still more to come :shock: :lol:

Wed Oct 6th

We had planned to make a long run to an area that looked good on the map and had also planned to make the run with some other members of the group. 7am we were taking of from the dock and about 5kms into the run....I blew my 115 Evinrude....yup...toast!!! :cry:
At this point we knew we were reduced to the 9.9hp kicker so 90% of the lake was off :x

But we were not to give up as we simply re-evaluated our situation and adapted.
Trolling some areas we were almost immediately into muskies

Boy did I need that fish as spirits were shaky and I was pretty down on the motor breakage.

Sean with a nice Pike...which we kept several of and had some awesome good breakfasts with.

Nap time.... :lol: :lol:

It's amazing the structure and number of islands...every turn had more of the same and it seemed endless.
Brian with another beast 8)
Pelicans were everywhere and man are they big....
We ran into our buds out doing much of the same as us and had a good mid day tactic chat.

Hooks like this were common...getting them to bite was another story :shock: :shock: :shock:
Small one.
Brians second pb of the trip.... 8) 8)
We hooked an old bunch of line and attached to it was a bunch of Rusty invasive the did not get released.

Friday Oct 8th

Friday was flat calm and was like someone had rounded up all the wildlife..very few birds, no fish activity and hot.
We lost(Brian) a decent Muskie right at the end of the day and a pike was released as well.
Some shots.

Sat Oct 9th time to leave

After some great highs and some big lows we were on the road again,

now of to Kenora to meet up with some MCI guys who opened a great Muskie store right on the shore of LOTW's. You can test your buy out before you pay for cool is that.
Figure 8 Muskie shop...great stuff guys! Awesome store.
View from the store front deck 8)

We headed ouot to Vermillion bay on Eagle lake to take in the first ever North West Muskies Canada chapter meeting which was great and a pleasure to meet all the outstanding folks who worked so hard to get it up and running. Cingrats guys...all the best with the new chapter.

Brian summing up the general idea of the beers in the boat though. :wink:

Sunday 10th Oct
We awoke at 7am and hit the road and decided to drive straight to Ottawa...yes 23 hrs straight... :shock: what a killer :shock: :roll:

But I'd do it again in a heartbeat 8) :lol:

Some pics on the way home.





What a great trip I'll never forget 8)
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Post by cprince »

This is the report I have been waiting for... and it was well worth the wait!!!

Amazing report Matt... the gang looks like they all had a blast. Did you go by Sibley... was that a pic of the Old Man... or was it The Sleeping Giant? Used to go there as a kid...

Did that "Cray Fish"... more like a lobster... go into a pot?!

Thanks again for sharing.

Congs to Sean on his PB!

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Post by Kovalchuk »

Awesome Pics and Report!

Damn.. I didn't realize it was that far. Ontario is HYOOOOGE!
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Post by esox50 »

The rusties were disposed of... but not in the kitchen and not in our bellies.

Brian broke his PB twice. I would have been elated to break mine, but it wasn't meant to be. :wink:

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Post by Rider23 »

Man what a trip :!:

Great report bud sure looks like a hell of a time 8)
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Post by gonefishin »

Great report. Some great looking muskies.
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Post by rodbreaker »

Awsome time had by all!!Havent laughed that hard,that long in a long time :shock: Catching muskies was a bonus compared to the time spent with the boys.For some reason the nightly parties where in our cabin every night?The boat problems and equipement failures came fast and furious but we were never detered 8)
The drive home was long and brutal,but i would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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Post by Bear »

Very cool 8) trip Matt, some awesome scenery and nice fish for sure. The shore lunch must have been Incredable. Sucks to hear about the motor though. Thanx for doing your part in getting rid of that RUSTY :!: :!: :!:
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Post by muskymatt »

Bear wrote:Very cool 8) trip Matt, some awesome scenery and nice fish for sure. The shore lunch must have been Incredable. Sucks to hear about the motor though. Thanx for doing your part in getting rid of that RUSTY :!: :!: :!:
Yes the shore lunch was the best I've ever had and a highlite among many...the comradery was stuff of legends...every single participant was there for the same reasons thus the complete enjoyment that was experienced shared equally amongst all.

Hell I blew my motor and still had the best fishing/friendship trip of my life.
A lifetime of friendships made and memories too.

The parties were quick and hilarious as we fished till dark or close to every day...a quick meal, beers, lots of laughs and tired anglers off to bed ready to rise at 6:30am for breaky....
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Post by horsehunter »

Great report Matt was the motor failure related to it's swim? If so you may have an insurance claim. Is it terminal?
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Post by stclairhound »

Matt, looks like a great trip, great report.
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Post by Moosebunk »

Thoroughly enjoyed Matt. Some beauty fish amidst a good handful of bad luck. Ya did well to make a great memory for yourself... one that you'll look back on all long winter ti'll you do it again. :wink:
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Post by Chevy Champagne »

awesome report
looks like you guys had an awesome time
and some great fish were caught there 8)
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Post by fiiish »

Great pics and report! Glad you guys were able to overcome your troubles and still put some great lookin' fish in the boat.
Looks like a lot of fun. Awesome stuff guys! 8) :D :D
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Post by RJ »

Great report Matt. Cool stuff!

The weather in the North was warmer than here last week so that likely threw you a bit of a curveball fishing wise.....but you guys did awesome for being newbies in the area!

Sure hope your boat woes are an easy fix....that sucks.

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