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Flippin question

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:21 pm
by Seabass81
Alright so I will have to admit I am hooked . Not "Chevy" kinda a hooked but more like my fondness for flippin .

I use to love throwing frogs but so far my results have been better 10 fold on the jig . I have had the chance to learn what depth is optimal as well as kind of weed cover that is most likely to hold the fish . The problem I have is the Ottawa River .

This is my home body of water and I have yet to see anything I would normaly deem flippin material other then the odd wood laydown .

Either I cant see the long deep weeds or the structure is too shallow .(in my opinion )

When fishing the Ottawa what kinda stuff do you flip ?


Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:30 pm
by Spence Scout
Hey man

The Ottawa River has more to flip than most bodies of water! Truth is what you seem to think is shallow probably isn't shallow at all. To me shallow is ankle deep.
I flip everything from pads, logs, arrow heads, pencil reeds, and thick mat. The "O" has more flipping water to offer than most bodies of water. My suggestion would be pick an area and dont put down your flip n stick all day. Flip every little piece of cover that looks different. Then after youve got a few bites or caught a few fish narrow down the good productive cover form the non productive cover and then target or look for the same elsewhere or in the same area! Its easy to get caught up flip the same cover for hours and have little production, keep an open mind and know when to move onto different water. This will help you determine whats worth flipping.
But heres a question for you! Why put down the frog rod on the Ottawa River?? :lol:


Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:37 pm
by Big Jim
Hey John, nothing is to shallow for this presentation...I have actually seen bass come out from under mats where they were almost on their sides the water was so shallow!!!

If there is room for a bass to be need to put your jig in, near, around, beside, on top of, through, and whatever is necessary to get to them. They will sit on almost anything and that is why you need to hit almost everything you see. After a while on the given day you may realize that they are using a certain type of cover and then you can perhaps key on that.

Pitchin' is FAR SUPERIOR to flippin' as a method of presentation since it distances you from them a bit more and you are less apt to spook them.

Just remember...anything can hold them!!!!

Enjoy :D



Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:18 am
by Seabass81
Thanks for the info guys . I feel really good on lakes flippin but the Ottawa has confused me . I will give it a good try and see if I can weed out some spots anf figure it out .


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:44 am
by Hollywood
I went camping at desert lake last year. Everyone told me there are no bass in that lake. It's a deep, cold lake with very few weeds in the sparse areas that are less than 20 feet deep. It's mostly a sand bottom that holds pike in one end and lake trout down deep.

I went up this little creek of crystal clear water with a pebble bottom into what's called canoe lake. The water there is no more than 6 feet and is lined with lilly pads on both side. I spend the whole day tossing weightless texas rig and wacky rigs onto littly pads and just letting them fall off into the water. I was getting bass all day and the water in those areas was probably no more than 2 feet. Bass will hide anywhere. I read a quote once that said "big bass are collectors"... if there's clumps of lilly pads all over, find the one differrent one with the log sticking out and that's probably the one with the big fatty.

Anyway, just trying to show that there's no rules sometimes. You just have to try something different.

Re: flippin'

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:23 pm
by DropShotr
Big Jim wrote: Pitchin' is FAR SUPERIOR to flippin'
Words to live by......................