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Maiden Voyage - Take II - A success ! - A Few Photos Added

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:43 pm
by GR8-Scott
So, I decided I needed a sick day...especially after my wife was gone all weekend (Fri-Sat-Sun) to some scrap-booking event CROPTopia....anyway....I decided I would try launching myself, again, this time at Clay Bank. As I am packing up the SUV and getting the boat ready, my 3-yr old comes running out saying he wants to go fishing too. Thanks the the generosity of a fellow F-H member (Tim C. -- thanks neighbour :) ) my little guy has a new Spiderman fishing rod....and he is actually getting quite good at casting the little rubber red fish around the house. He has these big sad puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist, even though I knew this would mean a short fishing/boating trip. So I figure why not ! He is all excited.

As we drive over, I see one boat driving down the lauch road before me...I think to myself, I hope it is not to busy. The boat ahead of me is some kind of Chinese/Japanese Junk sorta pontoon least that's what the guy in the truck said as he watched it drift away with the guy trying to get it started... :)

So now it's my turn....I back up a couple of times...still trying to get the hang of it....and finally make it down to the waters edge. I get out to check and see that my back tires are just in the water, the boat still on the trailer and not even close to being able to float....not wanting a repeat of the Maiden Voyage I, I decided to take the advice of some fellow Hawkers and push the boat off the trailer-thank god for the tilt feature... 8). I'm in the water to my knees (not to cold at all)...I grab the rope and bring it back to shore and the pieces of wood that appear to be some sort of dock.... :? I go park the truck, grab my little man, grab the gear, rods, tackle and life jackets and walk back down to the boat. My little guy is singing "I'm going fishing, my daddy is going fishing, I'm going fishing too..." I get him in the boat, and he wants to immediatly go to the back and sit in the driver's seat....I said no way....sit in the middle until daddy get the boat going. I put the motor down, give it a pull, nothing, then another pull...nothing....I think WTF....then realized the safety cord was not attached to the run/stop must have come loose when I put the cooler in the back. So I put the cord back on, flip the switch to run, give it a pull and we're good to go !

I throw my line out as we troll around the bay area...any my little guy keeps casting his rubber fish in the water and reeling it back in....throwing it out and reeling in back it....he asks daddy, did you get a fish yet...I said nope, did you? He said, yup, a red one... :lol: :wink:

So after about an hour, he wants to go back home. So we head back to the launch. As we get closer to shore, I slow down try to line myself up and shut off the motor and lift it up out of the water...all of a sudden the wind blows and spins us around...heading the wrong way. So I get the oars and try to roar to shore, but that's not working, so I put the motor down, start it up and drive it in....All this time there are two guys in a Hydro One truck watching us as they eat their lunch. One guys comes down to help me land the boat. I go get the SUV, back it down and the other guy asks if I need some help, so I replied, sure, I can always use a hand. We get the boat winched on and drive problems :D :D :D
All the way home, he was singing "I was the fist one in daddy's boat, I was the first one fishing in daddy boat..." He couldn't wait to get home to tell his two big sisters.... :P :P

No fish caught for me, and my little man kept catching the red one 8) 8)
All in all it was a short but good time.

I'll post some pictures shortly...even took a photo of a loon - just for BA!

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:52 pm
by Sportspal
Those are the types of memories that your son will remember and tell his children about; about how he was first in daddy's boat, and the fun you had today.

Good on the Hydro guys for lending a hand!
I hope you get into some fish on your next outing.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:57 pm
by joco
thanks to share that bud.

i like it.

this is what its all about familly outhing.

i am sher he had a big smile on is face to.

and those hydro guy are always good mans. 8) :lol:


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:58 pm
by troutnmuskiehunter
GR8 report Scott :wink: .....I hope you get as much enjoyment as I did with the boat!...ya, that teather cord can be a pain sometimes, but glad you figured it out quickly and ya weren't cussing me thinking the motor was a lemon :wink: :lol:

Your son will also remember that trip with Dad in the new boat :wink:

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:09 pm
by Fishing 24/7
gr8 story gr8 scott.
had a gr8 time reading it.

gr8 for the hydro guys to help out.

WAY-2-GO for your lil one on catching the only fish of the day. :D

he Gr8LY out fished you. :lol: :lol:

just having fun here.

congrats buddy. :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:10 pm
by Rideau-snag
Honestly your son will remember that forever, i remember when my old man took me out for the first time, its memories for a lifetime

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:12 pm
by Wallyboss
GR8 going !!! Memories that you + your son will cherish for years to come.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:17 pm
by Mike P
I can remember the same type of outing quite a few years back with my father. Great story.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:37 pm
by fishin mission
good on the little one i didnt know clay banks had red fish but anyways my question is? wtf were the 2 guys from hydro Ottawa doing at a boat launch in arnprior? just like city workers sleeping in some hidden areas so they can have an afternoon nap. No wonder Hydro is so expensive :lol: :lol:

Re: Maiden Voyage - Take II - A success !

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:51 pm
by Bass Addict
GR8-Scott wrote: So now it's my turn.. I get out to check and see that my back tires are just in the water, the boat still on the trailer and not even close to being able to float....

Tip for ya Scott ...

Just keep backing up until the water starts coming in by the doors , that should be far enough in most cases... :P :P :P :P :P

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:22 pm
by plncrzy
Glad to hear your son enjoyed it!...

I remember taking my daughter out for the first time. We stoped at CTC and bought a BARBIE rod/real and she picked out a spoon blue.white/pink with dots on it... went to a walleye lake... she caught a 5 pound eye right off the bat :shock: :!:

Now I have three little fisherman/girls in the family....I just wish they could take a day off school to go fishing :D

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:04 pm
by High Noon
It's great to hear that your young lad had a blast. It's also good to hear about complete strangers pitching in and giving a hand.

High Noon

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:15 pm
by bruce
gotta love the kids and boating ! wait till he catches his first,or jumps off the dock,swimmin deep in the lake,drivin the boat ! all priceless !

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:13 pm
by GR8-Scott
TroutnMuskieHunter wrote:GR8 report Scott :wink: .....I hope you get as much enjoyment as I did with the boat!...ya, that teather cord can be a pain sometimes, but glad you figured it out quickly and ya weren't cussing me thinking the motor was a lemon :wink: :lol:

Your son will also remember that trip with Dad in the new boat :wink:
No, wasn't cursing ya Steve....started first pull after I turned it on :oops: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:14 pm
by GR8-Scott
THANKS EVERYONE .... we had a fun time...he's still talking about it :lol: