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Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:58 am
by Steady Eddy
Sorry guys, just exploring all options here. If I drive to redhorse (lyndhurst) with a canoe, for a day trip, is it possible to get some fishing done, or will I be paddling in/out all day ?

Re: Frustrated

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:04 am
by troutnmuskiehunter
steadyeddy wrote:Sorry guys, just exploring all options here. If I drive to redhorse (lyndhurst) with a canoe, for a day trip, is it possible to get some fishing done, or will I be paddling in/out all day ?
Wow.....I can tell you're frustrated simply by your posts about the different lakes within the past 48hrs :? :? :? :?

Mississippi near Galeta for cats, Limestome, Redhorse, Silver, etc.....just pick a lake dude and go get em' 8) :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:46 am
by lifeisfun
Yup, you should be planning in winter ....
Now is time for some action :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:14 am
by GuinnessGuy
Get you QC license and hit the lakes on both sides of the river.
Do a search for most of Joco's posts. He goes out paddling (almost exclusively a paddling fisherman) all the time and tells what he catches and HOW he catches. I've found his posts very helpful.

Without judging, I think you may have a different view than I regarding fishing. I see a day fishing as a day outside, away from lifes troubles, enjoying nature. The fish are a bonus. Sure, they are targetted, but a day where I get skunked is better than a day on the couch flipping the channels on the tv. Focus less on catching, and just get out there. More time on the water, less time on the computer from April till November, and you'll have more fish in the bucket/frying pan.

Good luck.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:23 am
by Steady Eddy
What can I say, the 3 of you are right. I am just bummed at how much gas I burn up trying to get to the blinking lakes, that I dont actually make it, its kinda comical. The QC license is a must I agree. Thanks guys.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:27 am
by Todd B.
steadyeddy wrote:What can I say, the 3 of you are right. I am just bummed at how much gas I burn up trying to get to the blinking lakes, that I dont actually make it, its kinda comical. The QC license is a must I agree. Thanks guys.
If you're going to fish the Calaboggie area you either have to spend a day scouting out the access to any of the lakes you're interested in fishing or else go up with someone that has fished a particular lake previously. If you don't have the time/gas to scout them, just stick to the lakes that are right on the highways. Just get there early so you will have a parking spot. :-D

Re: Frustrated

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:56 pm
by DropShotr
steadyeddy wrote:Sorry guys, just exploring all options here. If I drive to redhorse (lyndhurst) with a canoe, for a day trip, is it possible to get some fishing done, or will I be paddling in/out all day ?
Red Horse is ringed with private property.
The only resort on the lake, is owned by a an individual that should not be in the hospitality business. :shock: :shock:

I would call Shawmere first, and ask if you can launch you canoe before driving to Red Horse..........if you frustrated now, drive all the way there and find out he wont let you launch unless you are staying at the resort :evil: :evil:
If you have to padle from Singleton I'd consider takeing provisions for an overnighter with you.

I would believe you will get to better trout fishing quicker in Quebec than you will in Ontario.

Good luck,

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:00 pm
by GuinnessGuy
This Friday, trout opens in zone 10 (the Outaouais) on the QC side. If you insist on using a canoe, the closest lake that has garanteed access is McGregor. It might be a bit big, and there WILL be traffic (and fish)


Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:11 pm
by Steady Eddy
I love this site and some of you guys :shock: more every hour. I certainly dont insist on the canoe, as I will be renting. Are the trout in the creeks on the QC side ?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:29 pm
by GuinnessGuy
There are brookies in creeks and some smaller lakes. There are lakers in the large lakes, and also in the smaller lakes.

For lakers, and close to Ottawa, McGregor is your easiest bet. Nice boat launch.


Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:05 pm
by zarbat007
Where is Mcgreggor lake?
Can I fish there with a 12 ft aluminum boat with 9.9 horse?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:17 pm
by GuinnessGuy
From Ottawa, cross to Hull side. Get on Hwy 50 through Gatineau. Get off at Boul Lorrain, and turn left towards Perkins. Drive. Eventually, you got through a little hole they call Perkins, and you will see a lake to your left. After your second look at the lake (the road veers away for a short while), turn left on Chemin Pelissier. The launch is just at the end.

I would say you'll be fine with that setup. On a really windy day, I'd tread carefully, but there are so many bays on that lake that you can hide for the most part. I used the search engine, on Fish-Hawk, to find the spots where the fish hold.

When I go, it's a 14-ft tinny with a 9.9, so pretty similar.


Re: Frustrated

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:18 pm
by Todd B.
DropShot'r wrote:Red Horse is ringed with private property.
The only resort on the lake, is owned by a an individual that should not be in the hospitality business. :shock: :shock:

I would call Shawmere first, and ask if you can launch you canoe before driving to Red Horse..........if you frustrated now, drive all the way there and find out he wont let you launch unless you are staying at the resort :evil: :evil:
I assume everyone is referring to Redhorse Lake in Zone 18? As this lake is stocked by the MNR, and as such must have a public access point of some form. I would suggest calling the Kemptville MNR and inquire as to what/where the public access point is on the lake. If it is indeed the launch at the resort and they do not permit "public" use (even at a reasonable fee) of their launch, I would bring it up with the MNR.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:18 pm
by Steady Eddy
Thats the one. I will now dig a little deeper. Thanks Todd.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:49 am
by solar
steadyeddy wrote:What can I say, the 3 of you are right. I am just bummed at how much gas I burn up trying to get to the blinking lakes, that I dont actually make it, its kinda comical. The QC license is a must I agree. Thanks guys.
I know how you feel. I've spent a full day driving around a lake trying to find access, because oddly enough my Ontario lakes Map, Garmin (with lakes of Ontario chip) and assorted advice from friends at work has not been enough to find any decent spots to shore fish (I'm still searching out a boat).

I was up at Muskrat lake yesterday and spent a good deal of time driving around. I found the official launch, and a few unofficial ones, and tried shore fishing in hopes of late spring trout, but it was not to be. It was a lot of driving, and it was frustrating, but now I know where to go once I get my boat. And it looks like a great trolling lake.

Dave has a good point, the chase should be as much fun as the catch. But I do understand the frustration of being skunked after a full day's driving.

