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road trip fishing report

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:04 pm
by plncrzy

Every year around this time I travel to NW Ontario and drive a loop from Thunder Bay to Dryden to Kenora, to Fort Frances and back to Thunder Bay again.

I travel up there to provide severe weather training to various organizations.

In previous years, I have brought with me a small collapsible fishing rod and a few lures. I would stop at a few roadside rest stops near a lake and make a few casts.

A couple years ago, I had made a stop at this location just out from Kenora and caught a few SMB. So I marked it on my gps and saved the waypoint. This year, I was eager to make my rest stop at this location and had my rod/reel ready in the back seat.

I arrived the waypoint this morning at about 10am. Had a quick pee in the bushes and pegan to cast my Mepps spinner with fake minnow. Right away, I catch a SMB…then another and another… I recalled that my son (Mad_on_fishing) had put a camera in my suitcase the day before…. I decided that if I caught any more I would take a pic or two.


First pics were of the location where I stopped to fish,

Her is the car rental.

Here is a typical SMB that I always seem to catch at this location.


I caught likely about 10 of these within a 30 minute period.



All the bass were caught on the same spinner with a simple retrieve just below the water surface. Then I decided to try something different. I thought that I would cast out as far as I could in what looked like deep water , let the spinner sink to the bottom and try a slow retrieve. Within about five turns of the reel, I get something on, its big I can tell. I continue to retreive the fish until I can see it, Its HUGE, immediately I think a big PIKE, NO … it’s a walleye!!!!!.... NO net, I try to get his brute onto shore, just as I drag this puppy up, the line breaks and the walleye begins to thrash around in the 10” water, Before the walleye can get its bearings, I jump in the water with only my running shoes and grab this guy…

Put him on shore, and take a pic before he was let go. Just then I hear my blackberry going off and I realize that its time for me to go, feet totally soaked but with a smile on my face….. until next year when I drive past this spot again!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:47 pm
by Gord
nice ones!!....the good ol' Mepps Minnow......that was my "go to" lure back in the day! :lol: .....looks like it's still slayin' em! :D :)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:47 pm
by cprince
AWESOME road trip plncrzy!!! Those are often the best memories; alone on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...

I love those times too!



Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 5:47 pm
by Badger Shark
Great report and pics! I am also a weather nut, have been since I was a kid living in Kansas because of the the storms we would ge there. This year I want to get some good weather shots so I hope we have so good storms this year.
Wish I could get a job to do with weather.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 5:53 pm
by Fishing 24/7
that looks like a real awesome lake.

great report. and a fun story!

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:59 am
by Jigs
Nice report. Can't hardly wait till end of June.

That part about havin a pee added drama........... :lol:

just joshin :P

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:24 am
by almontefisher
Nice work crzy...I was up that area as well Zone 8...bass open all year!!!!. Caught a few SM and boy is it weird catching them at this time of the year and not having to scramble to get them back in the water. We did the ole stop at some lakes but with little success.

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:05 pm
by plncrzy
I just did a quick measurement of the rod compared to the walleye. About 28" ... so what 4 to 5 pounds?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:36 pm
by bruce
beauty fish! bass open all year ,priceless!I woulda kept that wally tho!

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:22 pm
by GR8-Scott
Looks like it was a great road-trip plncrzy....Nice pics, nice report...
Looks like a nice lake.
