Food chain - Food for thought

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Food chain - Food for thought

Post by Out4trout »

Food Chain...
-Piscivorous fishes -eg Lake Trout, Bass, Pike, Walleye, Musky
-Zooplanktivorous minnows, Small fish, Crayfish, Frogs, Daphnia Shrimp, -Invertebrate and Larvae (Mayflys etc)
-Phytoplankton, Benthos & Zooplankton
-Plants, Nutrients

Suppose that a lake was suffering a collapse at the top of the food chain.
Predatory fish such as Lake Trout, Bass, Walleye, Pike dying off.

You are given the choice to rejuvenate the lake via several options.

Option 1
Introduce feed directly to the Lake Trout and top predators... just dump
millions of minnows directly into the lake...


Option 2
Solve the issue why the plants and plankton were dying off, reduce
toxins into the lake, reduce nutrient loading, then re-introduce plankton
and allow the shrimp, invertebrates to recover, providing a natural source
of food for the minnows and top predator fishes.

I think it is obvious that Populations will naturally balance if the
rejuvenation of the lake started at the bottom of the food chain. If the fix is started at the top, then the success will be short lived indeed.

-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Economic Analogy - the Banks and Auto Makers are the top predatory fish. Consumers are in the food chain as minnows, supplying income to the banks and Auto companies.
Our jobs feed us, so are the Daphnia shrimp and invertebrates. Jobs are disappearing - so the banks are in trouble because the minnows are getting skinny and defaultin.

The US has chosen to dole buckets of minnows into the lake to assist the top predators, banks and car companies. Further, they decided that even though the Walleye (Japanese car company) is more efficient than the pike at catching minnows, we would feed the Pike but not the Walleye. :?

An alternative would have been to start at the bottom of the food chain, reduce taxes, allow consumers to pay down their mortgages with their RRSP or IRAs, then the banks would not have had all the defaults, people could afford to buy the new car- and so it goes. And the walleye would displace the pike eventually - because they are more efficient.

Natural order anyone??
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Post by Geos »

Last edited by Geos on Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Razor »

Finally an explanation I can understand. Thanks
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Post by Canmoore »

The problem however, is that if you start giving people money to pay off there debts you are just throwing wood on the fire.

Sure people will pay off there debts, but then what? The banks are not lending money because of the credit problems, so small companies that employ millions of people are going under because they cannot get a loan to get through these times. And the auto industry is not just one industry but hundreds of industies all tied together.

So people will be debt free, but with no jobs. And the government would be in debt billions of dollars because they spent there money on paying off peoples debts, instead of stimulating the economy.

I think that you have your analogy backwards. The Financial and manufacturing sectors are the bedrock from with our economies grow from.

People are like the predators, without our jobs, we cannot survive, and our jobs depend on the eonomy.
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