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Muskrat Lake Adventure Week-end

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:01 pm
by Fishhawk
If you've been lurking on the sidelines, wishing you had been one of the first to get your deposit in, then now is your chance. We have four beds available for those who don't like to rough it on the ground that week-end.

Have no idea what I am talking about? It's our spring walleye/pike fishing excursion that is being held the week-end of May 28 and 29. Three days and 2 nights of fishing, including your meals and a host of others good stuff, for the unbelievable price of 199.99 (all taxes included).

Here is a link with the details... ... keside.htm

Here is another link with Frequently Asked Questions I receive from people who have never seen a deal quite like this one. ... php?t=2847

We're lookig forward to hearing from more anglers who are interested in learning a thing or two about pike and walleye fishing.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:06 pm
by SkeeterJohn
For anyone who is undecided give it a go it was great fun last year and you'll get to meet a lot of the people you talk with on here... Highly recommended :!:

I know a lot seem interested in the lakers but i know there are some that will be targetting the pike and walleye.. so don't look at this and say ahhh i don't fish for lakers... even in such a large group there's something for everyone...

No boat.. no worries everyone seems to find a spot for the weekend :!:

No beer hmmm tough well ok perhaps a few but don't drink all mine :!:

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:53 pm
by Fishhawk
There is lots of time to target whatever people want to target. As someone who can count the number of lake trout outings they have been on with one hand, I definitely intend to watch the guys who spend a lot of time catching them so I can pick up a few tips. What an opportunity to learn.

Vice versa, I expect there will be a few people interested in seeing what I do to entice the bigger pike that lurk around. I've never targeted them in this lake, but the incidental catches of pike during tournaments has me drooling for the time that I do go after them. Some pf the Pettawawa Bassmasters I spoke to last spring spoke very highly of the pike in Muskrat, suggesting there are plenty of pike going larger than ten pounds. Big pike will be caught on rapidly retrieved spinner baits...although Simon has a secret concoction of salted minnows that showed up all other baits last year at Pinecrest.

My biggest concern is that people are intimidated to join us. I speak to so many people at the shows who think this is a great idea but they feel they are not a part of the group, or they won't feel comfortable showing up with only one fishing rod and a small tackle box. I tell every one of them that it doesn't matter how much you own or how often you fish...what matters is that you want to go out there and fish.

Would you like to drink John's beer around a campfire? :lol:

The campfire is where I will be. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah if you can stand it.

Some guys will hit the hay early to get the first casts in early. Everything goes on this week-end - the experience means different things to different people. For some, the fishing is most important. For others it is the socializing among other anglers that is most important. For others it is learning new stuff. For others it is a combo of all things.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 7:44 am
by eye-tracker

I have lots of room in my boat for first time anglers that wan't to learn walleye tactics...I have all of the tackle and rods for them to use so they can see what works and in time get the gear they would like.

This site is about learning and sharing ideas... no better way to do it then on the water.

Heck I still learn new things everytime I am on the water or meet other anglers...I am sure I will walk away from the Muskrat Lake Adventure Week-end with more fishing knowledge.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:26 am
:D Brand new lake to me. I like to try for fish.. So I will be after trout, pike, walleye and gar pike... but hey.. I may even bring ice fishing equipment and jig for rainbow smelt! :lol: Rumours of Sturgeon in the depths...lake to 400" ..muskratness monster...hmmmmm better put on some braided line just in case. :) Bottom line is to come out have fun and if the fish c0-0perate thats a bonus.. 8)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 12:03 pm
by Moosebunk

I like that lake. I'm envious of you all that are going. Maybe next year. Have fun. Don't let the folks from Perth catch any fish :lol:

the gang

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:32 pm
by jazman
I went to Pinecrest last year without really knowing a soul... other than chatter online. Came away with some great memories, new buddies and a few fish.

Read through some of the guys who are going to be there and start thinking about how often you get a chance to fish with guys of this caliber... these guys know there stuff and I am happy to be one of the sponges who wil be there soaking it up.

You will not regret coming out, this will be a great time!

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 2:19 pm
by M.T. Livewell
Thanks for the kind words Jazman ... wait a minute, I am not one of "those guys" you were referring to?!. :roll:

Like I have professed, I am just the comic relief, and also the eye-candy (more comic relief).

I have a rotating empty seat in my boat and hope to shake hands and kiss babies with as many new friends as I can make.

M.T. Livewell

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 3:04 pm
by bts
MT, I too will have an empty seat in my boat. I am looking forward to fishing and telling stories with fellow Hawktalkers over the odd beerveredge. Should be a great chance to pick up lots of valuable tips.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 5:57 pm
by Cracker
I'm one of those guys that haven't met anyone but Hawk. Little experience and no boat. But I'm going anyway with hopes of becoming a better fisherman and meeting new friends. So those of you who who are holding back because of those details... well... forgetaboutit! :lol:
Maybe us 'newbies' can show them sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. 8)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:08 am
by Wall-I-Guy
From what I can see, it looks like there will be a few boats left on shore considering the numbers going with boats!

At any rate, hitching a ride shouldn't be an issue for those contemplating coming that don't have a boat :!:

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:22 am
by Markus
I can't wait! This will be my time fishing this year! :P

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:03 pm
by Mick

it concerns me that you consider yourself "eye candy" on what is shaping up to be an all guy weekend
