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Port Hope fishing..

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:37 pm
by Wall-I-Guy
Well what a day and a half of fishing that was. I've been dying to get down there and my chance finally came. Brian wanted to get away somewhere for a few days and, I had two days to go fishing so, off we went full of anticipation and ready to put in two full days of fishing.

We trailered down to his trailer at Quinte where I hooked the Crown Royal Express up to the Explorer and we were off. Got to Port Hope in time to get the boat in the water and docked for the night.

As luck would have it, we had enough time for a beer or two before hitting the sack.

At 5:00 we could hear movement outside so we were up and at 'em. Man was it foggy. With GPS in hand we ventured out carefully but determined.

Well I was the setup man and Brian was the skipper. This combo just seems to work for us. I start by getting the riggers down and as I just start putting out the first dipsy, I hear Brian..."fish on" and he grabs the pole. after a few minutes the day starts off fabulously with this 17 pounder Salmon..


Anyway, I get to setting things back up again when while dipsy number two was going out the other side, I hear it again.."fish on" so, I grab the pole and bring in this nice 'bow


The day was quite good to us considering there were just the two of us in the boat. We spoke with the guys behind and in front of our boats at the dock. One had 3 guys, the other had 4. Believe it or not, their total fish two boats for the day was....0 and that's not a mis-type.

More of the action from the day



There was the odd shaker in the mix too.


We had such a busy period at one point it was great. No doubles though, so we were dissappointed about that. We wanted to see what we'd do.. ;D

I think this was the big 'bow for the trip 11 pounds 9 ozs...


We ended the day going 15 for 16...not bad for two guys.. The only fish we lost this day was the last 'bow. Only two Salmon in the mix, Brian's hog and the Shaker.

We listened to the weather report for day two and decided, since they were calling for severe thunderstorms in the afternoon, we'd go out as long as we could.

So after a few beer the night before, were were up and at 'em again at 5:00.

The day started much the same as day one only you could see and feel the rollers starting.

As I'm dropping down rigger number two, I looked up only to see rod 1 had released now, we had been having issues with false releases with this particular clip so, I thought it was a false release but, I happened to look up and here i see about a 3 pound bow jumping like thye dickens about 60 feet back.. I grab the rod and it's gone...strike one.

Wasn't long after, the rods started firing again.


Most of the 'bows were 7-8 ponds but were a hoot to catch.


Again another shaker in the mix


We had a period where I started to get woozy because of the size of the rollers out there for day 2 so I decided to Captain the boat as I felt 100% while doing that. At one point Brian yell's "fish on" and before he could get to the rod, this is what happened, must've been a doozy!


Snapped right in half.

Somewhere around this point I grab a rod and finally get a nice salmon. I fought the thing for about 7-8 minutes and there was some serious reeeeeel peel. We got the thing about 150 feet back finally and were able to distinguish, no doubt it was a Salmon. At one point he peeeeeled for 200 feet at least, I thought he was going to the States ;D.... Unfortunately, the thing got off after so much time invested in him.

We had trouble landing a few fish today while the rollers were at their peak and were blaming the rollers... Seriously though, we can't figure it out why the difference today.

The rollers eventually died down thank God but the rain started afer that.


We decided to call it quits around 1:00 after all other boats had left the water and the lighting started in full force.

We ended the trip 23 for 29...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:13 pm
by TrollingThunder
Nice fish and a great report, hopefully that rod had a warranty hahaha

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:14 pm
by Wallyboss
Looks like you guys had a very good trip. Lot's of fish caught and good company. Can't ask for much more than that.


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:24 pm
by Mr. T.
Thanks for sharing your report. 8)

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:22 pm
by Tip-up
Fine looking fish WIG :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:28 am
by troutnmuskiehunter
Great report and nice fish!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:23 pm
wow guys that i9s a nice outing!!

nice to see u to togeather!

next time think of me lol!


Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:54 am
by Tricky