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Boating and Drinking

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:17 pm
by something_fishy
Does drinking a dealcoholized (0.5%)beer count as drinking and driving? Would I get in trouble for that, I don't drink alcohol, but would they still see it as alcohol??


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:05 pm
by Wallyboss
What do they do if you are drinking that beer while driving a car? Same difference!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:15 pm
by katch moore
yeah but he's not talking about beer. he's wondering about dealcoholized(0.5%) alcohol.

there's a little difference. one you have to buy at a designated alcohol retailer (beer store...) and the other you can buy anywhere.

i've seen convenient stores selling labatt alcohol free beer.

so i would say that you aren't doing anything illegal when comsuming dealcoholized beer while using a motorized vehicle.

is it illegal to consume dealcoholized bubbly(champagne) while driving? nope cus it's just carbonated apple/white grape juice.

just my opinion

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:49 pm
by Wallyboss
All I said was that there is no difference whether it's a car or a boat.

i have no idea if it's legal or not??

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:39 pm
by Musky51
how many .05's would you have to drink to be under the influence?

Its not a problem guys...

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:15 pm
by Joisey Joe
I would think if it's got any alcohol in it it's a no-no!


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:22 pm
by something_fishy
Technically, it does have alcohol, but realistically, it doesn't have enough to register as an alcoholic drink, hence why you can get it at any grocery store in the pop section. I've been drinking .5 for years, and believe me, you can't even get a buzz off it!!
The best one out so far is Labatt's Nordique, it actually tastes just like a lite beer, even foams up like one, but I've had 6 in about 3 hour period and all it did was make me have to pee real bad like!! :D
You actually get more of a buzz off of those new energy/caffeine drinks on the market, so I imagine it would be looked at the same way as a can of coke or pepsi. It would technically take 10 cans of .5 beer to equal 1 can of 5% beer, and you would have to drink the 10 cans as fast as you could drink the 1 can of real beer. So, if you could down 10 cans of .5 in the same amount of time it would take you to socially drink 1 can of bud, then you would have 1 beer in you, but it would be dramatically diluted from all the water you just took in, so you would have to take that into consideration too, as well as the fact that after 10 beers you would have to pee real bad, so if it takes a few beers to get a buzz, you would need like 30 or 40 .5 beers in the same amount of time to get even a slight buzz, if any!! :lol: :lol:
So, I'm gonna go with the "I'm safe" bet.


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:25 am
by Abraxus
De-alcholized beer tastes like Ka-ka! Why even bother? Personally I totally approve of the rules governing drinking and boating. There are far to many high powered boats on the water now adays! Basically a 250hp bass boat T-boning a 14ft tinny is just not a good day on the water! Leave the booze on shore!


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:49 am
by Seabass81
Well I have been on the quebec side and had a beer or 2 in the boat. Nothing better! But in ontario it is illegal. So what if I had unopened beer in the and every time I got thirsty I jumped in the lake and drank it beside my boat? :lol: :idea:

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:51 am
by Bass Addict
Again ,leave the booze at home.......

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:52 am
by troutnmuskiehunter
I'd have to jump in and join you Chris....

Re: Beer

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:51 pm
by wolfe
Abraxus wrote:De-alcholized beer tastes like Ka-ka!
:lol: :lol: I agree! :lol: :lol:

I'd say even those "de-alcoholized" beers (:roll:) would be frowned on, just from an image point of view, whereas anyone else out on the lake seeing you throw back a bottle or can would assume it was fully leaded, and it could influence them in a negative way. Just my thoughts.

Why risk it, anyway?


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:11 pm
by Andy_L


Re: .

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:04 pm
by Joe28
Seabass81 wrote:Well I have been on the quebec side and had a beer or 2 in the boat. Nothing better! But in ontario it is illegal. So what if I had unopened beer in the and every time I got thirsty I jumped in the lake and drank it beside my boat? :lol: :idea:
You obviously don't understand the effect ingestion of alcohol has on your body... it doesn't matter where you drink it... once you drink it you're affected... dude. That beer's in you and its affecting you ... Your reasoning is seriously flawed Buddy, if you think because you drank the beer in the lake you're exempt from the laws you're wrong. we want good operators out there.

Re: .

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:26 pm
by Joe28
Seabass81 wrote:Well I have been on the quebec side and had a beer or 2 in the boat. Nothing better! But in ontario it is illegal. So what if I had unopened beer in the and every time I got thirsty I jumped in the lake and drank it beside my boat? :lol: :idea:
If you're driving the boat... you're busted. Yeah, we got stopped by the Quebec MNR last year... I was drinking in the boat.. 8.00 at night had an open beer... I wasn't driving the boat... they did not care... very serious though about about our catch... and licenses... buddy had his but didn't have it on him... 2hrs on shore... calls... many calls.. resulted in buddy not getting a fine. Buddy did have a license though... I bought mine with him.

If anything, much respect to those Quebec Ministry guys for allowing my buddy to prove his license... they were cool guys all the way out... he proved it later on the week at a Main Office...

It was cool, and those Quebec MNR's were awesome.