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How to fish Crotch Lake for Walleyes.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:55 pm
Will be fishing Crotch Lake the 3rd week in July. I've never Walleye fished before. Thought about getting a trolling rod for the trip but I'm not sure it's worth it.
Do people there use dipsey divers?
What about lindy rigs or even bottom bouncing.

Any suggestions on how to fish Crotch Lake for walleyes would be
appreciated. Yes I'm getting a guide for the first day.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:49 am
by Badger Shark
I suggest looking up past threads on this subject, there are alot of them as I have posted questions and reports myself.

Are you staying at Tumblehome Lodge. If so talk to Ward or his brother Jeff they both know this lake inside and out and are always willing to help people out to try and catch fish.

You mentiond a guide. If it is fred or Cliff they will put you on to fish they have been fishing this lake for over 25 yrs. And are really good guys.

I have been going there for the past 6 years and the first time couldnt catch a walleye but now I always get some and pike and bass too and of course tonnes of panfish.

All in all it is a beautiful lake and not overcrowded as it is surrounded by crownland and has only a few cottages around the entire lake.

But one thing to consider , the lake has been depleted somewhat over the years due to people keeping everything they catch, please respect the limits and the slot sizes alot of people dont seem to care but the MNR does and if they catch people they will fine them. Unfortunately their isnt a continuous presence on the lake so this practice of keeping more than the limit and slot fish will continue. :cry:

Good luck and I hope you find the info you need and also hope you will continue on this board and supply reports on your fishing experiences.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:03 pm
I'll be at the Land-O-Lakes lodge. I don't know the guides name, it is one of the people who works at the lodge.


Crotch Lake

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:18 pm
by Northerner
I own one of the few privately held cottages on Crotch lake. Straight up the lake from the lodge.The name of the island is Colonel Island. It was purchased many years ago by my grandfather. 3.4 acres for 200.00. Amazing! The lake has changed alot in the past 30 years for sure, but still a beautiful place.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:27 pm
by Badger Shark
I know the island well. Dont see you there much. I think I may have seen someone there a few times, you are a lucky guy. 200 bucks what a deal.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:06 pm
by Northerner
I am in Windsor and it is a little far to travel. Other family members from Kingston use it, as well as Smith Falls. I guess it is worth a bit more than 200.00 now. the lodge would like to buy it, but it has been in the family a long time. I am 48 years old and was first ther when I was 1 year old.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:18 pm
by blackbear
Land o lakes is a great place, Mel will put you on fish( he fish's most evenings and lets his guest know how things are going in what part of the lake. Terry guides for Mel alot and most people do well with him, he has fished the lake his whole life and lives local so he can show you some good spots . I have used dipsy divers there put prefer leadcore , Jigging and slip bobbers are the best way to go in july, My wife and I go every year in May and Sept, good luck and enjoy

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:49 pm
Hey Blackbear,

Thanks for the info about dipsey divers. Still haven't made up my mind whether to buy a trolling rod, this would be the only place right now that I'd use it. Been reading what I can about Walleye fishing, it's a lot of information, but its fun research. Most of my fishing is on the Shenandoah here in Virginia--a 3 lb smallmouth is a monster on that river.

I picked Crotch lake due to the positive comments I heard on this forum about both lodges. It's my first vacation to Canada, my wife has a 6lb smallmouth mounted on the wall from Mink Lake, that she caught back in

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:51 pm
by Rescue78
Gee.. You have no idea how often I've looked Colonel Island and thought to myself "Man I'd like to be the guy who owns that place". And to never see anybody there :shock:

Otra - I have done well with trolling worm harnesses on Crotch. Mind you that is normally in August. Just one more thing to consider.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:51 pm
by Northerner
Rescue78 wrote:Gee.. You have no idea how often I've looked Colonel Island and thought to myself "Man I'd like to be the guy who owns that place". And to never see anybody there :shock:

Otra - I have done well with trolling worm harnesses on Crotch. Mind you that is normally in August. Just one more thing to consider.
Lots of great Memories from our time on the Island. That is not the original camp that was there. The original burned down in the late 50's. It was really nice. It is a shame it doesn't get more use.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:36 pm
by Badger Shark
Ever consider renting it out? Man I love that lake and the Lodge but it would be nice to stay there. :wink: I also love staying out on the islands camping. Many reasons to like Crotch Lake.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:53 am
Rescue78 wrote:Gee.. You have no idea how often I've looked Colonel Island and thought to myself "Man I'd like to be the guy who owns that place". And to never see anybody there :shock:

Otra - I have done well with trolling worm harnesses on Crotch. Mind you that is normally in August. Just one more thing to consider.
Thanks, I can always use more reasons. I have to admit being a novice, I'd never used/heard of a worm harness, so I had to go look it up. Lots of new terminology, most is pretty straight forward once I see it, but I have to see it. Maybe I should keep a journal of the things I learn on this trip and post it for other novices.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:40 pm
by Splake_Hunter
Apparently there is a guy who owns Morrow's Cottages on Kings Lake (Connected to Crotch Lake via the Crotch Lake Dam). A group of us would like to check with him and his availability over the summer. Does anyone know of this guy and how to get a hold of him?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:29 pm
by eye-tracker
I do not get a chance to fish the lake enough, but it is a classic walleye lake.
Working steep breaks, humps, transitions, travel routes, feeding flats and wind swept shores with the classic bottom bouncer and spinner tipped with a crawler or trolling cranks would be a good bet. The walleye population is pretty low in the lake so I would stick to presentations that allow you to cover water quickly. An excellent sonar will be key on this lake because of all the structure. Also watch for the suspended walleye in mid summer, very few of the locals on the Lake fish these big suspended fish out over open water.

Good luck and have fun catching walleye on a very beautiful lake.


Crotch lake

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:58 pm
by Joey Rat
Jig minnows on the humps or troll. There are also some nice smallies in the lake. We pulled 10 out one fall morning and all but a couple went back in.

They like minnows as well.

I have also caught pike up at the top of the lake.