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On the Water Communication

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:08 pm
by Bobber
Apart from 2 way radios, I've recently noticed while fishing in the Bay of Quinte, that there seems to be a sort of communication methodology between boats to find out how others are doing.

For instance, if another boats wants to know how you are doing while trolling past them, they hold out their two arms as if they are asking "how big is your fish"? this....(forgive the artwork :oops: )


From what I can tell, this essencially means..."How's she go'in bye? Any luck?"

Now I've seen several different responses to this, none of which I am 100% of what it means.

Does anyone know if there there is an "official/unofficial" set of hand signals to communicate on the water? I don't fish the big water much, so this is new to me. We usually just yell when we're 100ft or so from another boat and there are no main motors going. :D

Let me know, and if there is or is not, perhaps we can start another little project to document it, pass the "word" (or signals in this case), and have our own On Water Language. I think that would be pretty cool.

What do you think?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:55 pm
by Badger Shark
And I thought people were just doing some little happy dance or the macarena. I hate that song! I know what you are talking about Bobber I had a couple of boats do this to me and I figured it out.

I think I have seen your drawing on some cave walls on documenteries about ancient people, well I guess that blows the theories of how they communicated since it is obviously just you going around graffetiing. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:28 pm
by Trophymuskie
Hey Rob if they are waving that middle finger it means you might be trolling to close. J/K

I don't know if there is anything official but I know us musky guys often ask how the fishing is going. Most often one of the boats spread their arms way apart like to express the size of a fish but end up bringning their hands up untill they touch above their heads creating a giant goose egg. Thumbs down mean fishing sucks, waving hand paralele to water mean so so and a number of finger normally mean the number of fish caught. Sometime even a two digit signal can tell the exact size of fish.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:39 pm
by fishforfun
Not how big is your fish, the 2 arm shrug is hows the fishing. Thumbs down, nothing, fingers up number of fish boated, arms stretched, length of biggest so far, trollers morse code but if they shoot you the bird run across his shute and cut his lines off :lol: Even though boats are running VHF they are often on different channels or the names (if they have them are obscured) so the the shrug. Works well and often gets a verbal go channel what ever, allowing for more detailed dicussion.

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:51 am
by RJ
Buy a VHF radio....and converse with people you know aren't shootin ya a load of crap... :lol:

It may also save your life someday....or someone elses...


Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:44 pm
by Bobber
Yeah I think we covered the obvious radio thing. So I have seen the big goose egg sign, so I'd assume this would mean something like....."nothing yet"....or "squat all".

Now the holding up of fingers would make sense, to indicate how well some are doing, but at 100 or 200 ft away, with gloves on, how accurate would you be able to make out how many fingers are being held up? Not that numbers matter, but if you caught one, I'd say things are pretty slow....however if you've caught more than 5 or 6 then I"d say you're doing pretty good. What type of signs could we do on water, that would be identifiable from a distance, to indicate how a boat is doing relatively?

Just something to talk about.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:10 am
by Bobber
Hey seriously though. Is there anything official? If not I'm gonna make something up. A brand new dialect. Could be messy. Boats slamming into other boats, people jumping overboard. Ever here those Claritin commercials about people not understanding each other.....hold on. It's a coming. :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:51 am
by BBRich
I usually pull my pants down and whip out the moon. This means "zero" fish caught. :twisted:

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:54 am
by Bobber all goes downhill if there is no "proper" method of communication. Makes me want to drop everything now and write a new language. :lol: Ohhhhhh the visions.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:02 am
by Kpin you really expect a complex set of hand signals and movements to communicate where direct speech not be possible when we still cannot effectively communicate to boaters that buzz smaller/other craft that it isn't an acceptable practice? (That btw. is where one of the few handsignals I know is used. The universal one finger, of course).

Sorry, being an @ss, it was a good Q, that I was curious about but I guess there really isn't. Really should be though, esp. given the fact not all watercraft carry radio's.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:06 pm
by swampbuster
I have passed other boats trolling who I do not know, exchanged friendly hand signals and without exception come away without the slightest clue what they are trying to say except they are being friendly.I would suggest if you are so close you can see how many fingers they are holding up their planner board is probably about to hit you and they are holding the index finger up.It would be nice to have some basic universal signs that could be easily seen from a distance. Of course using the radio is best but sometimes you don't want everyone listening.I think a lot of guys struggle with how to talk properly on the radio also.Trolling for Muskies can be a gruelling marathon, and a comical hand signal or a witty retort on the two-way from a fellow fishing brother can make your day a little better.You gotta be there to understand.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:51 pm
by Kpin
Not related to the thread but I gotta ask where is Battersea? Also, are fish caught there already prepared and ready for a fishfry right outta the water? *sigh*...a man can dream can't he?!

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:00 pm
by Bobber
Thanks Swampbuster, I agree.

Kpin, you on meds again? :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:49 pm
by Kpin
Yes Bobber and so...sue me...I like the idea of catching fish that'd be already battered dagnabbit! (Still wondering where Battersea is though).

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:02 am
by Badger Shark
Its next to Dagnabbit and south of Sheesh! Man what is going on? Already battered fish hmmmmm.... this would be great, but I guess that would mean the water would just be a giant deepfryer :lol: Man those med are really strong there even affecting me.

I wonder if there is a battered fish shelter?