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Finally, a good year on the Bay.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:33 am
by BigSim
Well, the start of this report is from about 3 weeks ago.

A friend from work and I, as well as his son Slipped into Haybay for an evening fish. Lanuched at 6:00, and we Were off a little After 9.

We Managed four Northerns in the two pound range, and a Pickerel around a pound.

Now, my parents are staying at Merland Park this week, and Sunday Night we went out to visit them. Dad and I hit the water at around 4:30ish and left the girls to drink the wine by themselves :roll:

We ran all the way to Hay Bay ( a long haul with a 25 horse) But it payed off for us, at least a little.

Now for anyone who remembers, we got skunked a lot last year out on the bay, and for our two hours of fishing on sunday, We managed two northerns, one around 3 pounds, one around 2.

Then, Dad's old rod just starts dancing in the holder, he grabs it .... Fish on.... Holy *&$! it's taking line...... Its shaking its head..... bulldogging.... taking line again..... on he fights.... Well this one's got some snort... keeps taking line.... shaking, finally he gets it fairly close... we still haven't seen it in the murky water of the bay... I grab the net.... up rolls.......

a 9 pound sheepshead. Thats right. a drum. And he absolutely thumped a CC Jointed Grappler.

(expletive deleted)

Well, damn. So we pull it in and away it goes back to the depths, and before dad's rod is reset mine starts dancing. Finally! he's up three on me And now I've got one. Within a minute I was sure I'd lost it but I kept reeling to clear any weeds I might have and sure enough....

A 1.4-1.8 (the digital scale jumped around between these to but settled on 1.4) pound Pickerel for all my troubles. 4 fish in about 30 mins. Well, 5 since Dad managed about a 4 inch perch on that grappler as well at some point.

Not bad for a few hours.

Hot Spot!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:42 pm
by Superdad
You hit the Hot spot - Hay Bay is smoking :D

At least it was when I left a week ago Tues.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:30 pm
by wolfe

A blast of an outing. Your report was lots of fun to read.

We have got to get you a digital camera!
