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"Big" Creek .....New Experience

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:19 pm
by skooter
:D :D :D :D

I've really been climbing the walls for awhile now, ....the last time I wet a line, was at Quinte..... :(

So today after work, Rather Be Riggin and I decided to check out Big Creek.... :D

He's been telling me how great this floatfishing is, I wanted to give 'er a go.... :wink:

We left around noon, ...and arrived in Delhi about 12:30 or so,


......First stop Timmies, :o
....we're fueled up now and arrive at stop number 2, ....some dam, ...can't remember the name..... :?

I asked,
....."So where do we fish?"

"Not here, ....just wanted to show ya"

"ah, ....yeah, .....that's sure one heck of a dam!!!?"

So, we leave the damn, ....and head back through Delhi, ....again :roll:


(yeah, ....looks familiar,

We arrive at stop number 3, ......"John's hole", .....or somethin' like that,'s about 1:30 now... :)

Just as we pull up, ...two guys come up the path, .....carryin' two nice Bows, :D ...."really" nice Bows, ..... :shock:

They inform us that the fishing has been great, .....they caught a few, ...and missed a few as well, ....
I'm gettin' excited, ........."really" excited.... :D

Anyways, ....these guys proceed to talk RBR into trying, ....another spot, ....further down stream..... :shock:

They drew us a "neat little map", .......and we're off again...... :roll:
I just can't help thinking, .....we just saw two "actual" fish, ...caught here, ....and we're leaving? :shock:
....Geeze, ....this floatfishing is starting to confuse me.... :roll: :lol:

It really was a "neat little map", .....unfortunately, ....neither one of us are very good "neat little map" readers....

So after travelling down every back road between Delhi and, .....well, one point, .....I saw a sign that said, ...."Windsor 3 kms", we finally arrive at stop number 4,'s now around 2:00.....
(luckily, ....there was nobody here, talk us into trying a different spot, ...again, .......of course, ..we didn't see any fish here either)

We get bundled up and ready to walk down this path...... 8)


we started walking down, ....and down, ....and walked some more.....We finally got a glimpse of the creek, .......just another 300 yds to go, ......"down" :shock: :roll:

We found the lost city of Pompeii, .....and eventually made it to the edge of the creek, .... :wink:

It looked like a prime location, I was told, .... :roll:

Since he was carrying all the hardware, .....and I didn't have a clue, ...I let John rig up the line... :roll:


It was an interesting set up to say the least, ....from the float, the neat little string of tiny weights, .....down to the actual "tinyer" hook. (not sure if "tinyer" is even a word, .but then, ......I wasn't sure there was even a hook on this thing either, was that "tinyer") :shock:

...I'm finally ready for my first "fishing fix", over a month, ......and "out" she goes...... 8)

It's fun watching that little float go sailing down the creek, ...... :D
......So!!!, ....where's the fish? :?
I mean, ....after all that work, ......I figured one cast would be enough.... :roll:

Oh well, ....... I reel it back in, ....and am confronted with, :shock:
....the neat little string of weights, ....wrapped in a nice little "bow" (pun intended), .....around, ...over, under, ....and probably through, ...the float, .... :cry:
the "tinyer" little hook was in there somewhere too, .....I guess..... :roll:

Get everything back in a straight line, .......and I'm ready again, 8)
This time, .....I wave as the float sails by, must have helped, fish, ......but at least everything came back in the same way it went out, :D

Next cast, ...I didn't figure I needed to wave anymore, ....
Hey! .....I've got it mastered now, :roll: ....and I reel in another little "bow", ...the same as above..... :twisted:

So it went, .....I forgot all about trying to catch anything, .....I was thrilled to death, ....if I didn't have to untangle a mess before I cast again.... :roll:

RBR meantime, ....had gone off to do some exploratory casting upstream, ...
Having no luck up there, we both headed down stream for a bit, ...trying our luck, here and there..... 8)

These are some pics of the creek.....




We packed it in after a couple of hours, ......I hit a personal best, ....57 "little" bows, ....give ot take 20 or so,'s too bad we never got any fish..... :cry:

Climbing back outta there was not fun, may not have been as bad, if there hadn't been about 4'' of snow on the ground...... :(

Finally out and get ready to head home....


(Couldn't remember if we were coming, ...or going, ....when I took this pic. so I covered all the bases)

Hey, ....I got to try out my new suit again, ......Phil, Wig, .....I got it dirty a bit too :lol: :wink:


Seen the "sites" of Delhi, more time, ...on the way out.....


(yeah, was gettin' boring for me too by now) :lol:

So ends my first floatfishing experience....... :D
Some of it was frustrating, say the least ........ :?

John is always fun to get out with, .....and a pretty good teacher too.... :D
After a month of doin' without, ....I really needed that, ...thanks Bud.... :!: :wink:

Maybe, .......a couple more "lessons" might be in order, ......just to "iron" out the, ....."Kinks", ...."bows", ...."tangles", ...."knots", .....etc, ........etc....... :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:34 pm
by BBRich
:lol: Great report as always Skooter.. I believe I've caught quite a few of those "little bows" before as well. :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:39 pm
by jig head
Great Report. That creek looks awsome. :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:37 pm
by Niagara Nick
I laughed a few times reading that report,,,,,,,,, THANKS

Good looking river though ,, you'll gettem next time :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:12 pm
by crash
Glad you could find "Dicks Hill", That place is very elusive. :D

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:42 pm
by sportfish_dom
That was a good laugh Skooter...better luck next time.

i had

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:31 pm
by muskymuskymusky
I had a similar experience the first 2 times out(tangles, bobber raps and snags) . But got the hang of it and find it a great relaxing trip to my local hole. Dont be fraustrated try it a couple more times you will get i nice Bow in return. 8) Great read.