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Need some help!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:42 pm
by Mike Lennox
Hey all,

I'm trying to get my Dad back into fishing. He claims he's too "busy" but I know that's bulls***.

Then I had an idea....I can get him some fishing stuff for christmas!!

I'm just wondering 5 baits I should get him. He'll be fishing for bass at my cottage and on the bonnechere river. He doesnt like pike because "Back in his day it was all pike an very few bass :roll: "
I was thinking senkos....but don't know which colours work or anything...

any help is appreciated,


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:51 pm
by Moosebunk
Senkos and flipping jigs don't work. :roll: They're just the latest craze. :P Sure people catch fish with them, :o but if everyone was using Red Devles :idea: for bass that's what people would be catching bass with. :idea: :idea:

I''d recommend, 8)

a cell phone. :shock: :roll:
a fat green highlighter. :shock: :shock: :roll:
brass knuckles. :o :lol: :roll:
Oscar Meyer wieners :?: :?: :?: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
and a silver bladed Mepp#5. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Anything else my Yungflyfisher friend would be a waste fo your money and your fathers limited time. :wink: :D

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:03 pm
by Mike Lennox
LOL so far i'm leaning towards the fishin babes!
If that doesnt work i'll get him some brass knuckles :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:05 pm
by fishmaster
Moosebunk has one bait right, You can't go wrong with a Mepps spinner for Bass. I know it may sound weird but smallies can't resist a small spinner. You should also buy your dad a few "Senko" type baits. If you want to save a little money try some Yum dingers or Wave tiki sticks in Watermelon red fleck or watermelon candy colours. The other 3 baits I would suggest are:
White Spinnerbait
Green Tubes
Husky Jerk in Black/silver or Black/gold colour for the stained water of the Bonnechere.
I hope this helps you out and while you are shopping make sure you get some for yourself. You cna never have to much tackle :wink:

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:12 pm
by fullofgas
Moosebunk wrote:
I''d recommend,

a cell phone.
a fat green highlighter.
brass knuckles.
Oscar Meyer wieners
and a silver bladed Mepp#5.

Anything else my Yungflyfisher friend would be a waste fo your money and your fathers limited time.
why would you recomend the 1st 4 things to him :roll:
he is asking a question and all you said is crap... :evil:
i would tell you what to use but im no bass fisherman

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:16 pm
by RJ
fullofgas wrote:
Moosebunk wrote:
I''d recommend,

a cell phone.
a fat green highlighter.
brass knuckles.
Oscar Meyer wieners
and a silver bladed Mepp#5.

Anything else my Yungflyfisher friend would be a waste fo your money and your fathers limited time.
why would you recomend the 1st 4 things to him :roll:
he is asking a question and all you said is crap... :evil:
i would tell you what to use but im no bass fisherman

That is called humour.....and Bunk telling him all he needs is a Mepps#5......


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:25 pm
by Moosebunk
Emoticons added. Emotion portrayed. 1st Message.... safe and happy now. 8)

Seriously Yung. Some of the new baits out there need new ways to fish them, if your dad used to fish, break him back into fishing with some of the old standbys that often times come easiest to fish. You know, cast and retrieve style. Nostalgic and simple bud. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:30 pm
by Tribal Legend 1
You can never go wrong with "old faithful"....white Big 'O' for can do pretty much anything with that bait.

I don't know the Bonnechere that well, but blade baits usually work very well in current, so my guess is that MooseBunk is dead on, but as I mention above, if you can't catch bass with a big 'O', then you ain't tryin' ;-)

Best of luck!


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:30 pm
by fishforfun
Don't forget some top water lures, if you buy 5 baits at least one should be a topwater :wink:

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:02 pm
by BBRich
How about some hooks & sinkers for live bait! I think with the relatively simpleness of live bait he is more likely to catch more fish, and therefore more likely to get hooked on fishing again. :)

If not,

jigheads/grubs (2-3 inch, white or yellow)
Mepps spinners
Original floating Rapala
Plastic worms of some kind (Berkley Power Worms are good)
White spinnerbait (MT Signature Edition ;) )

Those are about the easiest lures to catch bass on in my books.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:05 pm
by crash
FFF I have to agree with you. Top water Large mouthing can really be fun when a big one bust water :D

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:13 am
by wolfe

Moosebunk is just fullofhotair and is fulloffun. yungflyfisher undoubtedly knows this and I think it's safe to say that most of us appreciate 'Bunk's (whacky) wit.

Some times he even contributes something useful. Especially his pictures. :wink:


is the topwater good where you will be? Invest in a torpedo or a zara spook for your old man. Also agree that spinnerbaits and perhaps some basic jigheads and softbody matches would be a safe bet. Don't give up on your Dad!


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:30 am
by jsdx
you need to cover the options

topwater - Pop-R
grass/weeds - spinner bait
deeper - jig and twister - get some 1/4 oz jigs, smoke twisters, also some tubes
open water - big-o and an inline spinner - bluefox or mepps or double loon

As for technique here's a way get your dad out

Yff: Hey dad, lets go fishing.
Dad: no I'm too busy
Yff: Ok, I'll just head to the mall and score some crack :D :D :shock:
Dad: Ok, lets go !

alternatives to the mall option are
a) play in traffic
b) video games
c) hang out with Moosbunk. :lol:
(you know evil type stuff)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:39 am
by Gravelguy4
Hey YFF,

teach him to fly fish. then get him onto one of those browns you caught earlier this year. he'll never come out of the water. :D

to weigh in on the lure choices,

jitterbug-can't mess up the action on that great topwater bait
williams wabler- the one with a #40 on it, flat silver color is my favorite
mepps spinner- i'm too afraid of bunk to disagree with him :lol:
senkos - although, i bet you have enough to share to get him addicted
white spinnerbait- pike, bass and rock bass killer

either that or take him musky fishing with one of the guys here and get him into a beast. musky fever is tough to shake.

Take care,

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:44 am
by M.T. Livewell
1. spinnerbait ... but you will catch incidental pike.

2. scumfrog (or some easy to use topwater bait) ... I'm with the boys on this one. You wanna get your dad excited about fishing again, nothing more exciting that seeing a top water hit.

Good on ya YoungFF. Hope your dad sees the light.

M.T. Livewell