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Weekend report- bro's first musky

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:56 pm
by Gravelguy4
I had been looking forward to this weekend for a while. My brother was coming down from Arnprior for as much fishing as we could fit into saturday and I was dying to hit the water. I haven't spent much time on the water this year so I haven't felt comfortable with what is working and where the hot spots are. I thought I would try the Wacky worm technique that has been mentioned on this forum so many times.

Well, It was awesome. We caught about 25 fish in 4 hours. Mostly bass in the 2lb range but a lot of fun.
Something unusual did happen though.
My brother, who doesn't get to fish very much, was casting along a set of cattails at the edge of this small bay. He flipped the worm in tight to the cattails and his line took off. All i could hear from the back of the boat was him gasping and the sound of his drag screaming in agony.
I asked if he had a big bass and he mumbled something about a musky.
He wasn't kidding. There was a 36" musky kicking his butt on 8lb line tied straight onto the size 1 hook. :shock:
I kept telling him there was no way we were landing this fish but after about 10 minutes, a little panic and a few moments of the two of us laughing so hard it was difficult to focus on the task at hand. We landed a beautiful musky. His first ever. It was great and he hasn't been the same since.
I have pictures but don't own a digital so when i get the roll developed I will post a couple pictures of his success. He wasn't too keen on handling the fish though so I get to add it to my fish book and people will assume i caught it.

So that was the weekend. we looked like pros out there catching all those fish. except for the musky. pros would have been cool enough to
stop laughing long enough to land the fish.
for the record. the fish was released to fight another day.

Thanks for the tips everyone,

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:39 pm
by Hoss
Sounds like great fun GG.....and you reminded me I've got to fish with my brother soon. :D