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I can't believe he just did that!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:07 pm
by Chris Hockley for anybody who knows me....I am about as laid back as they come. I don't lose my cool easily and stay calm and relaxed throughout just about any situation.


I was fishing the 2nd Annual Sick Kid's tournament on Rice Lake this year. We were done weighing in on Little Lake and unfortunately...the boat launch there is nothing short of terrible when it comes to pulling out numbers of boats. A number of us were waiting to get out. My wife and son were on shore patiently waiting.

As he loves the boat...and that there was a clearing...I went to the dock and picked up my son. This took...literally seconds. My wife passed him to me and I set him down. He's a year and a half old.

I got on the electric and turned the boat to move away from the dock. Another competitor...who's name will go unspoken...took a disliking to my holding him up for ten or fifteen seconds and decided to ram....yes RAM my boat. He lifted the bow of his boat up under power allowing him to literally climb it up the side of my boat and rest it on top of my passenger side windshield. I have pictures and scratches to prove that he was indeed up and OVER my windshield.

Now I bring your attention back to my son...who happens to be sitting in the passenger seat!!! Fortunately for this mans life, my son was not injured. But my boat was scratched as was my windshield which also suffered a few stress cracks. Approximately, $850 worth of damages.

So I sit back now wondering....for the 10-15second delay that I made this man suffer through...he was willing to both damage my boat and risk injury to my son??????? Good god....what would he do if you pulled in front of him while he was fishing?

There were approximately 30 or so witnesses to this event including fellow pro staffers for again, unmentioned, sponsors. All of which have offered written witness confirmations.

There is absolutely, positively no doubt that this incident happened on purpose nor is there ANY doubt that the man knew my son was sitting in the boat where he decided to RAM it.

The tournament director was notified about the incident as was the police. An incident report was made by PC Hubble Badge # 182 of the Peterborough Police Dept. Charges are pending.

How would you feel about such and incident happening to you? How would you react?

If you want to hear more about the situation....please feel free to email me directly at


Chris Hockley

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:15 pm
by Canadian Bacon
Hey Chris that is deplorable!!!
I don't know who this joker is but he should be charged..mostly for endangering your life and sons life and secondly for the boat damage. Bet he has terrible road rage too!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:17 pm
by Muskiemagnet
You must be pretty laid back Chris. :shock: If I was in your shoes I would have been into the fellas boat before he knew it :twisted: :twisted:

Its guys like that, that need a good ****kicking to teach them a lesson. I lost my temper just reading the post.

He must have had an empty livewell. Keep us posted on the charges, I 'd like to here the end result.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:23 pm
by Fishhawk

That is one of the most disturbing things I've read on HT.

Is Ramp Rage the next thing? This person needs to see a Doctor. His behaviour is unreasonable and unacceptable under any circumstances - to say the least.

When it comes to endangering our kids, a slow and painful torture is justified for the perpetrator. There is ust no excuse.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:32 pm
by Astro-Mike
Stupid people everywhere.
glad u and your sun were not hurt.
you handled the situation well, i hope this clown gets the book thrown at him.
glad it did not happen to me as I would have ended up in cuffs for beating him down...

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:01 am
by Tony
I would've filleted him for that one! :evil: Did he think he could make it clear over your boat and land on a trailer, other than that I don't see how that move got him home faster :?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:02 am
1st off, Chris, I am more than happy to hear you and esp your son was not hurt, other than maybe this A$$HOLE scaring your son's love for activities in the boat :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

My hat goes off to your patience, and great ethics in this #$%^heads actions, but man do I agree with Magnet!!!!!!!!!!

May this lad pay the price, and may your son and wife know that he does not speak for all boaters with his actions.

Sry bout the boat bro, but plz do send anything I may do to offer any help to

When I click email directly off the board it has trouble sending.

May your wife self, and son, have a much better season ahead, and once more I would be happy to do anything I can bro!!!!!!

Tight Lines, Kevin, (A.K.A Floatfishin)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:43 am
by DV_8
Glad to hear no one was hurt Chris, especially the little one. Sometimes I wonder what goes through peoples heads. I have to admit, you must be very patient and laid back because if it was me, the police would be arresting me for pounding the guys head in especially if he did damage to my property. When I read stuff like this it infuriates me. :evil: :evil:

I hope he does get charged and you collect damages from him. They should ban this guy from fishing tournaments. This is bad conduct and poor sportsmanship.

Good Luck and keep us posted.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:09 am
by Gravelguy4
Hi Chris,

I can't believe you kept your head through that. Good for you. It only would have endangered your son more to start something with him still in your boat. That is pretty disturbing. You should do what you can to make sure the police press charges. That guy shouldn't be operating anything with a motor.

Once again, good job keeping a level head.
you set a great example for your son.


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:37 am
by RJ
That is ridiculous.... :shock:

Any chance of him reading this on here?


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:06 am
by CNs
Glad you are alright.

First off: Don't let this nut off. The police may not want to go after him for the full extent of what he did. Which in my non legal opinion constitiutes at a minimum

1) assault
2) assualt with a deadly weapon
3) attempted murder

It is admirable that you did manage to keep your head. By not reacting with violence you have made a strong case for a civil suit after the criminal case.

If this pr*ck tries to settle anything out of court or tries to come to some arrangement about the charges just remember him coming ontop of your boat where your son was sitting. He may try to blame it on a faulty throttle. Some lame excuse to et out of any seriuos charges.

Everytime you go out in your boat this scene will replay itself. It will never really go away. This sh*t must pay and pay a dear price for taking away the enjoyment of boating and fishing.

Hire a lawyer now! Any good lawyer after hearing this will be more than willing to take this pr*ck for all he's worth - not just damages to your boat. They love cases like this not becasue of any money they make but becasue they do like fighting for a just cause. It is the reason most of them went to law school.

Good luck. Keep us informed.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:21 am
by Hoss
Way to stay cool Chris, It sounds like you've got all your bases covered with the witness statements and calling the police and staying cool. This clown needs a Judge Judy in the courtroom to rip him a new one. Glad to hear that nobody got hurt. I hope your son is too young to remember the incident but even if he did remember he would see a good example by the way his Dad handled the situation. :wink:


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:39 am
by g unis
sad world. definately glad theres no one hurt. i would pursue charges though. the man is outa control and a menace to all people. ive seen a lot of things over the years but thats incredibly arcane. CHARGE EM

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:55 am
by scttsmpsn
... if it weren't in a tourney setting witgh piles a people I would have given my kid to my wife and told her to take a little walk.

Then I would have introduced my fists and feet to his his face. Most likeleymore then once. :twisted:



Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:06 am
by JimmyBuffett
That's unreal, I would've lost it, mind u I would've sunk too considering I'm in a 12ft :wink: , just hope the lil guy forgets about it! Hopefully u get the coin from him, if not.....
