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Factors that inflence if the fish are bitting

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:43 pm
by Urbanfisherman
Hey guys and girls,

It seems like every time I put my 2cents in a OOS fish discussion I feel urged to post something truly fishing related so here it goes.

Cold fronts, warm fronts, barometric pressure, overcast, air temperature, water temprature, moon phases, water levels, fly hatches...etc...

What's the deal with all these factors? Which ones are proven and which ones are just talk?

I have my views on these but would like to hear your thoughts. Add some if you'd like...



Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:00 pm
by canoedude
I think it is the confluence of these factors that ultimately determine fish behaviour; in other words, it is far too complex to pin it down to just one or two factors. However, I'd love to see someone develop an equation:

E.g. Y(fish activity) = a + b1(barometric pressure)(x) + b2(temp)(x) + etc..... 8) :idea:

One phenomeneon that has always puzzled me, however, is when fish collectively turn "on" or "off"....I've witnessed this many times and have often wondered what the cue has been.


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:04 pm
by Pints
I remember reading an article in Outdoor Life, back in the 60's, that stated it was always best to fish/hunt the storm fronts. The reason being, animals/fish feed before the storm comes in, and then feed again after the storm leaves. The contributing factor was, they are sensitive to the barometric pressure.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:05 pm
by Markus
I think other fish's body lanquage can trigger the action. This year using dodgers while trolling Salmon has not only produced more fish for me per outing, but bigger fish.

I think that dodger rotating around, mimicing a feeding fish, triggers other fish to investigate as well as become active.

Seeing other fish feed, may trigger the feeding frenzy. I also believe that as bait moves off, fish slow down and begin to suspend. I think sometimes the suspending action of the school causes other fish to shut down and suspend as well.

Just some thoughts.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:06 pm
by Urbanfisherman
I hear ya Canoe Dude but are there any of those that are complete BS? Or are they all true? As for collectively turning on or off... couldn't something like a could passing by on a sunny day change the light enough for Eyes to start bitting? I really don't know... All I know is that its a good time when you're on the receiving end of one of the changes from off to on!

PS: Where do you canoe? Any Algonquin suggestions? I'll be feeling healthy enough for portaging by August, I hope.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:09 pm
by Urbanfisherman
Keep em comming guys! Any thoughts on Moon phases and those darn callendars?

I'll be reading up on barometric chances soon.


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:11 pm
by canoedude
My gut feeling is that the lunar phases DO, in fact, make a difference - that said, I can't say I've conducted controlled experiments on this....just a gut feeling, combined with some anecdotal evidence (althought where would we be without anecdotal tips etc.!)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:13 pm
by wolfe
Hi, UF.

A sure thing to influence the fish bite in a positive way is when I forget to take my camera in the boat. I mean it. It never fails. :roll:

I believe moon phases to be influential on feeding, but not exclusively; and I also feel a cold front can wreak havoc on the bite.

Other detriments: your toddler doing the Mexican Hat Dance on the bottom of your boat. :wink:


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:15 pm
by Markus
I've also experienced the entire Great Lakes fishery shut down when MT is present. :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:16 pm
by Urbanfisherman
wolfe wrote:Hi, UF.

A sure thing to influence the fish bite in a positive way is when I forget to take my camera in the boat. I mean it. It never fails. :roll:

I believe moon phases to be influential on feeding, but not exclusively; and I also feel a cold front can wreak havoc on the bite.

Other detriments: your toddler doing the Mexican Hat Dance on the bottom of your boat. :wink:

Too funny Wolfe! You should shore fish!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:18 pm
by bottom feeder
If the moons phases effect women and men and especially the tides then it might be safe to assume fish are affected as well.Tides are effected daily so why not fish?
Norm L.
Just 1 mans opinion

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:25 pm
by saskie
Urbanfisherman wrote:... couldn't something like a could passing by on a sunny day change the light enough for Eyes to start bitting?
I've seen this happen several times, especially this time of year when the walleye are still in the shallows. Same thing when a breeze picks up on an otherwise calm day and creates a bit of chop.

I'm not sure that pressure is the end-all be all of fishing though - on the prairies from now until Sep we'll have very intense T storms brew up out of nothing in the late afternoon. I've fished before, after and during and can't say I've noticed a difference in fish activity. I think they can get used to freq abrupt fluctuations and just ignore it. I've also seen walleye shut right down for days after a severe storm. But we're talking MAJOR, pro-longed, electrical storms it can take a few days for them to come out of the nooks and crannies on the bottom.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:45 pm
by M.T. Livewell
Markus wrote:I've also experienced the entire Great Lakes fishery shut down when MT is present. :lol:
Fish are like binary, they only have 2 moods.

1 - they bite white spinner baits
0 - they do not bite white spinner baits.

The rest is a mystery.
<img src='' alt='Caffeine' border=0>

M.T. Livewell

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:13 pm
by Johnny Bass
I too think it is a combination of everything.

Mostly water temperature and bait accesability. All fish have their preferred feeding temperature.
Most fish prefer to feed in the Shallows. As Markus pointed out. Sometimes all it takes is one hit and the fish turn on.

As far as moon fazes? I don't know but it seems to effect winds thus affecting
temperature. Usually north winds bring temperatures down and south winds bring temperatures up. The only thing I know about east and west wind is that west wind is better.

Storm fronts(and waves) certainly do attract fish, especially in the summer. Cuts down light penetration thus cooling the water down. After a heavy storm it depends on the fish. If the fish feeds by sight, chances are the murky water will shut them down. If they feed by smell, storms usually turn up all kinds of stuff from the bottom(worms,bugs,ect..)so the fishing improves. Showers depending on the wind can go either way.

I dont know about barometric pressure. I do know Cold water has less oxygen therefore, fish are less active, But an abundance of oxygen in much warmer waters also shuts them down.

Water levels also effects water temperatures.

I also hear that fish follow patterns. For a fish to change its pattern there must be consistent for three days. Lets say sunny or cloudy,ect... So if you want to pick a good fishing day, fish the 3rd day of a triple sunny day in the spring.

Also bait fish also are effected by water temperatures. Where the bait fish are(fly hatch,ect), so will the Predator fish be when it is feeding.

Its all about water temperatures if you ask me, but I am just guessing since I do not monitor this stuff, but also will begin doing so.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:55 pm
by FireFox
M.T. Livewell wrote:
Markus wrote:I've also experienced the entire Great Lakes fishery shut down when MT is present. :lol:
Fish are like binary, they only have 2 moods.

1 - they bite white spinner baits
0 - they do not bite white spinner baits.

The rest is a mystery.
<img src='' alt='Caffeine' border=0>

M.T. Livewell
Hehehehe. I cant help but chuckle at a MT classic WSB post.

Markus - isnt it rather hard to catch a salmon trolling a spinnerbait? Next time you better pick the lures for the riggers.
