I can't believe he just did that!

This is where it's all going on. One can ask for advice or general information or simply chew the fat about fishing tackle, tips, and locations.
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Post by DV_8 »


That's one sweet little boy you've got there. Glad he wasn't shaken up. Have to say you also have a nice website. Congrats! Take care. Cheers!
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Post by Coop »

Hey Chris, Just read your initial post. Oh how I wish I was there when this happened.

Actually, it was best that I wasn't as my reputation for my lack of level headed in the face of such blatant ignorance and stupidity is legendary.

The only thing I can say is that I am glad no one was hurt.
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Post by aniceguy »

wow I just read the entire thread......... There are a lot of ppl out there who arent qualified to be boaters fisherman or even people. I hope his just desserts are given.

4 yrs a go on a pwt event on the detroit river I had a similar thing occur, with a knuclehead who decided to back troll through my drift. His boat my boat collide and there was only minor damage to both. My amateur partner at the time jumped into his boat and gave him a bit of a pummeling. The matter was never discussed or brought up to anyone on the tour or any officials. I did get a nice comment from one of the well known anglers and a comment about that same individual wanting to go out on Erie in 16 foot sweels.
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Post by Joe »

I can't add too much that hasn't been said except to repeat, sue the "GENTLEMAN" for all you can. He deserves all he gets and more. If there are no other issues I'd name names here too. ESPECIALLY if he's a member of this board. Judging from the pretty much unanimous replies that would be a good start for payback.
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Post by BigSim »

Me over the side of his boat with a rapala filleting knife.... would it be too rash?
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Post by Coop »

For those of you guys who don't know chris, let me tell ya, you'll never find a friendlier gentleman than him.

He's a genuine and honest man, and in a world that sees less and less of his ilk, it really sucks that something like that had to happen to a person like him.
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Post by JP »

As said by everyone, glad to hear you and your son are ok. Sorry to hear that there are still idiots out there who have no idea about anything.
Glad to see you showed some restraint.

Talk to you soon.
Smile, It's a good day on the water!!
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Post by gorfman007 »

Glad that you are all ok. However....... about the sponsor thing..... Afraid that he would retaliate!!!!???? bullies and terrorists win when they have people thinking like that. If your sponsors were to drop you after hearing this story, they don't deserve to have you hauling their names across the waters of this Country !! This guy does not belong on the water nor in any tourneys related to sporting events of anykind. He should certainly not be sponsored to do so either. :shock: :shock:
Life goes on
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Update on the Situation

Post by Chris Hockley »

Well as is no surprise...my man has denied responsibility for his actions at the boat launch.

He claims that I kicked his trolling motor and yelled at him...and that I had cut him off...so he had no choice but to hit me.

He was under power...I was using the electric...

He is aparently on the BOATERS SAFETY BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we aren't exactly moving at high speeds here....but he claims I turned and went under him........lol.

This is my claim from the beginning...his truck wasn't even backed in when I went to the dock to get my son. He was starting to as I backed away....where was this senile ol' fossil going so fast?

As for charges...the police claim this to be a civil matter. It was a hit and run...a meaningful use of a deadly weapon...purposeful damage to property...reckless endangerment...and complete lunacy.

No charges. Sorry.

This moron even claims to have witnesses that can testify for him....hmm...everyone there has shared names and numbers for my testimony...where did his come from? The guy in the truck? Who couldn't see anything.

PC Hubble is leaning towards this man's testimony as he is on the Safety Board. Sort of like cops...they are so good...they NEVER do anything wrong. NOT.

So for everyone on the board here....I want to make this statement...

If you are pee pee at someone...or just bored...RAM their boat....%^&* all will be done about it and you will have a great story to tell!

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Sad, Sad, and well.................................

Chris, you have not lost any respect from your friends here, we are all happy foremost that you guys are ok!

For the police well..................Ive got a few choice ideas for them."Civil Matter" I'll try that the next time I whoop someones ar$ within an inch of his, for jepordizing my families saftey, see how that one works :roll:

This guy is not safe on the water, and hopefully someone somewhere will recognize this, and set him strait!

My hat goes off to you still Chris for your restraint, and well mannered take on the situation, that many would have seen or had it go another way, including myself.

Have a great seaon bro!

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Post by Shad »

That is very sad, what a goof! Make sure he pays you out of his pocket for the damage to your boat! with cash and a letter of apology to your wife, your son and you. If he doesn't then charge the scum with assualt!!
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Post by Pinnochio Fisherman »


I've been reading this thread with interest, given that I have suffered a similar incident earlier this year (although far less violent). Mine did not involve any damage or risk of life to a child - just a very heated discussion about why some people should never have been given the priviledge of birth!

With your experience in mind, it now seems very evident to me that 'ramp rage' is quickly becoming a 'thing' out there. The police are far too new to this problems, and that probably helps to explain why they are unwilling to pursue charges under the Criminal Code. Give it a few years - and a few unfortunate incidents - and this is likely to change...

Are you likely to run into this hosebag again in the future? If so, perhaps it might be nice to have a videocamera on hand.
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Post by Graembo »

Can you PLEASE give us a name / boat make & model / something so that when one of us comes accross him, he won't be fishin for a good while????!

anonymously...of course

pm's accepted by all I'm sure ( just to keep it off the public board)

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Washing their hands of it.

Post by Chris Hockley »

I am infuriated at a few things that have been said during this issue by the "authorities".

I am fortunate enough to have legal coverage and am going to be calling a lawyer tomorrow.

I have been told by the police that this fellow is on the Boating Safety board...thus he woudn't have done what I said....let's forget the witnesses.

It aparently is justified that he left the scene as according to the driver of said boat....I kicked his electric motor a few times...and then cursed at him. He thought we were done...so he left. Oh REALLLLLY! This is ok with the police by the way!

I never touched his electric...I never had time. Wearing sandals 2 sizes too small for you isn't really indicative of kicking anything. Of course...neither the officer or idiot driver realized this. I have size 15 feet...you ever see sandals that size? If you do...buy them and I will pay you for them.

Aparently he has witnesses that said he didn't do any of this. Oh REALLLLY! And who would that be? The driver of his vehicle? The guy that couldn't see what happened? The ONLY guy!

The officer was also miffed that I was ACTUALLY going to pursue the damage and not just forget about it. No report has been made and he is claiming that lack of evidence puts us both at fault. So if I go to my insurance company...he and I will BOTH be paying through our noses for insurance next year.

This is extremely frustrating.

I thought that I was doing well by being the "mature" one...but obviously the mature get it up the hoop for being that way.

I have a list of actions that I am going to pursue.

-I am beginning with the OPP.
-I have already called my MPP and Peterborough's as well
-Calling major outdoor magazines and their editors
-Call the newspapers
-Write about this in my own column
-Call the boaters safety board and see if they can suggest anything other than talking to the police
-Use my contacts to let every outdoor writer in North America know about this through the Outdoor Writers of Canada and the Outdoor Writers Association of America...of which I am an active member of both
-Call the Ministry of Transportation
-Call the OFAH
-Call the Cottage Associations
-Call all of the major tournament organizers
-Call the CSIA
-Call the Toronto Sun

All of this while guiding, fishing tournaments, doing appearances and seminars and having some sort of family life.

Is this what you have to do when you get assaulted?

I would love to share this man's information...but until I have to...I don't want to jeopardize a possible case against this man.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I still hold my head high knowing that I did the right thing and didn't scare my son by killing this man. If nothing more comes of this than new legislature and laws that will protect all of you and your children from such an incidence. Then that too I will be proud of.

Chris Hockley
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