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Post by Kpin »

Not being a tourney angler of any major importance, my limited comments are exactly that.

However, there is no doubt how you place in an event has an impact. BUT, as mentioned previously...personality is HUGE! You can be the most amazing fisherman, constantly winning tourneys but sponsors, on the whole will ignore you, unless you have the personality and charisma to aid in the selling of their products.

That's the black and white of's not "right", but neither is life and it's simply the way it is. I've bought products supported by Izumi soley because I like the guy and respect him as an angler, therefore trusting in him supporting the product. That's the key. :idea:

At 16.....(holy Moses :!: ), You've got time on your side but...again, as mentioned...keep the day job lad. Your odds of success in this regard rank way up there with lottery wins.

Don't let that discourage you, however. Hang on tight to your dreams and attempt to make it real.

Remember the sound and good advice we've given you. We'll be wanting signature "Triton" lures as a thank you, when your pulling in da big $$$$ on the fishing circuit! :wink:

Best of luck and again at 16, you've got time on your side, don't get discouraged but don't become pompous with the imputance of youth, thinking your due without putting in the hard work and legwork needed to accomplish what you seek.

Wow...I think I might have gotten a sim. speech from my Dad. :lol:
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