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Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:31 am
by JFish
Well I think I am going to start up a conversation with the gentlemen at some point. Not going to tell him exactly what I think but just some friendly talk , maybe bring up the fact that he gives a lot of fish away and why.

The thing that surprises me is that there are people that don't seem to care a great deal about the numbers of fish he is taking out. Normally I'm not too bothered by these things but this is excessive to me. I don't care if there is a stocking program in effect or not.

I find it interesting that people bring up the regs only without making it seem like they care about what is happening to their fishery, unless they don't, but I find that hard to believe for most.

Anybody think that giving fish away should not be allowed? Although it wouldn't stop totally, people that do follow the regs would stop.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:26 am
by Kpin
Jfish, I'd do just that, have a friendly convo rather than asking so many Q's, it seems like an interrogation to the man. Keep in mind, not all of us are civilized in the same manner and someone with a short fuse will often deliver a knuckle sandwich free of charge, rather than discuss things if they tend to lean a bit more towards the neandrethal side and feel they are being slighted.

In regard to your proposal or idea of a reg. against giving away fish? Sorry, can't agree with you there. This gent sounds like the extremely small minority. I've had buddies give me their catches...(always within my limit though), because I promised to bring home dinner. Or, I've given my catches to family or friends who I know enjoy a fresh meal of fine fish.

I never have, nor would I ever, give them away to strangers though. Now, that doesn't mean I haven't been asked...or even cursed at when they asked and I politely said no and released it.

I truly beleive that most anglers respect our resources, respect the regs and respect each other. Like with a great many other things, it's the truly small minority that creates a major impact, esp. in regard to how to handle their actions. I don't think it's right to punish the overwhelmingly law abiding and responsible anglers for the very few, who really don't give a damn.

My cent and a half.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:50 pm
by JFish
As I really do not know the effect of "giving fish away" on our fish populations I know it wouldn't kill me if there was such a reg. I am neither for or against such a reg I was just sort of throwing the idea out there.


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:34 pm
by Fishboy

I wonder if he might be fishing on a consignment basis? (Maybe I watch too many crime shows on TV......)

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:30 pm
by matcole
I can see the point of one guy fishing the same spot and doing the same thing day in and out that it may either reduce the poulations in that area or the fish just might not want to go there anymore. It all depends too if all those fish hes catching puts him over the limit.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:17 pm
by adam h
By all means he has the right to keep fish or his limit! There is nothing we can do about it! Personally I wish there was a one fish limit for steelhead since theres only soo little places to fish them an the population is declining HUGE!!!! I don't understand how some people dont realize how much fish populations are decreasing these days and still are not there to do anything about it! Its so depressing! I have been steelheading for since i was 10 and i am now 19! The amount of fish in the creeks and rivers is probably less than half the old amount!

Him giving fish to someone else is disturbing to me but he has every right as long as it is another fisherman with a licenses!
Persionally I have encountered situations like this before and What i do is make friendly conversation with the person and lead on to how low the populations are and remind them of the good old days like when the ganny got 20,000 fish instead of todays 2000-3000 an they will feel bad maybe an every time you see them down on the river they will think twice of keeping fish!

Im not saying that it is wrong to keep fish I do keep the odd fish a year myself! But i always try to lead an example of why C@R is soo important!

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:51 am
by JFish
Hey adam, where I'm fishing there is a one fish limit. And you must have a sportsman license to keep 1 fish. I bet many of the people he is giving fish away to have only a conservation license which is 0 for that area. Honestly I wish that steelhead were not allowed to be kept at all in this area and it might not be far off. It actually might become a sanc. soon which will suck for fisherpeople and good for the fish.


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:06 am
:lol: I had to put on my glasses to read that one.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:56 pm
by slushpuppy
regulations say
The possession limit is the number you are allowed to have in your possession on hand, in cold storage, in transit, etc. If you catch a fish after reaching the daily catch and retain or possession limit for that species, the fish must be released immediately back to the water.
That means, if you fish every day and keep one (limit in that spot) every day, ya gotta eat it. Can't put it in your freezer and go catch more. Can't even give it away because it must be released immediately back to the water after your possession limit. If you just see the guy catching one per day, the only way to know is for a CO to visit him at home and check his freezer.

As for giving the fish away, personally, I don't want to do it. I like fishing, and if I don't want to keep the fish, it has to go back.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:22 pm
by FromTheNorth
COs do check freezers.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:39 pm
by wolfe
I don't think that this is the norm, thank God, but there are those out there who will keep fish just because they can. I'd like to think that most anglers today are responsible, aware & educated with regard to our natural resources. But the stories like this one trickle through and probably always will.


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:29 pm
by Spence Scout
During work hours today! 2 Conservation Officers walked in! (Yogi's).. lol

And I asked him about this topic. He says your allowed to give fish away.. however the person who receives it must know the persons name who caught it, and what kind of license he possesses. The CO's said he can find out, if its true if it was caught by the person you say it has been aught by. He wouldnt let me know how. .. Obvioulsy going through records.. So there ya have it! I almost guarnatee... Most people dont know that information after they are given fish. Interesting I thought....... Another kinda sad thing he had to say was, that theyre more less on a complaint basis more then ever now. So that means they rely on someon complaining to take action more then acting themselves, He said because we are so busy and theres so few of us. Complaints work he said. You see something wrong call the #...
