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Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:48 pm
by cprince

noun mis·hap \?mis-?hap, mis-?\

1 - an unfortunate accident
2 - bad luck

I don't think this qualifies.

Many think Paul (Bass Addict) and I are a couple of idiots. We don't take ourselves as seriously as most people take themselves.
Exhibit A and B:



We run into this type of thing on a regular basis. We like to fish where most don't bother because it is too hard to get in or out..

We got pretty good at getting ourselves out of the jack-pots we jump willingly into with both feet.


Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:08 pm
by Jholder
diggin the myo launch Cprince :D may as well! Also Classic awesome and the loaded rod recover campnfish!

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:10 pm
by cprince
Jholder wrote:diggin the myo launch Cprince :D may as well! Also Classic awesome and the loaded rod recover campnfish!
Seriously... not the Mayo launch! This one is in the Val Des Mont district near my house!

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:28 pm
by Jholder
cprince wrote:
Jholder wrote:diggin the myo launch Cprince :D may as well! Also Classic awesome and the loaded rod recover campnfish!
Seriously... not the Mayo launch! This one is in the Val Des Mont district near my house!
Myo= make yer own lol.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:34 pm
by TheMaverick
Snap, Crackle, Pop!

Mishaps, spend enough time on the water and they’re bound to happen.

I decided to give back to the community and enrolling in the Renegade Bass Pro-Am.
The night prior, as any routinely angler will do, I checked up on the weather forecast, calls for heavy winds and thunder storms.

Started off the day with the usual pre-tourney jitters, wanting to perform and give my amateur a day to remember, I make my way to the dock on Mississippi Lake. After a short meet and great, we exchange pleasantries, tie a few lines and its blast off time.

As the day progressed, the wind picked up making back bays and points a welcoming site.
High noon is when the rain and wind started to really come down hard, by rain, I mean horizontal rain! Lol
Poured on us all day, and with 2-3’ white caps, it made it hard wanting to navigate to certain spots on the opposite side of the Lake.

Come 3pm, we had made our way back to the weight in, if memory serves me well, we were the second team to arrive.
Hands white and wrinkled, we bag the fish and off goes WhooooThatGuy to proceed with the weighing.

I stayed on the water as its common practice in order to free up room for other teams coming in at the dock. You generally just back away a good 50 yards.

StarTzar was helping with the weigh in procedures, so I waited till everything was done for him to back the trailer up.

Regardless, I waited nearly 45mins (2nd Team to arrive out of 40'ish), I was cold and in a hurry to get off the water.
As he backed up the trailer in the water, I proceeded to drive the boat in a hurry and faster than usual.

Well, If you’ve never heard an electric motor snap off a boat, I can assure you it’s like a gun goes off!
Yes, I forgot to lift the electric motor!!!!!

As a true Quebecer, words came spewing out of my mouth, you know them church words!
As I dragged the electric motor back up over the bow from the water, only then, when I lifted my head, I realized that over 20 people had all eyes on me.
Some of them were shocked, others were laughing….mothers with hands over children’s ears!

You could of heard a pin drop as we slowly drove off the ramp!


All and All, an awesome day!

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:43 pm
by RJ
I laughed about that story for a week after I heard it in person. Sorry about that... :lol:


Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:53 pm
by Jholder
Would have been a sight to see Maverick lol, sorry for your loss though!

I too have smacked eletric pretty good, but not enough to do her in.
Mishhap wise for me, i guess nothing short of the 1 time and 1 time only i forgot to install "ye olde plug" prior to launching.
Dropped & recovered my cell 2x
Canoes and me dont mix with more than myself onboard............ :lol:
double check the winch hook(that was close) :shock:
Ice rods stolen by fish.
who knows whats next, but thats what makes the tales..

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:04 pm
by Tip-up
Must have missed that video on here. Man Oh man, I am dying here :lol: :lol:

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:05 pm
by lape0019
River Monster needs to tell you why he stopped buying expensive glasses...

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:06 pm
by RJ
Still one of the funniest stories ever.

Happened while having an epic Laker day on the Ice with Bradford and our cop buddy Rob. He's a riot that's why it's so funny.

Rob hooks a big laker, I believe a 12 lber and it really gives him the business. Brad and I are cringing with every run as it sounds like the reel he's using is about to explode. The rod is bending at a really odd angle too. We couldn't figure what would explode first the rod or the reel. Painfully he landed it and had a good chuckle at Rob's expense with his el junko gear.

20 minutes later Brad hooks a fish. Like we always do we reel up and go give him a hand if he needs one. Rob reels his bait up to 20 feet under the ice and lays down his rod. Brad lands his fish. We all start heading back to our holes and Rob suddenly starts frantically looking for his rod. She gone. Fish took er. Bye. We thought the laughs were over after we realized what happened. Nope.

Bout 5 minutes later I ask Rob if he's filed a report yet. He says for what? I say you should have that fish charged with theft under $30 bucks! :lol: :lol:


Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:07 pm
by lape0019
Tip-up wrote:Must have missed that video on here. Man Oh man, I am dying here :lol: :lol:
I don't think there were any videos but I can tell you the guys at Paddletales were still laughing at it a week later!

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:40 pm
by Jimmy_1
cprince wrote:
Jholder wrote:diggin the myo launch Cprince :D may as well! Also Classic awesome and the loaded rod recover campnfish!
Seriously... not the Mayo launch! This one is in the Val Des Mont district near my house!
I was up there last weekend with the kids at Abraska...

The caves and zip-lining were awesome! Very cool to be able to literally touch hibernating bats (we didn't though)
They look covered in gold with all the frost on them.

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:43 pm
by campnfish
Two quick ones....

1) Used my lovely work allowance for glasses to buy a pair of oakleys with prescription polarized lenses. Why not right? So we're out fishing for the day, I'm loving the polarized effect and being able to see into the water, no glare to squint at much so that I forget I'm wearing them. Was a hot day on the lake, so when we get back to the dock my buddy strips down and jumps in. Without thinking I do the same. I run down the dock, jump, and in midair realize that I've still got my glasses on! I hit the water and they get stripped off my face - I'm a couple feet under, flailing about trying to grab them. I feel them bounce off my leg, then they're gone in about 15 FOW.

We went back to the same lake 2 weeks later and brought snorkelling gear, just in case there was an off chance we could find them. Sure enough, my buddy catches something out of the corner of his eye and he finds them on the bottom with some nice algae growth on them.

2) Same buddy likes to do things the hard way sometimes. He likes to use older gear and is stubborn about it. So we're out for bass opener and he's got this POS closed-bail push-button reel on an ugly stick, firing away into the weeds. Perfectly good spinning combo in the storage container, but no, he wants to use his Dad's old rod, says its easier to cast it bla bla bla. Sure enough he hooks into a HUGE pig that dives into the weeds. I reel up to watch the action. He's struggling to even reel as this antiquated thing he's got is groaning under the pressure. Then all of a sudden a loud "SHWAPINGGGGG" - the top of the reel goes shooting up the line and collides with the first eye of the rod and the line goes spaghetti instantly. He grabs the top and tries to force it back onto the reel and contain the spaghetti at the same time - all this while the bass is thrashing back and forth about 20 yards out. Finally he tosses the mess into the bottom the boat and decides he's going to handline this fish in, no gloves on 20lb braid. I'm laughing so hard I can barely breathe, he's up at the front of the boat, now using a rag to gingerly pull the line in so he doesn't cut his hands any further. The fish is now about 15 feet from the boat and it jumps, spits the hook out and is gone.

Now whenever he gets into trouble with his gear I yell out "shwapinggg!"

Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:45 pm
by River Monster
lape0019 wrote:River Monster needs to tell you why he stopped buying expensive glasses...
A few years ago I was out fishing the wife. We were in a little 14ft boat with 15hp. Now usually when we load the boat, we both get out I back up the trailer and drag the boat on the trailer with a long rope, sometimes I need to go in the water to straighten it out and sometimes I don’t.

It was late October the water was low and cold and I thought, it would be a great idea to get the wife to drive the boat up on the trailer. Of course she had never actually used a tiller before and that’s when the fun begin. After numerous attempts of her trying to steer on the boat on the trailer, she finally managed to get it on, it wasn't even close to straight. So fed up with waiting , I tried to walk down the tongue of the trailer and straighten out the boat. The trailer was wet and slippery. As I started to slip I tried to spin around, jump on land to avoid the cold water. But it was a too late, not only did I fall in the water, I managed to hit the top of my head on the back of the car. I got up all wet and angry walked in the water and pulled the boat on, only to hear my wife say “Are you okay? You’re bleeding?” I placed my hand on top of my head to see how bad the cut was only to realize that my sunglasses were on top of my head and when I went to take them off they would not budge.

The impact drove the nose piece into my head and the frame-less lens managed to scrape a patch of hair and skin off. I had to make a trip to the hospital to have the sunglasses removed. The doctor managed to pull the out quickly but noticed the nose piece was missing. The doc than had cut open my head a little more to make sure it wasn't lodged under in there still. That nose piece never turned up.

I ended up with 3 stitches, a nice button they hand out for fishing accidents and a pretty cool story.




Re: Fishing Mishaps

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:51 pm
by TheMaverick