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Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:22 am
by Dore
OhhHH heres another one I forgot

8. Need to take the weeds out of the flower garden ( this week end ) 8) I'll let it go this time .... she's pregant don't expect her to do gardenin.... but next year ... :evil: Its NO NO !

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:51 am
by cprince
Simple song for a simple problem.

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed>

Good luck!


Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:05 pm
by bassman40
love the thread!
I honestly believe that fishermen spouses' have this inane ability to sense when open season is comming. Maybe the boat in the driveway is abig enough sign even for a blonde. LOL
They just seem to know so they book you up with stuff to keep you around the house more often.
Mine knows I'll be gone one day each weekend from the initial pike/walleye opener until my full time absence come June for bass.
She knows she'll be a bass-widow come the end of June for sure. I'll miss the kids. LOL
so now, typically, she'll have a list of crap for me by early feburary.
I let it all sit til early March and then do a reno blitz spanning multiple weekends to get 'er all done before initial opening season.

anything that breaks after that will get repaired when I have time during the week.
I've managed to set this precendence into her when we got married and it's not negotiable.
god bless and may the force be with you! heh!
hope to see ya on the water.

dont give up

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:15 pm
by hooker
tell her honey you deserve a weekend at your
moms you have worked so hard and you dont mind if she goes\
your all set just dont pass her in the drive way

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:53 pm
by Trophymuskie
Well I know what you're going throught. We went and bought a house before xmas that I am taking possession of in 2 weeks. Well my house needed some improvements to help speed up the sale and get us a good value. So I spend a couple of months fixing up the kicthen and bathrooms and trim and repaint the entire main area. House sold in 4 days and got above asking price, I guess I did a good job.

Now when I am taking possession of my new to me house I will have 3 weeks to install new floors on the entire main 1800 square feet of house, I have to tear down the existing main bath and redo as a master ensuite as well as a new closet and new entrance to master. Then I have to build a new from scratch main bathroom and a walkin for my daughter.

Naturally the house will get all new trim and paint before we move in on June 21st.

Wish me luck, but the good thing is I will be done for the opener and get to fish every day of the season as my boat will be in the water just 50 feet away. :lol:

P.S. I just spent over 7 grand this afternoon ordering the majority of my bathroom fixtures so they will be here when I start in 2 weeks.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:50 pm
by Lackey
sounds like alot of you guys have a bunch of renos to do. You know im a contractor, you could hire me and go fishing all youd like. lol. but no weekends that my fish time.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:44 pm
by S.M.05
I feel for ya.

I work 5 10hr days a week at my regular job 1 day week renovating my gramps basement, but at least I have one day a week to hit the lakes.
Plus a couple weeks vacation(fishn trips) :wink:

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:05 pm
by jcorrigan
GuinnessGuy wrote:Give her a choice: more sex, or more fishing.


Now back to the problem at about just "Honey...the season is short...I need a break! I can't concentrate on these projects without a little 'me' time so here's a spa gift cert for you...I love you...but don't bother me for a day ok?"

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:47 am
by Trophymuskie
jcorrigan wrote:
GuinnessGuy wrote:Give her a choice: more sex, or more fishing.


Now back to the problem at about just "Honey...the season is short...I need a break! I can't concentrate on these projects without a little 'me' time so here's a spa gift cert for you...I love you...but don't bother me for a day ok?"
I just spent an extra $300 on a heater for her new whirlpool tub, I said it was her upcoming bday gift. Even though the new house has one of those 2 person whirlpool tubs in the basement. But I get what I want for my shower and get to fish everyday of the season.

It's a give and take, I have learned to do my giving during the off season and my taking during the season that's all. I guess after 18 years she knows when to ask for stuff and when to let me go fish. I have her well trained. :wink:

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 12:59 am
by bassboy19
I sure got a kick out of reading some of these replies and would like to share my experiences as a 19 yearold outdoor addict with a girlfriend. keeping up with university life throughout the winter months, fishing was my escape from the real world and my problems that pale in comparison to you guys' hunny do lists. needless to say the woman is one of those things i like to get away from once in a while, and my problem is that shes always bugging me to bring her! i don't have an issue bringing her along once in a while, but its not quite the same talking about her social life instead of hockey and the better looking girls at work with the guys. the fact of the matter is i suppose i should appreciate her efforts to spend time with me, but god is she ever a whiner when we get out on the water and i listen to her 6/7 of the other days of the week so this is why i rarely share the boat with her lol! That said reading about you guys begging your significant others to join you on the water has made me appreciate her efforts, and i will consider reinstating her as a certified fishing partner :wink:

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:03 am
by moonshine
the next time she wants to visit the in-laws or go shopping. Tell her you are way way too busy with the reno's to go anywhere. Cause you want to get them done so that you can go fishing before you retire. lol


Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:42 am
by Seaweed
I built a new home last year... you wanna talk about burning up your fishing time... thank God last year sucked weather wise... it was the only saving grace of the whole project... that and a great home.... over a thousand square foot garage... plenty big enough for all my fishing toys. 8)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 9:52 am
by Dore
bassboy19 wrote:I sure got a kick out of reading some of these replies and would like to share my experiences as a 19 yearold outdoor addict with a girlfriend. keeping up with university life throughout the winter months, fishing was my escape from the real world and my problems that pale in comparison to you guys' hunny do lists. needless to say the woman is one of those things i like to get away from once in a while, and my problem is that shes always bugging me to bring her! i don't have an issue bringing her along once in a while, but its not quite the same talking about her social life instead of hockey and the better looking girls at work with the guys. the fact of the matter is i suppose i should appreciate her efforts to spend time with me, but god is she ever a whiner when we get out on the water and i listen to her 6/7 of the other days of the week so this is why i rarely share the boat with her lol! That said reading about you guys begging your significant others to join you on the water has made me appreciate her efforts, and i will consider reinstating her as a certified fishing partner :wink:
Dude you're still 19 don't worry you'll get your shair of the list ..... Its just a matter of time! My tip is go out and fish as much as you can because the day you buy a house and start having a familly youre fishing time alone goes down (75%). You litterally have to plan your days on the water almost with a calendar and post it on the fridge a month ahead ! My wife is always telling me to go out and fish .... and I bring her along my self ones and a while... but now with the baby on the way and all the renos at to do before the baby arrives....... well fishing .... lets just say I haven't wet a line since ice fishing season and thats not normal for my self. I wish you the best of luck young grasshopper and enjoy all the fishing you can 8) :lol: 8)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:04 am
by sparky
My endless project is restoring my little camp on the Mississippi. I like the work, you can't beat the location, but the temptations are great. Like yesterday, when my son and I went out to get started on one of the many jobs that remain. It was a gorgeous day, there was a room full of fishing tackle and a couple of kayaks just begging to be used, and we used them. Not one board got cut, not one nail got hammered. On the plus side, we got three nice wallies, a hammer handle, and a pretty respectable pike, all within a couple of hours and all within a couple hundred yards of our dock. We saw an osprey, an otter, a muskrat, a couple of deer, and a guy flying one of those motorized parachute things.
We accomplished nothing. It was a great day.
Renos tomorrow. Maybe.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:53 am
by Mr Twister
Life is short guys and enjoy what you can while you still can!!!!!!!!! :wink: