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Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:58 pm
Also even the best depthfinder doesn't prevent someone from hitting that
lone rock that's a foot or two below the water. Paying attention and watching your speed in unfamiliar areas beats electronics everytime.

old school

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:24 pm
by Fishing Family
Old school is the only way we go, the wife and I fish canoe and shoreline all summer long on alot of back lakes in the calabogie area and the fishing is awsome, we're lucky if we see 2 or 3 other people all day, they are known lakes just not fished all that often

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:16 pm
by Jasonb
I'd be more than happy to take all un-wanted electronics, atv's or snowmachines anyday... but no, i catch fish and i've got no electronics, all about trial and error... the best way to learn is the hard way...


Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:18 pm
by lungelarry
I like IT old school, but not my fishing,I really like to know how deep the water is that I am fishing,A combination of good electronics, map and instinct should put fish in the boat,and to me, fishing, is about catching fish.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:06 pm
by meanmuskie
I actually caught my best fish ever (43'' musky) fishing old school out of my pedal boat . I love the simplicity of going back to basics . I spend most of my time in my bassboat because of the space but think i catch just as many fish in my pedal boat.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:41 pm
by joco
not sher its call old school.

but sher miss sit on shore at victoria island.

wit friends and look at the view. 8) having a blast.

simple fishing on shore that dont need mutch equipement.

it might be old school kind off fishing..but sher is fun.

this past summer i did not went mutch but will change this next one.

bring those monster cats in spring.


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:48 pm
by Fishing 24/7
i was raised fishing old school from shore.

now that i think about it.... a was catching WAY more fish form shore with a 40$ rod and reel combo from c-tire..............

double tailed jig was my #1 lure for 3 years.......

now that i own a boat and fish from a boat 90 % of the time....

the variaties of lures have changed but the numbers of fish.... not realy.

still love those days where me and my g-f fish form shore with worms and just relax .


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:01 pm
by Canmoore
Hey James, I have been fishing Dalhousie "Old School" for years.

That lake is what got me hooked onto fishing. When I was younger I lived on the Nottawasaga River, one of Ontario's best places to catch spawning salmon and trout.. However, that was only in the fall. The rest of the year, the stretch of river where I lived at was void of life.

Compared to The Notti, Dalhousie lake was just teaming of fish!

Of course now though, that Lake can be extremely frustrating, especially because I do not use electronics. One day you can pull 3-6 walleye out of the water, the next day you would swear the lake only has rock bass in it lol.

I would like to take some electronics on the lake though, I have fished it long enough to know where the spots are to catch fish, however, electronics would help me hone into that spot within a spot!!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:56 am
by Jimmy_1
Then I guess we need to get ourselves a portable fish-finder for your boat then eh?

Well we did damn good for NO electronics over the summer!


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:45 pm
by gorfman007
Ifish old school 90% of the time . I know my part of the lake very well. I can usually see the bottom before it knocks on the prop looking for a way into the boat. I do take the depth sounder when I explore the other arm of the lake to be on the safe side. Some areas do hold some granite bass.