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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:56 pm
by Trophymuskie
Joco, Todd B. has it right. There is a reason fish are out of season and that is decided by the MNR folks. Now you cannot compare OOS fish pictures with legaly caught muskies in season. Yes you cannot keep a muskie under 54 inches in season but you are allowed to fish for them.

This is a apples to oranges thing. OOS fish should be released immidiatly as you may damage such fish. I.e. getting bass during spawning season or all OOS fish through the ice can't be good for them ether.

But if you get a walleye inside the slot or a muskie under the size limit during the open season it's not doing any damge to take a picture before you release them.

Just ask yourself these questions, Am I doing any more damage to a 45 inch muskie then a 54 inch muskie taking a picture before release during the open season? or Am I doing more damage to ( insert OOS fish here ) when taking pictures when caught during the off season vs. the open season?

It's all black and white, OOS fish are illegal, undersize or slot fish are legaly caught and targeted only they need to be released.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:24 pm
by Moosebunk
You catch a great fish accidentally OOS, snap the pic if you want. It's your fish, handle it with care in a timely fashion just like you would the rest of the year with every other fish you catch. 8)

If it's on it's nest though, be smart.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:42 pm
by bottom feeder
I have a harder time with cencoring oos pics taken of fish through the ice because these to me are more incidental than casting a line into the reeds in the spring. Recently we all went ga-ga over some pics of a sturgeon, including myself. I have never caught one and would avidly take pics.
On dec 15, I caught a Muskie through the ice and wasn't sure if it was in season or not. I didn't think it was, regardless it was treated with respect and released as soon as the hook was removed. Had I had a camera, yes I would have snapped off a few quick pics and hurried her to the water almost as quick.It was my second ever.
I do agree though it is a good idea not to post pics of oos fish but as kpin pointed out an albino fish or a sturgeon would be worth a look at as it is something we rarely see and all enjoy.

My thoughts on the subject

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:19 pm
by joco

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:34 pm
by RJ
I understand your point Joco....

As far as the debate goes.....FH.Net made their stance last Spring....Like it or Not.....

debating it won't change a thing....

Do what you want on the water...We all know the laws...or most of them.....If I feel like snapping a pic.....I will...

No opinion thrusted my way will likely change matter who it comes from....


Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:48 pm
by joco

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:38 pm
by Fishing Freak
I usually don't get involved in these matters, but here's my $.02.

If you were to catch a 55" muskie, you would have a ton of pics, before being released. Now tell me you wouldn't take pics of a 53.5"er, before the release.

You are also saying that if you caught an 8lb bass through the ice you wouldn't have pics of it.

I don't care who you are both fish would have pics taken of them.

Taking the pics really isn't the issue here, it's the handling while getting ready for, nad taking the pic that matters.

Done with care an extra 15 seconds for a pic ain't gonna hurt.

I'll take a pic of a trophy, in season or not. Whether or not you see it would depend on the quality of the fish. I would definatly be snapping pic of an 8lb bass and you would definatly see them. Let the mods pull the pic.

HT took there stance, as RJ said.

So the question remains, why is the pic still up?

By the way, Beautyful fish. Glad I got to see it. :D
I'd have pics of it too, If I caugth it.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:54 am
by joco

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 6:45 am
by Fishing Freak
Hey joco,

The words I spoke were not directed at you, or anyone else for that matter.

Everyone go catch a trophy, I want to see it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bottom line is, Be Smart about taking a photo, and be quick if you plan on taking one.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:09 pm
by Trophymuskie
joco wrote: you said in your response......OOS fish should be release immidiately as youmay damage sush fish,,,,,, :? :roll: ,,,

so as out off size to,,,,,,,,,,,same exact thing,,,,,should be release immidiately as you may damage sush fish.......... :o ,,,
IS IT because the season is open that you will take more time to take a picture more then a oos fish....... :?: nope it should be back in water as fast as a oos fish,,,,

its not apple /orange thin here,,,, :? ,,,there both fish,,,,,one is out off season,the other one is out off size,,,,,the both off them are not ilegaly caught,one is a accident the other,,,to small legaly,,,,so the 2 fish just have to be back in as soon as possible,,,,,,,,

dont say one, is more ok then the other one,,,,,trophymusky,,both are wrong,,,,,,,,,

trophymusky why would it be ok (more acceptable,,,as better for the fish)to take a picture off a out off size fish.....?then a oos fish.?

the two off them,,,,,,,,you can not keep,,,,,,,there both iligal iff kept,,,so why you could have more time wit one then the other one,,(to take picture or helse,,,),?more time out off water is bad for both off them,,,,its not because its in the season thats is more ok to do it,,,,its still not a keeper,,,

Let me try again. It is black and white issue or apples to oranges.

The MNR set seasons to protect fish while they are vunarable. They believe you should not be fishing for OOS fish as it can cause damage to such fish no matter how fast it is released. But taking a picture of an accidental OOS fish can only add to the possiblillity of damage to said OOS fish. Like I mentioned before, taking a bass off it's bed can be loosing eggs for every second it is off it's bed, the sooner you get it back to it's bed the more eggs will be protected. Same as taking any OOS season fish throught he ice, not only are these fish out of water where they need to be to breath but they are out in freezing weather where the fins and eyes can easilly be damaged, once again the longer they stay out to more damage can be caused.

Now the MNR set open seasons where you can target fish, this means that they believe the fish can be caught and released wihtout so much damage no matter what size they are. This means you taking a picture of a sub legal size fish or slot limit fish doesn't do any more damage then doing it with a legal size fish. For god sake you can have bass tournaments all open season long where you transport fish all over the lake to be released who knows where but you can't even fish for bass during the closed season. You think if it was the same thing as catching bass OOS they would not let you have tournaments.

So Joco yes I am saying it is ok to take pictures of slot limit or undersized fish during the open season but it's not ok to take pictures of fish during the closed season. It it was ok to handle fish OOS the MNR would set a C&R only season and not a closed season like we have.

Now the MNR set record size limits for muskies of 54 inches on many bodies of water including the Ottawa river. They did not do this to stop people from fishing for fish under 54 inches but to protect them from over harvest and at the same time letting them spawn every spring untill they are trophy size of at least 54 inches.

This is the same thing as fishing for muskies with a conservation license or fishing a lake with a 0 limit like Lac Seul, you cannot keep any even if of legal size. All of them must go back but you can certainly fish for and catch and take a picture before letting the fish go.

It may be a grey area about the legality of taking pictures of OOS fish. But we should all know better, I won't even fish for pike in the spring just because I know I may come across a spawning muskie or bass or 3.

Now let me close by saying the only thing that is the same when it comes to OOS fish and in season undersized fish is you cannot keep them other then that there are a lot of differences like you cannot even fish for OOS. A hell of a a big difference there.

Joco maybe you should ask an MNR person the differences between an OOS fish and and in season undersized fish. I am sure he may be better suited to explain to you there is a big difference between the two.

A la prochaine,

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:18 pm
by Trophymuskie
FF you mentionned taking tonnes of pictures of a 55 inch muskie. Please no matter the size of the fish it is very important to keep the out of water time to a minimum for every fish to be released.

Now we that target muskies are equiped with large nets that help keep the fish in the water during the entire unhooking process. But no matter the size of the fish there is just enough time for a couple of pictures while the fish is out of water. Do take pictures of the fish fighting, in the net or as it is been released but the fish must not be out of water for more then 10 secs if at all possible ( the bigger the fish the more important it becomes ). Naturally I am talking muskies here but it has been proven with other fish that the amount of time out of water reflects the amount of time for the fish to recuperate if they do.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:22 pm
RJ wrote:I understand your point Joco....

As far as the debate goes.....FH.Net made their stance last Spring....Like it or Not.....

debating it won't change a thing....

Do what you want on the water...We all know the laws...or most of them.....If I feel like snapping a pic.....I will...

No opinion thrusted my way will likely change matter who it comes from....

Good read Tubby!!!!!! :D :lol: :lol:



Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:51 am
by joco
HI ALL..... :D

trophymusky,,,,,,that was a great response,,,,.

I did send a e mail to the mnr,,,about the subject. waiting for a reply.

you are right about out off season fish caught on there fray beds,,,,or spawning......but wen you catch a bass ,,ex in dec or jan,,,or a sturgeons and a lot off fish species,,,in winter months,,,there not spawning,,,,there no danger,,,,,,,,just a quik 2 cents here,,,,,,,WHY the QUEBEC mnr dont close the bass season till the 31 off march,?,,,,,mabe its because there no danger for them till then,,,,?i think its only during the spawning season that it could be more dnagerous for the fish,,,thats it....

for the out off size,,,,,can you keep it,,,,,,,,,NO,,,,,it become ilegal fish(if kept),like an out off season it become an iligal fish if kept,,,,,,,both fish have been caught legaly.......on is an accident,on is out off size,,,,,,...

but i do agree wit you during spawning season,its worst for the out oss season, then the out off size.

but most off the open season,lets say in summer,,,,,,,,why would more ok,,,to keep an out off size fish,,,an iligal fish if kept),,,then an out off season bass in january,,,,,,,both fish have to go back as fast in the water,,,

but like i say before,,,,,,,,,,,,,i do take picture,,,,,,,off out off size or out off season fish,but am carefull for the fish,,,,,,,,but I dont think one is more OK then the other one,,,,,,

and i am not trying to change minds here,just to see what people think about the subject,,,,,,,

joco,,,,,,,,,,, :P

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:02 am
by Trophymuskie
joco wrote:

for the out off size,,,,,can you keep it,,,,,,,,,NO,,,,,it become ilegal fish(if kept),like an out off season it become an iligal fish if kept,,,,,,,both fish have been caught legaly.......on is an accident,on is out off size,,,,,,...

but most off the open season,lets say in summer,,,,,,,,why would more ok,,,to keep an out off size fish,,,an iligal fish if kept),,,then an out off season bass in january,,,,,,,both fish have to go back as fast in the water,,,

joco,,,,,,,,,,, :P
Joco the difference is the undersize fish are legaly targeted where the OOS fish are illegaly targeted. A guy can fish all season long for muskies with a conservation license even though he can't keep any.

You have to ask the Quebec conterpart of the MNR why their seasons don't close untill march 31st. I think it can't be good to fish for muskies or bass through the ice. I know that is why the MNR set the seasons to close with ice up.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:27 am
by muskymuskymusky
MY opinion,

I take oos pics of big fish and will continue to do so. If you dont want to see them on this board i wont post them. (Your loss not mine) Now to explain that i take care while doing so. My cam is always on in my pocket. If i can not get a pic in say within 10 secounds because of a bad hook or troubles releasing hook i would let it go without one. If i have a buddy there with me he would be taking pics as i unhook and release and that sufficient for me. By the way i see no difference between taking pics of a undersized fish as compared to an OOS fish. They both must be returned and as fast as possible to have the best chance at survival. I really agree with you Joco seems a bit of a double standard to me. Of course this is just my opinion and until the MNR comes out with a line in their regs that says "it is illegal to take pictures of an oos fish" it will continue to be my opinion on the subject.