I can't believe he just did that!

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Post by bottom feeder »

I am happy to hear your son was not hurt
I am also pleased you stayed cool during this. I know as hell I would have been in his boat and him out of it.
I hope they throw the book at him.
Endangering peoples lives like this is what gives the sport a bad name
ramp rage indeed
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Post by Duck Gunner »

Well I will echo everyone's sentiments on being glad you and your boy weren't injured at least physically.

I think people this is just more fuel for the fire that stricter Licensing for boats is required. And additionally, more stringent enforcement of the law. It's getting better but still, ANY ASHOLE can operate a boat. There has to be more repercussions, especially in a case like this.

This is plain and simple a willful act and this person should be nailed to the wall for his actions. I don't care if the guy invented the cure for cancer. There is no excuse for that type of action.

I have said it before and will say it again. Bring back "Stoning". A couple of hard ball sized rocks to the kidneys will make this or any other idiot out there think twice about doing something as stupid and reckless ever again!!! There is no "Punishment" in our prisons anymore. It's just a place to go to learn how to perform more serious crimes. Back back the penalty part of the supposed "Penal" system.

Just my two cents...

DG. 8)
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Post by Pinnochio Fisherman »


Glad that you and your family escaped any harm.

Is there anything you can tell us about this butt or his boat so that the rest of us can identify him on/off the water? I'd like to keep and eye out for him to keep clear myself - or - to plow my truck into the side of his boat (depending on my mood :twisted: ).

I'm wondering if Tranport Canada would be interest to know this critter's name - don't they regulate boat safety in Canada?
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Post by Lunker Larry »

When you see something like this that's so assinine, you don't know what to do because the logical person in you can't believe someone would actually do this.
I believe that so far you've done all the right things. In the event that this guy might worm his way out of the legal charges, is he a sponsored member of any association? If so, maybe his club and sponsor would like to know who is representing them on the water. Put a damper in his fishing opportunities and maybe he will think twice the next time.
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Post by Rex Mundi »

I am glad to hear everyone is OK.

I am not sure I would have handled things the way you did but I think that you handled things correctly. The last thing that you want is to go nuts on the guy and then get charged yourself.

I hope emotionally your son is OK and is not scarred off of the boat and I sure hope that his yahoo gets what is coming to him. I am pretty sure he has fished his last tournament as no repuatable tournament series would want this type of scum around.
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Post by big-o »

Chris.... What can I say.... first of all if this man was a contestant in the derby ...he should be band for life from all tourney and derbies, he is a danger to every one, as long as he behind a steering wheel, be it a boat or a motor vehicle, he should be brought up on Criminal charges …reckless endangerment, among several others. I’m glad that you and your son are all right. What is wrong with people in this day and age ….we see more and more Road rage…now ramp Rage, we all live in a fast paced world…fast foods, drive threws…you would think when we get to the water…we would shift into low gear, relax, take it easy savor the time and piece and quite, but idiots like this guy will one day kill some one. And that is going to be a sad for some one. I would not back down on this…I would take this person and make sure that he would prosecuted to fullest extent of the Law
I applaud you resolve to stay calm during this Act of aggression, your son seeing how you handled this now knows the right way to act, As much as I would like to have read that you jumped into the his boat and beat THE LIVING CRAP out of the guy…you Handled it right, A lesson to your young son and to all of us .

Need a Lawyer…I‘ll pitch in to help off set the cost!!!

Big-O / Phil
Last edited by big-o on Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by iankrzyzanowski »

Glad to hear that your son and yourself are ok!

As for the joker, he will definately get what is coming to him!
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Post by Mike the 'Tender »

normware wrote: 1) assault
2) assualt with a deadly weapon
3) attempted murder
I don't know about that last one, but those first two are plausible to come up in court. A couple others would be criminal negligence and willful destruction of property. They carry less of a sentance, but they're more likely to come up if its determined there was no direct threat to the wellbeing of Chris and his son, as well as if he's a first time offender. Personally though, I agree with you Normware.

It's good to hear that you and your son are OK Chris and I hope the arsehole gets whats coming to him.
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Post by Gordo »

Hey Chris glad to hear your son is okay. I'm very impressed that you were able to hold back and not jump into his boat and give him a pounding that surely deserves. It's pretty sad that we have people now having (as Hawk said) Dock Rage! I'm glad the police were called and I hope they do charge him. I would also suggest that you contact a lawyer for some sort of civil action against him. Let's us know what happens with this.


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Post by Fishing Freak »

Chris, Glad to hear you and the little fella are o.k.

I don't know how you kept your cool, after someone almost injures you and your son. Man, I would've been all over this guy in seconds.
Do damage to all my fishing gear, you'd tick me off. But attempt to do harm to me or my family, that's where i draw the line. :evil:
Take this sap to the cleaners. Make sure his sponsors know what he did, and have this moron banned from all fishing tournies.
Is this moron a well known person.( using that term lightly)
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Post by Kpin »

Going to echo what everyone has said Chris. Glad you and your son are ok. You did handle it the right way....amazingly. Keep those witness accounts close by and follow up with the officer and consider getting a lawyer. You may not have pummeled the f*ckhead at that time but you sure can rip him a new one in court, then give the goof a BIG smile, knowing the 10 seconds he was SOOOOO upset about have just cost him a criminal record and monetary compensation
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Post by wolfe »


That's just enraging, Chris. I'm very relieved to hear your son wasn't hurt, though he must have been scared. I am amazed you didn't pull the guy's tongue out and wrap it around his throat. Good for you to get the law involved and I hope this guy gets severely punished. Apparently he has a short, dangerous fuse.

Best of luck getting your repairs and getting back on the water for some better experiences. Most people are good; but there sure are a few morons mixed in there.

Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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Post by Moosebunk »

MIND BLOWING :!: :!: :!:

Chris. Start packing a couple 8/0 hooks on some rope tied to your boat. If happens ever again, sink 1 hook into each testicle and giver full throttle up the lake.
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Sry Chris he has what should happen to a T!!!!!!

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Post by M.T. Livewell »

I can't believe he just did that!
What is so hard to believe? :? People are genuinely nuts these days.
Road rage ... at the dock! *sigh* We've all wanted to do exactly what that guy did at one point or another. The difference is that we, as sane people, don't.

Someone apparently forgot his valium that day.

Chris, glad to hear all are well. Now, stick it to him the way us sane folks do it. Press charges right to the limit.

Good luck.

M.T. Livewell
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