i would like help to buy dig..camera

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Post by slushpuppy »

I have an Olympus with a 10x zoom with stabilizer. They don't make it anymore but I love it. I find Olympus still has the quality at maybe a lesser price than the bigger names. Canon, Pentax, Nikon are all good brands. Kodaks are cheap because they're made that way. Don't get me wrong, we bought a Kodak for Bowzog's teenager, because he just wanted a camera, nothing special, and if he got tired of it, no problem, it was cheap. I wouldn't buy one for myself.

As for megapixels, more is not necessarily better. Mine is a 2.1 and prints up to 8 x 10 just fine. The printing also depends on the printing software and the printer you use, not just the camera.

Figure out what you want to do with your camera, then buy accordingly. If you're into nature photography, buy something with a large zoom. If you want it for quick family snapshots (or quick fish shots), something with less bells and whistles and a great automatic feature will suffice, as you don't want to be fiddling with buttons when you're in a hurry to take a pic. If you want to get arty and use fancy settings (sepia, negative colour, blur, etc.), then by all means, get the bells and whistles. Although a lot of this arty stuff can be done on the computer.

I used the following site to research my purchase. It's american, but they give good reviews.
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Post by slushpuppy »

P.S. I would suggest buying a separate card reader to download your pictures to your pc. It saves on the camera batteries (unless you have the AC adapter for the camera, then it's a moot point).
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Canon A80

Post by Buzzer »

Presently have 10 rolls of film being developed :(

I'll be buying a Canon A80 in the next few weeks. The feature that sold me is the rotating screen which will enable me to take pics of myself hopefully holding up big fish.... :shock:


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Post by Wall-I-Guy »

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Post by Hoover »

well i been workin with computers and digital cameras for along time now, and i can tell you the best is NIKON or OLYMPUS, there lens is far superior to any other brands and this is waht makes the difference. For a fishing camera the Olympus Stylus series are the best, they are light compact and water resistant! The perfect camera for an outdoorsman. Dont be fooled by cheap cameras with high megapixels, you can have a low megapixel camera produce a better picture just cause of the lens!

Stylus 410 is probably your best bet! The nikons are more for professional photography!
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Post by joco »

Thanks again everyone for all the info,,,,,,,,,,

still shoping,,,,,,,try to get THE DEAL,,,,,,,looking for a site in canda for the best price here in canada,to go at the futur shop,,,,,,and put the price on the table,,,,and have to match it,,,,,,,, :) ,,,,,,so i am not in hurry but a good deal and the product i whant and i will get it,,,,,,,,

but guys,,,,,,there seems to have so many good one,,,,,,,,canon,,,,,olympus,,,,,,,,,,,

thanks again,,,i realy apreciate this,,,,,

joco :P
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Post by eye-tracker »

Hunt down a price you like, stick to a camera company and you will get good quality for your money.

My personal preference is Canon, but I am shooting with L series lenses and EOS 300D, EOS 20D digital bodies. :wink:


...say cheeze fishy...

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Post by Legend »

:) All joking aside, I guess you want this camera for taking pictures of your fish.

I too work with some very high end digital equipment such as the Nikon D100X. For my money though and considering the purpose of the camera, I think you'd do just fine getting a $99 - $150 Kodak with at least 2 megapixels, maybe with the optical zoom. I've taken some really decent pictures with mine and for that price, I wouldn't bother with the in-store warranty.

Remember, you want something you won't be afraid to take fishing.

ps. The CCD chip size is as important as the optics.

:) Legend
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