Greetings after a Long Absence and a report on Bass Pro Shop

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Greetings after a Long Absence and a report on Bass Pro Shop

Post by stephenP »

Hello all. I have been away from the Hawk Talk since August, as I have been in TO, during the week, for work, and will be here until Late June. Missed the last of the fishing season, and will miss my spring trip next year. Sure did enjoy that Pinecrest trip a couple years back. The only advantage to having to work during the week in To, is that I had a chance to visit Bass Pro Shops the week after it opened. I must say it was impressive. Its not a good place to visit for a man away from his family during the week; he might be tempted to find comfort in a new baitcaster or something. Anyway, although I truly enjoyed the selection, and for the most part, the prices were at least somewhat cheaper than my usual tackle shops in the Ottawa area, something was missing. Then it dawned on me: I missed talking to the good folks at Paddletales and Baitcasters and the other places I bring rods,reels or whatever for service. I also missed the chance meeting of some of you fine folks when I am at those tackle shops. Don't get me wrong, BPS is intoxicating. But I also find great pleasure in in visiting our own little tackle shop treasures in Ottawa. I guess I mean to say, is that there is a place for everything, and everything in its place. I will probably visit BPS again before leaving TO for good in June, but only to get the truly unique things I can't get elsewhere.
Hope all is well with the Hawk Talker family, and I will try to find time to stay in touch.
Good health and be patient for spring. Stephen.
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Post by Wall-I-Guy »

Hey stephenP,

Glad to see you back. Amazing at how this place just draaaaaaaws you in isn't it :?: :lol:
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Post by jazman »

Good to see you are back around... was wondering a month or so ago what happened to you....

hope to see you on another FH trip one day...

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