It's walleye time!

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It's walleye time!

Post by kingofbeasts »

A few weeks ago, as I was fishing for perch and crappie on the Lievre river, I stumbled upon a walleye school of fish and I caught 2 or 3 of them before even realizing what just happened.
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Only after my camera light went on at the last picture I took I realized that with the sun now gone to sleep, my perch playground was taken over by walleyes. I was about to let them be, it was not open season yet, and on the last cast (epic, I know, but true nevertheless) my new personal best walleye hit me hard ,a 62 cm beauty:
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I was working at my new jigging rod,Rusty, a secret weapon for walleye and smallies , but I was far from finishing it. With the season opener for walleyes in only one week, I decided to speed things up an get it done to be used at the debut of what is promising to be a very good fishing season for me in 2019.
To be continued :)
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by kingofbeasts »

About a week later my walleye rod was finished so it was time to see it in action. I took it to a spot where I was suspecting I will find some walleyes willing to take my soft plastics as snacks and I was right, they were there and they were some nice ones too :
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by kingofbeasts »

There were 6 of them in total for a bit more than two hours of fishing that evening but, for a first trip with a new fishing rod it was more then satisfactory :)
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The way this rod was transmitting every movement of the soft plastics regardless if it was on a 5 grams jig head or a 14 grams one , was just incredible. I've built and fished some pretty sensitive rods in my time (St. Croix Legend Elite & Legend Extreme , G.Loomis GLX, Phenix K2, Sage Gear just to name a few of them) but none of those is comparable to this NFC XRay blanks ( it is a pity though they have a bad business model at Gary Loomis new factory).
To be continued
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by Nyarlathotep »

Very nice - there's got to be a sense of satisfaction when you get a nice catch using something that you've built yourself. The walleye fishing has been pretty good on the Rideau River since the opener, as well.
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by ducksplasher »

What kind of muppet keeps fishing for them when he knows the season is closed, AND has the nerve to take pics and post them on a public forum. How stupid does it get????
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by kingofbeasts »

ducksplasher wrote:What kind of muppet keeps fishing for them when he knows the season is closed, AND has the nerve to take pics and post them on a public forum. How stupid does it get????

So, I guess that will be the one who forgot that are people out there who either don't know how to read or are to dumb too understand what they are reading . Luckily, the report was not meant for them but for those who are able to compute that that if someone says that "in one week season will be open for pike and walleye" and then says " the next trip was a week later than the previous one" that means the trip was when season was already open. It was also written for those who can comprehend that when someone says " I was about to let them be, it was not open season yet, and on the last cast" it means that he understood that conditions just changed he needs to stop fishing and he did just that (last cast usually means no other cast will follow that one).
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by kingofbeasts »

Nyarlathotep wrote:Very nice - there's got to be a sense of satisfaction when you get a nice catch using something that you've built yourself.
Yes it is, it is a very nice feeling to see that your work is rewarded with a nice prise .
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Re: It's walleye time!


ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!! Luckily, many years ago I was the one to begin this "OOS" picture thread. He clearly stated, he was was "NOT targeting the "Eye's" and if I had a "Hot Perch, or Crappie" Spot, I'd make one more cast as well. You cannot predict the bite, and if it is a trophy, or P.B I'd take a flippin pic as well :P He did the right thing, he left and waited for open season. Please "Muppet's" stop using this public forum to bash people, use it as a key to a lock to open a wealth of knowledge, you may not find anywhere, and meet some people who are not just your average A-#OLE! He did not post pics of it on his dinner table, he snapped a quick pic, and I know what the "Reg's" say, but he did no harm, it's a sport, and IMO he was out enjoying what we all do. He hooked up, realized it was OOS and when he went back he was beyond rewarded!

Great work on the rods "Kingofbeasts" and the fish that were, and will be landed using your own creations! Kudos's to you, and do not let "A Muppet" change your direction, for I truly enjoy your posts!

Tight Lines:

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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by ducksplasher »

Yeah- great story, thanks for your input pal. Where else but on a clicky local website will people defend others taking pics of ALL the out of season walleyes he managed to hook laid out perfectly beside the promotional rod :P ?? MNR lads would have a good laugh watching that from shore. Are you defending him because you think you are " being a good Canadian host" lol...or because he has filled out the online form to glean the privilege of membership in some online club???? lol Too funny...what a weird reply to defend a stranger in the wrong.....great way to educate the newbs and kids starting out on here. Truly weird.
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by kingofbeasts »

Thank you FLOATFISHIN for your intervention ( it made me see that people can understand what I said and what I meant and my English is good enough to transmit my thoughts) but please stay out of this since it is just not worth the effort. By the way, instead of dinner plate pics I do have release videos for those fish so, no harm done here indeed .
As far as I am concerned I have a clean conscience since I know I followed the law to the letter. As soon as out of season fish started biting I changed the lures and when that didn't work I stopped fishing. All fish (out of season or not) were released back in to the water. That's it. That's pretty much all an angler is expected to do and all he can do since he has no control over the fish feeding grounds which usually are shared by multiple species of fish .
Speaking of education @ducksplasher, leave it for those entitled to do it, I'm sure those MNR guys you are talking about know their job and how to do it. You can apply your model of educating people in your own household by personal example and since we are at that, you may want to start with that attitude you have there, it is not quite the best example in terms of education.
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by ducksplasher »

You just don't get it , do you ?? Those MNR boys would be quite happy to slap some huge fines on you for taking the time to get a picture of those late spawning fish. Repeatedly. As would they with any other people that read your post and were convinced what you were doing isn't totally against our fish and game laws. There is a reason for those laws....and it's certainly not to add to your silly little photo gallery of those ridiculous looking rods. You have some nerve arguing back after posting something so ridiculous more than once on a public forum. Don't attempt to blame it on being a new arrival, that card has been played out tenfold by many others who feel empowered by our cuckery for newcomers.
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by RJ »

Alright fellas. You've both made your point. Move on.

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Re: It's walleye time!


Yeah- great story, thanks for your input pal. Where else but on a clicky local website will people defend others taking pics of ALL the out of season walleyes he managed to hook laid out perfectly beside the promotional rod :P ?? MNR lads would have a good laugh watching that from shore. Are you defending him because you think you are " being a good Canadian host" lol...or because he has filled out the online form to glean the privilege of membership in some online club???? lol Too funny...what a weird reply to defend a stranger in the wrong.....great way to educate the newbs and kids starting out on here. Truly weird.

I'm going to be polite here.....

A: Your being a racist prick when you make mention of "A good Canadian Host" That was way out of line to say, for you are IMO picking on anyone who likes to fish in this Province or country.

B: What "On line club" Do you speak of????

C: How is he "A stranger?" He is part of this forum, just as you are, No? I've never met you, nor know who you are, what background you come form? For all I know your from Mars! I only accept, he made a fault, found it, and corrected it, No? Do I know him personally: No. Do I respect he changed his tacit s, YES I DO!

D: If you had any following of these forums, you would see.... He is an AVID Rod builder FOR HIMSELF! Not for any company, nor business only for HIMSELF!!!!! He makes his own crafts, and not once have I seen him try to sell his creations, but only offer to help to repair a rod someone could not get the proper channels to do so!

He caught an OOS fish, he took a pic. Let's burn him at the Stake and be done is more or less what your after.... If the MNR was across the pond, lake, river, I'm sure they would have been more polite than you portray your outcome LOL.

And E: I'd re read his post before you made your accusations of "How many OOS Walleye's he laid beside his rod for glory" Again, RE READ! :roll:

F: As per educating "Newbs" and "Kids" I take pride in meeting people along my fishing travels and trying to share input. For that is the future of this sport. If you came across a "New Family To Canada" and gave them the same tongue lashing your trying to give this lad on here, who was doing wrong, or did wrong, and tried to make right, do you think they would feel comfortable attempting to make right the next time? Some A-HOLE gives them a Riot Act, and they are going to go fish again? Check your head and words PAL Think before you type.

I apologize to the thread and forum, but my rant is done. Ducksplasher, pm me anytime to continue.

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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by ducksplasher »

RJ....I respect the fact you would prefer nobody to continue this. I think I have said hello at the launches a few times and much respect as a fisherman to ya :) But, regarding this conversation- I have to say I won't sit by and have this guy that jumped in drop the " racist" bomb on me That's pathetic, and reeks of all that stinks in Canadian politics right now. NOT ONCE did race cross my mind.....not ****ing ONCE. This drillbit is of Romanian origin, I just checked it. Originally I was going to guess Polish...( my long ago ancentry) but this loser called me RACIST for calling out a poacher and a guy that knowingly took a slew of photos of consecutive closed season spawners. By the way...the guy is white!!! People who use the racism card need to be remembered and humiliated. FLOATFISHER.....I am talking to you. I ain't taking this offline with you stranger. you are a gutless worm with a big mouth. Trailer park scum. Vote Trudeau again champ … and try to help kill your country some more.
You ever talk to me like that to my face, and you lose teeth fast.

Sorry RJ, somebody needed to tell the guy. Btw we got on the crappies hard this eve as well!! :) Finally. Some buried in cattail shoots...some on rockshelf drops in 8 ft.
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Re: It's walleye time!

Post by kingofbeasts »

I think this has gone to far , so the following will be my final statements on the matter.
First I will like to apologize to all of those offended by my foolishness of taking pictures of OOS fish and posting them here. Even though the legality of that is debatable , I do understand that this practice is offending for your customs and that is a good enough reason for me to stop doing it. I can assure you that all fish went back unharmed and excepting the picture time they were all well taken care of. My care for fish starts before hooking them since I use an equipment very sensitive and tuned in for fast hookups ( so that the fish won’t have the time to swallow) with strong lines and thick leaders to prevent accidental breaking or being cut of ( which will leave the fish with a lure in his mouth and a higher risk of being harmed). I do this year round and I’m only telling this to you so that you can have a better idea what kind of person I am.

On the other hand, on a personal level with mister ducksplasher, you my friend would better see a doctor about that aggressive attitude of yours. Since you value the law so much, you might want to know that you have just broke it twice in messages above by making threats to another user and by defaming me and I would suggest you to stop doing that or start counting money (since you also have some interesting laws against libel and defamation here in Canada ;) ). If my actions are debatable, making false statements in a public environment with the only purpose of defaming someone is as clear as it gets (unless you can prove that poaching really means taking pictures of fish prior to releasing them of course ).Your education level speaks for it self I guess and I will move beyond the above on this occasion but I will advise you not to repeat that.
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