Weekend Tragedy

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Weekend Tragedy

Post by stephenP »

I would like to convey my deepest sympathies the the Lowe families with regard to the passing of the brothers Rob and Steve. I was in fact fishing the 1 Aug White Lake tournament they were participating in at their untimely passing. The details are yet to be confirmed except that the bodies were discovered without life jackets on, and as the boat (a new Triton with a Merc 150 and therefore equipped with a kill switch tether), continued in circles for some time, I am led to believe the tether was not clipped to the driver. These were fine men, as I and my son had the opportunity to speak with them many times, they struct me as very well grouded with common sense and a respect for the water. I am truly mindful of the young families left to mourn. That said, may I stongly suggest to all of us sportsman that safety beats all, and that a momentary lapse, perhaps in pursuit of that honey hole, is a very dear price to pay. Please, if not for yourselves, then for that of your families, play safe, and join me in spending a few moments thinking of the families.
Have a safe rest of the summer on the water.
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Post by SkeeterJohn »

With such a large community of anglers on here it's not suprising that a few out there will have personally known those involved.

It's a stark reminder to us all that wearing our kill switches and life jackets should be taken a lot more seriously.

Stay safe everyone as we don't want to be reading about anyone else.. especially people we know of as friends.
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Post by Rescue78 »


Let us know if you are aware of a fund that I / we could contribute to, i.e an education fund for the kids or something like that. I would gladly contribute.

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Post by bobfly »

I was talking today to one of the brother's friend. His wife who is pregnant and with a four year old are building a new home. What a tragedy. She told my friend that we put life jackets on our kids but not on ourselves. As stated above, do it for your family, if not for yourself. I know it is not machismo to be wearing one but sometimes we need an incident like this or one that I had to smarten us up. Briefly, I was leaning out of my canoe to untangle a fly caught in a branch close to shore. In a split second I was head first into the water. If I had taken a mouthful of water and been further out, I may not be here to write this. I've been thinking about the guy who saw the bobbing head and then went inside. I hope he isn't being too hard on himself.
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Post by Hoser »

I know the guy that saw it all. He's a good man and I'm sure he feels terrible about the fact he may have been able to help. I also know he sees all kinds of stupidity in front of his cottage every weekend and I understand why he chose to ignore this incident in the beginning. I'll no doubt see him this weekend and pass on the concerns for his well being from the fish hawk members.
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