Take the dog fishing?

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Take the dog fishing?

Post by campnfish »

Need a general consensus here - how does everyone feel about bringing a dog with you in the boat?

Yes, it depends on what kind of dog, temperament, excitability etc - but in general, is it a good practice? I've heard the horror stories of people hooking their dogs, them scaring the fish and just making a nuisance of themselves. On the other hand, they're a great counter-weight up front in a tin boat and good company all around.

I've got a standard sized black lab, he loves boat rides and whines every time he sees me getting the fishing gear ready. Never brought him with me in the boat when I fish because I was always concerned about inadvertently hooking him. Feel bad when I leave the dock and he just sits and watches me go. I usually go fishing, come back, drop off all the gear then take him for a rip...
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by lapointeric »

campnfish wrote:Need a general consensus here - how does everyone feel about bringing a dog with you in the boat?

Yes, it depends on what kind of dog, temperament, excitability etc - but in general, is it a good practice? I've heard the horror stories of people hooking their dogs, them scaring the fish and just making a nuisance of themselves. On the other hand, they're a great counter-weight up front in a tin boat and good company all around.

I've got a standard sized black lab, he loves boat rides and whines every time he sees me getting the fishing gear ready. Never brought him with me in the boat when I fish because I was always concerned about inadvertently hooking him. Feel bad when I leave the dock and he just sits and watches me go. I usually go fishing, come back, drop off all the gear then take him for a rip...
If he could talk, and you asked him if he wanted to come, what do you think he'd say.

That's your answer. :-)

My dog is a sad excuse for a German Shepherd... he shakes like a leaf when I get him in the boat. His previous owner must have done something wrong.

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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by brazeauf »

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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by fishin mission »

I guess the only way to find out is to take him out for a few hours when pike season opens and find out right away before the season fully opens.
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by Daboss »

Depends on the dog, will he be content to just sit out of harms way for long periods?
Take it out for a cruise without hooks around the first time.
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by Whitetail »

Always take my lab.
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by Fishoholic »

Like everyone says it depends on the dog but all dogs I know love fishing. I bring my dog with me all year round. Just keep you boat tidy (lures kept put away, rods out of his way) and you should be good to go. Just don't forget he's there when casting and watch your bait, mine likes to eat minnows haha. He's lab with a quarter hound in the mix.
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by lape0019 »

My dog hates the ride but is great once we are fishing.

Mind you, my dog is 20 pounds soaking wet so he is never really in the way.

I don't see taking a dog as any different than fishing with someone else in your boat. Be aware of where the dog is when you cast and you should be good to go.

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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by cgates »

I've seen guys bring there dog in tournaments. So I say bring him
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by Super »

Just beware that he might jump in the water
My buddy took his very large springer spaniel out with us one day and the dog decidde to go for a swim one time when we were stopped.
We were not really prepared to haul him back in but between the two of us we managed.
Make sure you figure out a head of time how you will get the dog back into the boat when you are far from shore.
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by ShawnD »

I've got a Cocker spaniel that is some how terrified of water but loves the boat..

As curious as he is, I've taught him well and doesn't grab anything unless its given to him (while in the boat)..
I just hate taking him on hot days.. I see him melting in the bottom of the boat.... I'd rather leave him on shore.
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by gatekeeper »

My buddy takes his "Chessie" with him all the time.Says she's better company than "The Wife".Keeps her opinions to herself and he's never lost an argument......yet!
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by Shadow »

I have a golden retriever i've been bringing fishing with me for 8 years. He absolutely loves being in the boat.

If I'm fishing with a partner, sometimes I'll leave him at home but generally where I go, he goes.

Great company when your fishing alone....and when you get a fish on you've got your own cheering squad. :)

Just have to be a bit more careful with the sharp hooks and all, but i've never had a problem.

aka shadow
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by FishingFreak13 »

I have a pure black lab and if we don't bring her on the boat when we go fishing (and she knows when we go fishing) she doesn't have much of anything to do with us for an hour or so when we get back. She loves water but we plan time in our day to go to shore and let her swim in the water. (she never jumps off the boat). But like everyone else said it depends on the dog. Take it out with you just for a cruise don't go fast right away give her a chance to get used to her surroundings and watch for anything out of the ordinary, Might give small signs of being uncomfortable.
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Re: Take the dog fishing?

Post by Grey_Thunder »

Definitely!!! In absence of a fishing partner, my golden retriever kept me company on many a trip. As a bass fisherman who spends a decent amount of time close to shore (flipping, pitching, etc.), my dog would attract even more attention from shore-bound dogs as we would approach. However, that would not have been a factor in me bringing or not bringing him. The shedding fur on my bassboat wasn't my favourite but the good company outweighed cleaning fur off. Now that he's passed away (this past winter), I had to cave to my daughters' wishes and we are getting two toy dogs. However, I was able to negotiate a breed that enjoys water as I definitely want to bring at least one along on my boat. Unlike my golden, they will be able to hide under the console if they are hot.

Never had any issues with hooks, etc... The only cost was that my dog always wanted a quick sniff of each bass before I tossed them back!
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