Your Scariest Moment on the Water

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Post by plncrzy »

Oh I like this thread..... :lol:

You know... the weather forecast is often brought up as the culprit..... however I believe the culprit is misinformation and lack of education.

So many people use a "public" weather forecast for location X assuming that it is valid for location Y.......Big mistakes here.

1. A public forecast is a PUBLIC forecast ... not a camping/canoeing/boating/fishing/marine forecast. The PUBLIC forecast for OTTAWA is a forecast and verified based on the data coming out of the Ottawa international airport.... NOT NEPEAN, NOT RICHMOND, NOT VARS, AND NOT ORLEANS

2. A forecast for location X does not mean its valid for location Y just because its the closest forecast location.

3. A forecast from Company x does not get the same data as a forecast from company Y.... so they are not all equal.

Basically what I am saying is;

1. Educate yourself on weather and its effects on lakes/waves etc, learn the local effects based on topography, water depth etc.
2. Get the forecast you want/need for the actual location you are going to.. and get it from a reliable source.
3. If your camping in the spring time and the forecast is calling for sunny and warm conditions ... That is simply a A FORECAST ... meaning.... THAT IS THE MOST LIKELY CONDITION TO OCCUR... IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS THE ONLY CONDITION THAT IS LIKELY TO OCCUR....

I will share a story I had on Nemeiben Lake in Northern Sask. at location 55 22 50N 105 26 41W.

I was staying at lodge with my family (wife and three kids) and we met another couple with two kids. We all got along and decided to venture out to a beach where we could have a dual family picnic.

The Weather forecast for the day (PUBLIC forecast) was for mainly sunny and winds increasing to south 20km/h by afternoon....... Knowing that this was a PUBLIC forecast and not a LAKE/MARINE forecast... I knew that the winds would be stronger over the lake likely by a factor of 50%. not to mention they were from the south which allowed for the waves to build-up down the length of the lake.. so I was expecting winds of 30KM/H over the lake which would create 3' waves where we were going.

We ventured out to the nice beach, no problems getting there, sunny conditions, not a cloud in the sky, winds were 10km from the south and waves were 1 ' at most. Had our picnic and were enjoying the day when I noticed the winds had increased to about 30km/h as I expected but a band a mid level cloud was also moving in from the south... the clouds were thin and high up so the clouds didn't pose a threat but the the clouds themselves indicated to me an area of instability on the atmosphere... as the clouds approached the winds began to gust and of course the waves got BIG... the other family got worried and wanted to leave NOW... I tried to convince them to wait until the band of cloud drifted by at which time the gusts would subside and the waves would decrease .... but who am I... just a dumb weather guy who knows nothing right... they went out in their 16' tinny with two kids.

I didn't want to risk my families life as I knew better, so I waited it out... 30 min later... the band of cloud moved past, the instability subsided as did the wind gusts and waves flattened out to a tolerable height.

I loaded the family into my boat started back to the lodge..... about 1/4 of the way... I come around a bend and I see the other family still bailing out their boat, the kids are crying and all four of them are drenched from head to toe... lucky to still be alive AND in the boat.... albeit "BARELY".

There are MANY lessons that can be learned here and with all these stories... the main lesson I think is EDUCATE yourself on weather forecasts, where they come from, where to get them(the proper one), How to interpret them and how to apply common sense in minimizing risk.
Last edited by plncrzy on Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fish and hunt »

Interesting thread as almost all of us have a story to share.

My story happened 6 or 7 years ago on opening weekend of bass at devils elbow between the rideau canal and dog lake. This is a sharp s curved narrow spot that is riddled with shoals and deadheads. I was 15 or 16 with with my dad and one of his friends. I was driving my dads fish and ski bass boat at about 4omph when we cam into the elbow. I was fairly young, but experienced enough to know the correct line to travel through the elbow. I was not exoerienced enough to know that i should decrease my speed a bit or at least trim the motor down some. As I started the second turn to the left the prop came out of the water and the boat turned 90 degrees straight at shore which was a mere 20 yards away. I dont kow how i got the throttle back quick enough but we came to a stop just in time with my dad on the floor beside me and his body on the floor in the back. Nothing was said as we all knew that I had made an obvious mistake. We joked about it later that day, and to this day we still laugh when each of them tells the story of how they were just about to tell me i should ease up on the throttle. Its funny now, but i know all three of us thought we would need a change of pants at the time.
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Post by rodbreaker »

4 foot rolling sweels on the Ottawa last Oct in my little 16foot side console.Wave after wave over the bow filling my boat and still very far from the launch.Bilge pumps running overtime,i thought i was going down for sure!
Did i mention i hate wind :lol:
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Post by tombiosis »

great thread!
here's one that could have won me a Darwin award...
I was relaxin at my sisters cottage, floating around the bay on a ski tube. Nice and sunny and hot, but a bit breezy...
I remembered that earlier that morning I had lost my new walleye crankbait right off the point by her cottage....hmmmm, maybe I should grab the scuba mask and snorkel and float over there to see if I could find the lure...
so I grab the mask and snorkel, and 1 canoe paddle, jump back on the tube and start leisurely paddling out to the point.
So the wind is gusty, and I'm trying to paddle a round tube while kneeling on it, so I ain't makin' much headway, and my arms are getting tired! I position the tube beyond the snag spot, so the wind will blow me over it for a looksee...I slap on the mask and snorkel, lie on my tummy, stick my face in the water and...there it is! my new lure! about 12 feet down! No time to rest...just get it now or you'll never find it again! So I slide into the lake and swim down, grab the crankbait, and pop back up, totally out of breath.
Now the tube is about 15 yards away, drifting in the breeze, and shore is about 30 yards away. I decide to swim for the tube, lure in one hand and mask in the other. I finally made it, but I almost drowned within 40 yards of the dock, all for an 8$ lure!
Not too swift hunh?
My gf comes down to the dock and wonders why I'm so out of breath...?
oh nothing, I say...
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Post by nips »

6 foot swells on the larry, i have spent a lot of time out there and I have never seen it like it was that day a few years back. In a 14 ft fibreglass with a 25hp on it, had to run close to shore, we would of been sunk if we were in the channel
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Post by marc Thorpe »

Got put through my boats windshield by a water spout,sept 2 2005
Bloody thing drop right down me
It shook me hard,I really dont fear much but water spouts are bloody scary

Lightning came close a few times,rods laying on the bottom of the boat and humming,hair on end.
Had one incident in Grenville on the Ottawa,used to be a tree on shore we were just off the peer in the boat ,when it struck the tree,we could not hear a things for 10 minutes because of the ringing

Looks like allot of folks have had Hairy Moments,
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Post by F7Firecat »

Has these form last summer in Port Maitland on Erie in a matter of minutes while coming in from a beautiful day of fishing, nicest day out there the whole summer.

We ended up scooting in between the spouts on the right and the wall of water on the left. There was a lttile opening in the center and it was moving left to right. The opening was directly where Port Maitland was. I wasnt staying out there with those coming toward us and they were moving fast! Good thing it was calm, we were hammer down going in.

Not fun!


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Post by Bass Addict »

plncrzy wrote: 2. A forecast for location X does not mean its valid


Ya can say that again... :roll: :roll:

The weather is unpredictable...I Wonder why weatherman even exist to begin with... :? :? :? :? :?
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Post by plncrzy »

Bass Addict wrote:
plncrzy wrote: 2. A forecast for location X does not mean its valid


Ya can say that again... :roll: :roll:

The weather is unpredictable...I Wonder why weatherman even exist to begin with... :? :? :? :? :?
Yea I agree, there's no need for them at all.

Nothing like misquoting a guy ... your no better than most of the media BS ... ooops I meant BA... YOU'RE A REAL JE&K
Last edited by plncrzy on Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
"I wonder if other dogs think poodles
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Post by scuro »


This one slowly caught up to us up in Kesagami. We got to the dock just as she hit. As we rounded the bend and saw the lodge you could see a half dozen boats all scrambling to get to the docks before the storm hit. Those dockhands earn their pay!
Last edited by scuro on Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Out4trout »

That's a cool picture Scuro... "Motor don't fail me now!!!"
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Post by jellyfish »

creepy looking waterspout in Algonquin.....I didn't want to get too close but it was something to see...maybe 15-20 feet up in the air......yikes!!!!!!!...sorry no pics
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Post by CNs »

One time at band camp ...........
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Post by troutnmuskiehunter »

Fishing with BA last March for "MONSTER PIKE" on Thorne au lac Barnes :shock: :shock:.........But on a postive note......Kevin, BA and I will have a 1 year reunion of that trip up in Campbell's Bay this month!!! :wink: 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Eagle »

Dad, my son, and I were fishing on a blue sky day. A thunderstorm popped up suddenly and we headed for the ramp. Just after we passed a marina with a rock jetty we ran into the hail. Turned the boat to head back to the marina and with the visibility now decreased considerably, I miss judged where the opening of the jetty was. Just had enough time to turn the boat before we hit it. Got into an empty covered boat stall and compared bruises and determined who was bleeding the most. Still get nervous about being on the water with dark clouds looming on the horizon.

Will Rogers was right when he said if you don't like the weather in Oklahoma just wait 5 minutes. Couple weeks ago we had 70F weather on Friday, snowed the next two days, and back in the 60's the next.

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