spinnerbait frustration

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Spinner bait situation

Post by Streamtripper »

This is not the year to doubt your ability. The bite has been sporadic at best. If you are using a good bait casting rig and a decent spinner bait and throwing it in the strike zone you will catch fish. I think when you arent confident with your application you tend to sabotage your own tactic. This type of fishing is the first thing I'll do for aggressive fish before I hunker down and try something (everything) else.

Good luck and keep pluggin...
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Post by Mike M »

You might want to make sure the bait is tuned properly. I've found that when they get banged up a bit and run sideways instead of straight up and down, the bite drops off.
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Post by MTF »

One retrive that has been working for me is to burn it in and every so often stop let the bait sink for a second or two then burn again. They have been hitting it just as it begins to sink.
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Post by NorthAMfishing »

I toss spinnerbaits as much as the next guy. I use them as a tool to tell me what there mood is. Sometimes you can't miss and there all over it. I've been tossing the exact spinnerbait as my fishing partner and they out fish me and vise versa. Can't really explain it, just how it works out sometimes. Most people I talk to at shows and in my travels think that tossing spinnerbaits is a blind method of fishing and you are just casting it everywhere and hope for the best. Hey don't get me wrong sometimes that works. I really think the best way to fish a spinnerbait is to be in contact with subsurface cover as much as you can. I tend to use a lot heavier spinnerbaits to keep my spinnerbait ticking the tops of weeds and even right in them. With a good rod and line you can tell if your spinnerbait has weeds on it, a couple quick snaps will get them off. A lot of times that erratic action triggers a follower to strike. If you have ever heard of helicoptering colorado spinnerbaits down into weed pockets or off rock ledges, there's a reason for it. It's where the big boys hang out. It's my opinion that smaller fish will beat the big ones to the punch when fishing a spinnerbait at a moderate to fast speed. most big fish are pretty lazy (talking bass here) especially largies. You can read tips and get all the advice you can get your hands on, but nothing will take the place of experience.
Frank | Laurin
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Corey Gaffney
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Spinnerbait fishing

Post by Corey Gaffney »

here's my 2 cents:

If your targeting largemouth with spinnerbaits, i like to try and make it simple and cover water with the stain in the water my favourite on the ottawa is a tandem willow ,colorado. Colour white with gold blades. I find gold gives off a better flash in the murky water now if you don't get those bright skyes you may have to change to a spinnerbait with painted blades. to get optimum drawing power. The beauty of a spinnerbait is that you can fish it anywhere at any depth so experiment until you get your first bite don't get stuck in the old cast reel retrive, sure anyone can throw a spinnerbait but not everyone can use it to it's true potential. I find on the ottawa if you just kill it when you come past a piece of cover a lot times that all it takes is a eratic stop. Some of my biggest bags in tournaments have come throwing spinnerbaits. Now on the flip side the ottawa holds a great population of smallmouth and at this time of year there probably your best bet there stocking up for the winter feeding on bait so what better lure to mimic the forage then a spinnerbait for smallmouth i usually try and move things faster knowing there more aggressive by nature but i try and keep my eye on water temp if it sinks below 55 I'd switch everything and throw a square billed crankbait or really slow roll it. In this case a double willow allows you to keep the bait in the strike zone, where as the other blades give the bait too much lift bringing it to the surface. again you can't beat gold blades but i lean towards a chartreuse skirt. hope this helps I truly enjoy throwing these baits and spent a lot of time fishing them you can't beat time on the water. but having the right rod and reel makes all the difference feel free to pm me if needed i can go on for hours.
take care

Corey Gaffney
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