6 bass limit

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Fishing 24/7
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Post by Fishing 24/7 »

WOW thanx GUYS for all the replies now im a smarter fisherman!!!

that guy who fishes all the bass and shoots his mouth dosent know anything anyways! Ill just mind my own buisness... or maybe ill spy on him chek were he lives and take pictures of hes freezer and show them all to you guys!!!! they must have freezer burns !:) but seriousely he must have it FULL to the top but WHATEVÙER thats another story!

thanx again
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Post by Fish'n'Time »


Yeah, Grandrivertard...that guy keeping more than his limit is really destroying everything. Tard. Yeah, I can hear you thinking from here, "well, if everybody did it...". Yeah, well, everybody doesn't keep their limit of bass. Everybody could. Nobody does. Who can't catch their bass limit?

So, settle down and don't bother following that guy to his house and calling MNR. Don't you have something better to do than be a bass vigilante? Pathetic. Remember its bass. No shortage, rule stickler.

PS That guy is me. Now I know.
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Post by GrandRiverReaper »

Hi fish'n'tard,

How do you like being called a tard? Does it make you feel good being called a tard? Does it make you feel good to call someone a tard? What has happened in your life that makes you so angry?

Please keep it positive....I'm sure you've have something positive to add to this board. Your days are numbered on this forum so use them for something constructive or don't show up at all.

By the way, bass are an important part of our rivers and lake. My honey holes are being destroyed because people are taking two times their limit and are so small that they've got less than half a fillet on them. Think about it.

keep it reel,

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Post by Fish'n'Time »


You lie.
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