5+ lb Club - Accurate Weights

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Post by BBRich »

Remember muscle weighs a lot more than fat as well. Justin your fish are fat pigs, but down here we get them long and lean and they weigh more per inch.
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Post by steve-hamilton »

kuno, lets see your pics.

with the pics could you please post how you caught them, what you caught them on, and how you plan on catching them again (in different conditions).


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Post by Rider23 »

Remarks from losers like kunobasski are what make the good posters on this site leave.

It's a sad sad way to be. Log in under your real name kunobasski don't hide
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Post by Wallyboss »

He signed his name at the bottom Rider!!!!!
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A suggestion

Post by kunobasski »

That guy was so quick to jump down my throat, he could not even get to the bottom of the page hahaha!!!
Its Trevor Kunopaski....Aka big loser?

And to Steve H, I would be glad to send some pics, My more computer literate friend is helping me scan a few pics so I can "show em off".
No doubt that I well be ripped a new A hole for doing it, but what ever.

Oh yeah, ya know I have never posted on this site. I respected it for all the usefull communication and friendly posts. I have kept my garbage to other pages where the anglers are mostly tournament guys and I compete against them every week. So i get to say my peice then back it up on the water. Case closed.

This is not the site for that kinda crap, keep it ego pollution free.
Trevor Kunopaski
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Post by steve-hamilton »

i could care less what they look like....personally.

however, if your gonna rip justin a new bunghole, i'd like to see you back it up....and i dont mean with big fish.

if you notice, justin posts HOW he caught the fish, on WHAT he caught the fish on, what situations he was under when he caught the fish, and how he plans on attacking it in the future/what he would do differently in the future....

THAT is how an angler learns .... i couldn't care less if he even posted the bass....he is one of the VERY FEW anglers who dont just post a bass for braggin rights (like 99% of internet anglers) ....

Further, he takes the pictures of the fish coming out of the water, so you actually SEE what bait he caught them on, rather than catching the fish on 'whatever' bait, taking the lure off, putting on a sponsered lure, and hanging it off the fishes yap, making it APPEAR like he caught it on a sponser's lure....we all know enough internet anglers who do that as it is....

I'll say it again, before you rip hoffman MAKE SURE you can back it up...and as i said, it better not just be with big bass pictures....cause we can all catch big bass. (if we work at it)
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Its just to easy!!

Post by kunobasski »

Oh man, Too good....
How do you want me to back that up? You want me to say what I caught a fish on.....Can't...its a BIG secret...only the guys "in the Know"are privy to that kind of info.....HAHAH!!

I have not even posted a pic yet and your lippin HAHAHA!!!!

Honestly, your to funny. Possibly ill, so I won't go there.

Take care gents...AS i have been very polite due to my respect for this board and the readers, if you want any of the garbage...you'll have to go to another board....

P.S. the funny thing is, I have a wall at home that has nothing but pictures of me accepting tournament cheques and holding big fat bass.....
they compliment each other so well....its almost like 5 pounders and cash go together like 2 peas in a pod....

Take care lads HAHAHAAAAAA!!!

LOser Trevor
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Post by RJ »

I betcha Bobber never expected this 5 pounder club to cause this kinda stir.....but in a way it's been a good thing for the site.....there's more life to it this week than the past six months....which is a great thing for FH...

Reality is fellas....5 pounders don't grow on trees....lots of time on the water on our local prime waters may do it for you....MAY....Tournament Anglers like Trevor put loads of time on the water...they put a ton of time and money into it...and get rewarded for it more often than the rest of us....targetting one species all summer and fall pays dividends...so they obviously will come easier to them...and they deserve it for their commitment to tournament angling...I gave it up years ago myself....I just couldn't commit myself to one species...now I'm rambling.. :oops:

8 people on FH have entered a fish for the 5 pounder club...that speaks volumes as to the (sadly) scarcity of 5 pounders to weekend warriors like ourselves...until you've held one in your hand...a 3 looks like a 4 and a 4 a 5....we've all done it at one point...

I won't get into whether as to who's stretching it...I have my opinion as to who's stretching it, and yes...they are more than one or two IMO...but my opinion ain't worth crap....as either is anyone elses....digital scales are junk for the most part....and who is really going to buy a 100 dollar scale to weigh fish....(well other than carp guys)...but consider this...

Pictures can be tricky...consider this....

This fish was apprently weighed on a Berkley digital...at 7.7...no doubt a monster for Canadian waters...


Now....this is the same fish!....hard to believe...in this pic it looks like it's a debatable 5 pounds...never mind 7.7....


So is he lying?...I don't think so.....but had he only had the second pic...and said it was 7.7....he'd be ridiculed...by the way...that fish was 23 inches...

Here's another one for yas...for fun... :wink: ...my fishin buddy Gordo....has put a few good ones over the gunnel this summer...lookin at these 2 pics...do they look 2 ounces apart?...same scale...it's tough to say from pics at times...



A 5 here?.... :wink: Consider I'm 6' and 245... :oops:


To make this all go away.....a Hawg Club would be a better way to go....to some a Hawg is 3 and a half...to some it's 7....when in reality...when we hold up that next big bass....be thrilled with it....throw your pic in the Hawg Club....and be proud to do so.....cause in the end...it's just a number...


P.S. I have 2 5's to my name....and sadly...neither of them are in that pic above... :cry:
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Post by BBRich »

So is he lying?...I don't think so.....but had he only had the second pic...and said it was 7.7....he'd be ridiculed...by the way...that fish was 23 inches...
I can guarantee ya he isn't lying! I was there!

It's amazing how far less impressive a big bass is after you've caught musky. :lol:
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Post by taylor »

Thanks for vouching BBRich. Your paddleboat lunker secures any doubts any us may be struggling with. :lol:
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Post by taylor »

RJ, very impressive smallies. :shock:
Last edited by taylor on Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BBRich »

taylor wrote:Thanks for vouching BBRich. Your paddleboat lunker secures any doubts any us may be struggling with. :lol:
Your non-existent 5 pounder really impressed me!
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Post by taylor »

Take it easy there champ. Last I looked, we've posted the same number of 5 pounders. :lol:
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Post by BBRich »

Okay. :roll:

Reasons to lie in the nickle + club:

To win a prize? Hmm nope doesnt apply..
Because I'm so proud of a trophy 5lb fish? Hahahahaha...
To show off proper scale and photography techniques? Nope I think Justin covered that already.

Hmmm yes definitely lying :roll:
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