Newboro L with Trev, and Gambler Steve!

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Newboro L with Trev, and Gambler Steve!


Well this will be winded, and pics are to follow, that are a sure not miss!!

Got an e-mail from Trevor on Friday, askin if I wanted to fill a seat on a "Pre-fish" on Sunday? Ummmmmmmmmmm..............YA!!!!!

So met 6am, a timmies stop, and flyin with "The Gambler" in tow(Thats Steve's boat if anyone didnt know.)

On the water, for my 1st ever encounter with a motor and boat that will haul 3 guys, prob 25 rods, full lunches, tackle, and well everything @ 75 MPH

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Well the 1st layer of paint peeled of my face we begin to fish.......Nothin for a lonnnnnnnng while, and Trev rips into a snot rocket pike :? Its been a few yrs since Ive had the pleasure of this water body, and man how I missed er :P

Alot of run and gun to locate fish, but by 11:30 am we hadnt found nothin :shock: This sint lookin good.......Trev, and Steve are thinkin, that im thinkin "Heck these guys are chumps :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Bring me fishin and no fish :lol: "Well Steve soon after puts a 2lber into the boat.Followed By Trev with a 2lber :D Turnin on maybe?????1/2 hr later FF locks into bout a 1.5lber, followed shortly by a lost high 2lber by boat side :evil: Well then Steve decides he will get a few high 2's and a big 3 to counter :shock: Trev decides ok ok my turn..........Locks a decent 2lber, afew smaller ones, and then BANG A solid 5'er right at the boat."Well Kev, that was a 5'er" :lol: So I lock into a few smaller fish, and always on the move.We hit spot after spot, and then anarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!Back to back Steve and Trev land high 4's if not 5's :shock: :shock: :shock: Welllllllll this is madness about 6 fish come over the gunnell :!:

So we decide we have one more spot to hit, and right away Steve gets to good smallies to follow in, didnt get em on the next few, so we moved on with the electric.

Well we are comin close to callin a day, when Trev hits her............OHHHHH BIG FISH BIG FISH!!!!Trev has this over the gunnel andf to my and our eyes we said, thats how you cap a day!!!!!We measured a 21" lagie with a belly that was fit for a porterhouse steak!!!

So they say there is no big fish to be had in Newboro L............

Steve has a few pics of well he can name them :lol: :lol: (Yes we named them Hee Hee, and well deserving of names)

Throughout this whole day, I am a novice angler when it comes to bass, I didnt care if I caught fish, I wanted to learn a few things, and when they noticed that was why I was there, Trev says here is the whole front deck to yourself, Steve and I are going to teach you what ever you want, while you fish, we watch :shock: I was lost.......Knowledge was given, and man do I ever appreciate all of it!!!!!!!!

I owe HUGE thx to both Steve, and Trevor for not only a sunburn, a bruised side(Form missed hooksets :lol:) knowledge, and nonstop laughter all day!!!!

I owe ya guys, and remember Steve, Fall run brother, payback time

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Last edited by FLOATFISHIN on Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I'm sorry

Post by Guest »

I'm sorry it wasn't one of those legendary 150 fish days but 20 lbs for 4 fish isn't bad either. There is an awful lot of shore line to eliminate but once you know what to look for it's not that hard. A good day was had by all, thanx for the company.
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Post by wolfe »

Ah, a day of bass fishing with people who know what they're doing. That must have been awesome.

Sounds great, FF. Glad ya got out there and had some fun...and a little bassin' education to boot. :D

Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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Post by Moosebunk »

Faaaaaaaaantastic Hombre.

Bassin' with the PRO's on Newboro. As I was reading that report i was wondering when the heck Kev gets a fish, but you know man, you're so right. One day on the water watching and listening to people with the know can be just as big a benefit and reward in the long run. Kinda makes me think ahead 'bout the floatfishing a bit. Superlative report sir float. 75 MPH too, that ain't half bad for an outboard, but it's still only half the speed I get kickin in the toob.

Ohhhh yeah

Later Chief Kickin-Wing.
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Post by GamblerSteve »

Well what can I say Kev the day started a little slow working on a couple of hours sleep.(DD driver for the wife's friend's stag) Picked up FF shortly after 6 and headed out to pick Trevor up. After an hour drive and getting FF all worked up about a great fish on Newboro hit 3 or 4 spots with nothing to show I was feeling bad. So after we hit a spot that we know has fish wanting to get FF on to some all small at first then someone must of let the BIG GIRLS out for a little fun. Got 2 we figure a good high 4 and possiblely a 5 lost at the side of the boat. So we leave still trying to get FF on to a big one but it ended up being me and I remembered that I brought the camera. We named this one "[/b]THE DUKER"
Then it was Trevor's turn. We named this one "
So I sat down got FF up to the front hoping to get him into one of these whle I was looking at the map it wasn't to be. So we lefted to check out a spot nothing until this. Some one must of put some Mexcian Bass into Newboro because I haven't seen a bass built like this one. Because at the pace this one is eating he is going to be EL GRANDE! So we named her "
So sorry FF we couldn't get you one but had a great day not sure if we have sun burn or wind burn from all the driving around. Any time you want to come out your more than welcome and hopefully it will be your day next time. Here's hoping that these from that Duke family will be back in our live-well in a couple of weeks for the tourney.

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Post by ganman »

I think the bass in that lake are very well fed. In the evening there are bait boils everywhere.
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Post by Snag »

Awesome report!!!!!!! Definetly a good day of bass fishing!!!

I was driving east on the 417 when i noticed this beautiful bass boat... then as i came closer, it looked familiar. I looked in the truck pulling it and it was Steve and Float. You guys were just getting off at Pinecrest I believe, and I didn't quite get your attention.
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Post by Mike Lennox »

nice report guys! After all those fish ff talked about i think i have my money on u and trevor to win the torney. 20 lbs for 4 bass is amazing
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Post by Pints »

Great job. Nice pics and fantastic fish. Certainly beats anything I've caught in Dow's Lake yet :lol:
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Post by Cracker »

Wow! Fun day out with the pros! Glad you had fun, FF! :)
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Post by nighttroller »

Awesome day, hope you saved some for next Saturday :) !
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Newboro Action

Post by Seaweed »

Got to pre-fish Newboro today

Found a pattern that was sticking.... lets hope it still works in another week when we fish it in the Renegade tournament.

Personal best bass of the year weighing in at 4.9lbs.


Now can I find them with my tournament shirt on? :?
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Post by BENLEGER »

I'm heading tomorrow for 3 days, i sure hope ill get a pattern going, first time there and i'm looking forward to it.

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