Back From Heaven....Niagara!

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Back From Heaven....Niagara!

Post by RJ »

Well we are home safe and sound.... :)

As you've all seen in the past few days how our trip this point I'm speechless.....MM and I yakked about it the hour we had to wait at the airport....even though neither one of us could keep our eyes open.... :lol: ....8 hours sleep in 3 days will do that to ya....

Markus gave you all a great run down on the fishing...I'll throw a few side stories and highlights of the trip......I snapped a bunch of pics too.... :)

Day 1.....I've always thought how nice it would be to be picked up at the airport by a limo....well that thought changed on Tuesday....we walk out the door of the airport to find Markus waiting for us with the boat in tow... :D :D :D ....Day 1 was the trial run for MM and I....just a little warmup... :wink:

Here's Markus dropping the Striper in...


We ran in Heatmeister and he said the lakers were hot out on the Bar....but warned us about the Duck Hunters from the US side shooting all over the place.... :shock: ...we didn't think much of it at the time..... :lol: ....2 Nice Rainbows were the catch of the 2 hour journey...made for a nice supper for the 3 of us.... :P

Day 2....Wakeup call at 5.....Venison Sausage and Bagels and we are off....right out to the Bar we head.....upon arriving we hear shot gun blast after shotgun blast.... :shock: hunters....all over the place! amongst people fishing.... :shock: ....driving their boats around....TROLLING decoys behind the boat.....4 guys firing shotguns at once.....while moving around......and not firing up at birds....but horizontally... :shock: ....they were far enough away from us....but it looked really up the Jeff Foxworthy jokes now.... :lol: :lol: ....MM and Markus being avid hunters as well were in shock by this practice....

So the day went awesome for us.....we were giggling like school girls....30 lakers....smallest being in the 8 pound range.... :shock: ...we couldn't beleive it....we were only using our bass gear to handle these fish.....10 pound test line....and the drags were singing!....a ton of fun for sure!

Do these boys look like they are havin fun???.. :lol: :lol:


On our way back in the Ol Johnson was actin up again....something we expected.....we got her all the way to the dock...well not quite...about 2 feet short of the dock....and she quit....and the River....She Flows!....and away we went... :lol:.....we flagged down the Border Control guys to give us a hand.....


We headed home with the plans of being back at daybreak the next day...

Upon arriving back at Markus' place Alison (Pink Lady) had made supper for us.... :D ...great meal too!....after being on the water for 8 hours living on wet cookies that Kim had made for went down great!... :lol:

We had a little Poker game after dinner....PL and I split Mark's money up... :P ....that was about the only thing he didn't have the horseshoe in place for... :shock:

After a thank you to Alison for everything, MM and I hit the hay...Bedtime at 12:15 AM.....with a wakeup call of 4 Am.... :D :D :D

Day 3....4 AM Wakeup Call....and away we go....

At the launch in the dark... :D ...we can hear the gunshots already.... :? ....we make our way out to the Bar...just come off plane....and we are pelted by gunshot... :shock: :shock: :shock: :evil: :evil: :evil: no ducks in sight almost seemed on purpose!....we see who did first we kinda laughed.....then we got pee pee.....deciding that rushing over to 5 guys in a boat with shotguns was a bad idea....we let the coast guard handle it.... :wink: ....they were discussing it with them for awhile.....what happened to them?....we don't update would be nice.....they came back and took a statement....whatever comes of it...something does have to be done down there......someone is gonna get killed....

After the dust settled on that situation.....we started hitting the lakers hard!.....35 for the day......many doubles...the average size seemed to be up today....from about 10 to about 12.... :D

You know it's incredible fishing when you don't want to net your fish because it may slow you down in getting your line back down.... :shock: 12 pound range lakers were like 2 pound bass.....get off my line please....I want a bigger one!....serious.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

That area is an incredible fishery....but it isn't for the faint of heart....Wednesday we were in 4 and 5 foot rollers.....just staying on your feet was a chore....14 and 16 foot boats on most days are not able to handle that's hard core fishing....but worth it!

As I sit here now....I can honestly say that is the best 2 days of fishing I've ever been a part of.....the company was great....these guys are as hardcore as they get....not a peep out of any of us....except for maybe having to take a leak like Seabiscuit but couldn't for fear of going overboard... :lol: :lol: ....we worked great as a team....and had a blast!

Thanks a million to Markus and his family...for putting up with MM and I for the 3 days....and letting us have Mark/Dad for the time as well....MM for the laughs.....we were in stitches all the time.....2 hour drives there and back everyday....and not 5 minutes of silence..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love the Bar!....and I don't Drink!.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Final Pic......Coming home today.....


Over and Out....a very tired....RJ
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RJ, mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, what a report bro!!!!!!!The pics, olny to be served up with that report, has just made my grin go from ear to ear!!!!!On a side note, glad to hear no harm came to you guys, and hope the Coast guards made swift action to the boat :evil:

Lost for words, and Roxy is too :shock: I have had the pleasure of a day with both MM, and RJ, and lemme tell ya!!!Toss Markus into that mix I dont think I could stand for the laughs that must have been had guys! :D

Awsome awsome awsome bro's!!!!!!!!!

Glad you guys are home safe!

F.F :D
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Post by Gord »

Awesome report, RJ! I can't beleive those hunters though!! I hope the coast guard fined their asses off!!! :x :x
Last edited by Gord on Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bucketmouth »

Awesome report RJ! Looks like you guys had a blast :lol: No pun intended.

BANG BANG BANG! DUCK Markus! Not Duck, I mean GET DOWN!! Gun-toting yankees, classic!
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Post by Canadian Bacon »

Next time out make sure you have your bullet proof vests on....maybe riot gear!
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Post by wolfe »

I had fun reading your report, RJ, and could still feel your excitement over what sounds like a great time. The pics were great; also have been viewing Markus' pics. Those lakers are beautiful, solid looking fish.

That's pretty scary, though, about the duck hunters. Hope those fellows got into some real trouble...

Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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Post by Wall-I-Guy »

Well done, great report RJ :!: Nice to hear you had a blast :!:

Ask my wife about hunters and fishing, her Uncle was killed while fishing during duck hunting season :( ...

Something to keep in mind when out that time of year for sure :!:
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Post by SALMON »

:D fantastic fishing..not good about ducking shot..
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Post by fishforfun »

3 days of great fishing guys, well done. Markus another tow? RJ hunters can be red neck from either side of the border :x
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Post by Markus »

Just to get the photo's all in one thread, here's a few of them...

Image Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image

Awesome! 65 lakers, 2 bows, and 1 release boatside. :oops: :lol:
Last edited by Markus on Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Paya »

Nice report and pics.Glad you guys had a great time.
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Post by JP »

Great report RJ and amazing pics. Now I'm jealous :? :lol: . I have heard of people being shot at, but man, that's crazy. What ever came of sharing the water. Just wondering, was it coming from the US or canadian side?

Glad to hear you're back before the derby begins :lol: :lol: .
See u on the water.
Smile, It's a good day on the water!!
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Post by Hoss »

Great report guys..........65 lakers :shock: :shock: :shock: ...Must have been a riot especially on light gear. One of these days I'll get down there for those lakers.........sounds awesome.

Ya did the right thing letting the Border Patrol take care of things.........Don't ever bring a fishing pole to a gun fight...I hope they got proper crap for that kind of nonsense...........glad to hear everyone is ok.

Hey Markus do you guys troll down there, or drift, or anchor or what? I know you don't have an electric up front yet and was wondering what your best technique is.
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Post by M.T. Livewell »

Well told RJ. The meat to Markus' potatoes.
I love the fish story, but what I like best is the story within the story. And, knowing the lot of ya, I'd bet there are a few more side tales.

Way to go fellas. I'm just a little envious. That's a lot of great fish and a lot of great company. :D

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Post by heatmiser74 »

:D Way to go guys :!: :!: :!: I'm glad u guys did well. It's a pretty amazing fishery down there. One where u can fish year round for a variety of species. Who needs to go up north to catch numbers (& size) of lake trout, when we have probably one of the best Laker fisheries in the world right at most peoples doorstep. Just watch out for the Crazy American Duck Hunters :P . Again congratulations on a sucessful outing.
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