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My PB "bow", ...and a few others, ....June 18th

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:03 pm
by skooter
:D :D :D

Plan "A" .......This had been "brewing" for a week, ......had planned to hit Port Darlington on Sunday with Hoss, .....but after chatting with him saturday, ...and with the 50 k winds forecast, ....decided it wasn't worth the long haul up there to get blown off the lake..... :cry:

Plan "B" ......This started brewing after Plan "A" got "blown" out of the water, ......just stay at home and suck up the father's day thingy.... 8)

Plan "B" was actually well under way, ....soaking back some suds and watching the game, mail alarm went off, ......hmmmmmm(did I tell you I've been doing that a lot lately) :roll:

Turns out it was a new fella I had met briefly at Bronte earlier this year, ....Steve was just wondering what I was up to in the morning, ......

I relayed my exciting itinerary, :roll: .....and asked the obvious question...... :lol:

Several PM's, .....and a couple of hours later, .....Plan "C" was submitted, ......and reluctantly approved by the governess, was the eleventh hour, not much downtime tonite..... :shock:

I was up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 2:30, ....Okay, .....bushy tailed anyways, .....I wanted an early start as I had never been to this launch before and didn't want to be late..... :D

I took the boss's car to save some gas, ......the fact that the "air" worked in it.......did not influence my decision, .........much.... :lol:


Found the launch and Timmies, problemo :D

By the time I had brought the timmies, ....Steve had the boat wet and we're ready to roll..... :wink:

Water was like glass, much for the howling winds..... :twisted:

It's only a short cruise to the fishing grounds, ....I took the wheel and left the set up in Steve's capable hands..... :D

We never even got all the lines out and we had a fish on, was just a shaker, but that was a good sign......

"Steve, ....are we keeping any today?"

"Nope, .....not unless you want some skoot"

"Nah, ........but let's get a pic" ......PLUNK, SPLASH ...... "of it, .....never mind"

"Geeze, ....never thought, ....hope that's not the only one we get"

" too"

I go back to my driving, .....he goes back to setting up...... :)

Fish on.....!!!!


Another shaker......

Just get the camera turned on for the pic, .......PLUNK, SPLASH, ........

"Little poo poo jumped right out of my hands, ....hope we get another one"

" too"

I go back to my driving, ....he goes back to setting up.... 8)

Fish On......!!!!!

"Hey Steve, .....this one's got some weight to it....."

Does a couple of nice surface runs, ....and gone, .......this was on a cut bait rig, ....reel it in, ....head's still there, :D .....bait's still there, :D ......hook, :shock: .....not so much...... :cry:

"Geeze Skooter, must have been the knot, .....hope we get another one...."

" too"

I go back to my driving, ...again, .....chuckling a bit now, ....we're having a pretty good day and not a pic to show for it, ....I need my "picture" high....

"So Steve, ....are you keeping track of this?, .....just in case"

"Let's see, ....two shakers, lost hook......"


Next thing ya know..... :shock:

Fish On......again!!!!!!

This time I'm taking no chances, .....I see it,'s gonna be shot.....


We've been out here well over an hour, ....and have yet to get a full spread out, .....but I finally have a pic..... :D :D :D :lol:

I think we eventually got all four rods down before this one hit.... 8)

She put up a good battle, ....and was the only one we kept, was bleeding like a stuffed pig, ....that's why I'm holding it over the side....


Steve barely got things set back up and another one fires....


I'm getting the pics now, .....awsome!!!!





This was our biggest king today, .....I believe it weighted in around 17 lbs..... :D


We caught it with about a half hour left on our scheduled time frame, .....Steve had some commitments for this afternoon and I told him we could head in now if he wanted, day had already been made.... :wink:

He insisted we try to get me a big one too..... 8)

Just about the time we're ready to pull and motor, .....the rigger pops.....and I'm on it.... :shock:

This puppy must have hit the bait and crossed just about every line behind the boat , ....the other rigger fired about 10 seconds after the first one, ....thought we had a double header to finish the day, might have been, ....but when I started seeing the other lines coming up with mine, :shock: ......what a pile of spagetti.... :cry:

Luckily none of them knoted right up around mine, ....and Steve did his best to untangle them while I just kept the tension on the line, was a lost cause, .....even a spagetti vender couldn't straighten that mess out..... :?

Still managed to keep the fish on though, ....and when we saw it, ....I realized we might still have a chance at it...... :o

I thought it was a laker, ....but lakers don't usually fight like that, ...... :?

Steve took a look over the side, :shock: ......."$hit, ....that's a bow" :D

Long story short, day was made about three times over when he managed to slip the net under this one.....My "PB" bow, a "large" margin, ......Thanks BUD..... :wink:


She weighed in at a little over 16 lbs, ....and 33" long


It was released to swim another day..... :D


We were done and heading for home...... 8)

It was just an awsome day out there, .....I think we only managed to get a full spread out a couple of times, ......the conversation may have slowed things a bit, :lol: .....but good fun from the word go..... :D

Our final tally was 10 for 11 with a knock off, ......good for a full day of fishing, ....never mind half a day... 8) 8)

It's always great to find a new friend on the water, .........Well, .....Steve has certainly got my attention..... :D :D :D :D

You can call me anytime bud.......... :wink:


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:08 pm
by halter
Nice bunch of fish and a good day out. :)
I like your German jersey too. Hope they win the world cup.


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:15 am
by Bassmaster
Looks like it was a great day out there Skooter.... :D

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:09 am
by BBRich
Congrats on the great day and the new PB!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:18 am
by crash
A new PB congrats Skooter. Gee fish hitting the rods before you can get a full spread out :lol: now that makes a fun day.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:09 pm
wow skooter!

very nice report and a great outing for sure!

love reading your posts :D :D


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:16 pm
:D Congrats on the!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:44 pm
by wolfe
Quite a nice bunch of fish and then the icing on the cake: a beautiful PB 'bow.

Great day out, Skooter!


Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:59 pm
by Tip-up
Skoot, this amazing read has just made my day :o

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:09 pm
by Sherriff
Wow, great day out and a PB too.


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:32 am
by Bobber
Excellent read. Great story, thanks for sharing. Those are some beautiful fish.